Penn State Biomass Energy Center Environment and Natural Resources Institute Penn State Institutes of the Environment Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences Materials Research Institute Energy Institute Hydrogen Energy Center Pennsylvania Transportation Institute Schatz Center of Tree Molecular Genetics Center for Metallobiochemistry Center for Microbial Structural Biology USDA-ARS Pasture Systems and Watershed Mangement Unit
Biomass Energy Center Biomass Feedstock Production Biomass Conversion Sustainable Bioenergy Systems Technology Transfer
Biomass Feedstock Production Crop Production Harvest technology Storage and Treatment Plant Biotechnology
The Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Genetics John Carlson Alternative biomass energy tree crops Functional genomics in Poplar Genomic resources for woody plants Gene expression and biotechnology in woody plants
Modification of Lignin Synthesis John Carlson and Ming Tien Create plants with elevated tyrosine-rich proteins in cell wall. Replace lignin-lignin linkages with lignin peptide linkages Facilitate lignin removal with proteases
Modification of Cell Wall Linkages Marcia Buanafina Manipulate the phenolic acid content and degradability of grass cell-walls by targeted expression of a ferulic acid esterase gene IVDMD % Plant Number
Fungal Degradation of Lignocellulose Ming Tien Proteomic and transcriptome analysis of fungal enzymes involved in degradation of wood SEM of fungus grown on wood Phanerochaete chrysosporium 2-D gel of extracellular fungal enzymes
Expansin synergies with Cellulases Dan Cosgrove Expansin, a plant growth protein, increases the rate and efficacy of cell wall degrading enzymes 1.0 0.9 Avicel (microcrystalline cellulose) 0.8 0.7 Reducing sugars Tr. cellulase & b-expansin 0.6 410nm A 0.5 Tr. cellulase alone 0.4 0.3 b -expansin alone or no protein 0.2 0.1 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Time (hrs)
Integrating Pretreatment with Storage Tom Richard Implement biocatalysis during ensiled storage Recover organic acids and fermentable sugars Reduce pretreatment severity, minimizing energy and chemical inputs and costs
Transgenic Plants for Bio-oils Wayne Curtis Genetically Engineered Bacteria Genetically Engineered Plant Virus Novel Gene Genetically Engineered Plant Tissue Culture Bio-oils, etc.
Advances in Photosynthesis Don Bryant, John Golbeck, Tom Mallouk Structure, function, and bioassembly of Photosystem 1 Artificial Photosynthesis
Biomass Conversion to Energy Combustion and gasification Biodiesel and Bio-oils Microbial fuel cells Biohydrogen Anaerobic digestion Ethanol (from grain) Bioethanol (cellulosic) Integrated Biorefineries
Biomass Gasification Sharon Falcone Miller Gasification for syngas production Maximizing hydrogen yield
Advanced Biodiesel Production Joe Perez, Jack Matson, Frank Higdon Continuous processing Solid-phase catalysts Substituting ethanol for methanol
Biofuel Combustion and Emissions André Boehman Biodiesel engine testing Emissions monitoring Particulate filter regeneration
Anaerobic Microbiology J. Greg Ferry Biomethanation Syngas fermentation CO2 sequestration In-situ coal bed methanation Carbonic anhydrase CO2 + H2O HCO3ˉ + H+ M. acetivorans 8CO + 4H2O CH4 + CH3COOH + 5CO2
Coupling Waste Treatment with Bioenergy Jay Regan and Bruce Logan Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cells Fermentative Hydrogen Production Cellulose Conversion to Electricity A B C
Protein and Metabolic Engineering Pat Cirino and Costas Maranas Directed evolution Expression Parental DNA sequences Combinatorial Library active inactive Metabolic Pathway Engineering
Downstream Processing Andrew Zydney Development of new separation technologies specifically targeted to purification of biological products
Sustainable Bioenergy Systems Carbon Sequestration Nutrient Cycling Water Quality Policy and Social Issues Adler et al. 2006 Hasche et al. 2003
Farmer’s Perspectives on Bioenergy Crops Clare Hinrichs Questions farmers are asking: Will trade-offs be necessary between environmental benefits and economic growth? Who will invest in processing and biorefineries? What role will famers have in the coming ‘bioeconomy”? Will CRP and other governmental regulations/policies help facilitate switchgrass production for energy?
I-FARM Decision Support Tool Tom Richard
Outreach & Technology Transfer Cooperative Extension Applied Research and Demonstration Industrial Outreach Workforce Development