Cours de recyclage (Révision Glider-Sectors GSS&GSN Saison 2014 CLVV CLVV Radiotelephony Guide Cours de recyclage (Révision Glider-Sectors GSS&GSN Saison 2014 CLVV
Tel Numbers for ELLX Luxembourg Approach 4798-24013 Activate/Deactivate Glider-Sectors ELLX Briefing 4798-23010 Flight Plan filing ELLX Met Forecast 4798-27010 ATIS 4798-27300 Automatic Terminal Information System (134.75Mhz)
Topics Altimetry (necessary for precise position reporting) Airspace classes in Luxembourg Practical training
Glossary NM: The nautical mile is a unit of length corresponding to 1852 metres QNH: barometric pressure adjusted to sea level; in aviation used to indicate the altitude (of the aircraft) above Mean Sea Level. QNH setting which will cause the altimeter to read airfield elevation when on the airfield. In ISA temperature conditions the altimeter will read altitude above mean sea level in the vicinity of the airfield FL: A Flight Level is a standard nominal altitude of an aircraft, in hundreds of feet. This altitude is calculated from the International standard pressure of 1013 hPA, the average sea-level pressure, and therefore is not necessarily the same as the aircraft's true altitude either above mean sea level or above ground level. Ft: A foot (plural: feet) unit of vertical distance used in aviation the international foot is defined to be equal to exactly 0.3048 metres 1000 m is roughly equivalent to 3000 ft
Altimeters and atmospheric pressure variation The average atmospheric pressure at mean sea level is 1013 hPa and decreases with height above MSL by 1hPa by 28ft. Ex: Pressure at MSL= 1005 -> Pressure at 1000ft: 970 hPa (1000/28=35) This difference in pressure is used by altimeters to detect the altitude of the aircraft above this pressure . This pressure at MSL varies with time and location (960-1040 hPa) When using FL, the altimeter is calibrated on the standard pressure of 1013, independent of the real pressure
Les références altimétriques: rappel des définitions L’altimètre indique une hauteur par rapport à une surface isobare de référence selon l’algorythme de l’atmosphère standard.(IA) altitude FL (pressure altitude PA) height QFE 1013 hPa QNH /SL 1013 hPa
QNH > 1013 hPa pressure altitude PA ou FL 1013 indicated altitude serait PA+(QNH-1013) ×27 1013 hPa (QNH-1013) ×27 QNH > 1013 hPa
QNH < 1013 hPa pressure altitude PA ou FL 1013 indicated altitude serait PA+(QNH-1013) ×27 attention: on respecte la convention des signes: Si QNH < 1013 alors QNH – 1013 < 0 QNH < 1013 hPa (QNH-1013) ×27 1013 hPa
Transition altitude & Transition Level The Transition altitude (TA) is the altitude above sea level at which aircraft change from the use of altitude to the use of flight levels. In the Brussels FIR, the TA is 4500ft The Transition Level is the lowest flight level above the transition altitude. When descending below the transition level, the pilot starts to refer to altitude of the aircraft by setting the altimeter to the QNH for the region or airfield. The transition layer is the airspace between the transition altitude and the transition level.
Thumb rule for Glider pilots in our Airspace Luxembourg APP will select the first flight level above the isobaric surface corresponding to 5000 feet QNH as the transition level. The transition altitude being 4500 feet QNH, the thickness of the transition layer will therefore vary between 501 and 1000 feet. In Luxembourg the following transition levels are used in respect to the QNH: QNH Transition level 960 - 979,9 hPa 65 980 - 999,9 hPa 60 1000 - 1014,9 hPa 55 1015 - 1034,9 hPa 50 1035 - 1050 hPa 45 Thumb rule for Glider pilots in our Airspace Use QNH setting up to 5000ft Use FL (1013) setting above 5000ft
How to find out corresponding FL QNH<1013 FL = Altitude + diff QNH*30 Ex: QNH=1002 Altitude 5500ft + 330ft (11*30) = FL 5830 QNH >1013 FL = Altitude - diff QNH*30 Ex: QNH=1026 FL = 5500ft - 330ft (13*30) = FL 5270
Airspace Classes & Airspace Structure
The vertical airspace structure in Europe The upper airspace from FL245 to FL600 used for IFR traffic The lower airspace contains: AWY -> for IFR transit flights TMA -> to allow IFR traffic to proceed from the AWY to final Approach (and vice versa) CTR -> to protect IFR traffic from the TMA down to touchdown (and vice versa) Outside these areas, uncontrolled airspace for the use of VFR traffic Flight information service is provided for the whole airspace
Luxembourg Airspace A short introduction
CTR Luxembourg (D) AIP – AD2 5.2 GLIDER FLIGHTS ELUS located outside ELLX-CTR below TMA1A in airspace class ‘G’ CTR Luxembourg (D) AIP – AD2 5.2 GLIDER FLIGHTS Glider flights are prohibited.
The airspace situation, classification, service provided TMA1A above ELUS from 2500’ to FL165 - airspace class ‘D’
The airspace situation, classification, service provided TMA1B above northern part of Luxembourg from 3500’ to FL145 - airspace class ‘D’
The airspace situation, classification, service provided Class ‘ E’ airspace east of TMA1 (G), Class ‘D’ airspace south of TMA1(F) and west of TMA1 (B) up to FL95
The airspace situation, classification, service provided Class ‘ C’ airspace west of Luxembourg (B) from FL55 up to FL165
Airspace structure
Luxembourg Airspace Change Projection of the airspace on a geogrphical map The boundaries Marc Bosseler/ANA
Luxembourg Airspace Change The TMA1A-TMA1B Boundary TMA1A (lower limit 2500AMSL in the south) TMA1B (lower limit 3500AMSL in the north)
Luxembourg Airspace Change The TMA1A-TMA1B Boundary seen from the west TMA1A (lower limit 2500AMSL in the south (right)) TMA1B (lower limit 3500AMSL in the north (left))
The Airspace outside Luxembourg
Low Flying Area GOLF ONE (4500‘ –FL 55) Activation can be checked with the Brussels ACC Chief Controller (TEL : ++32 (2) 206 27 22) or Brussels FIC on FREQ 126.900 MHz
LOW FLYING AREA GOLF TWO SOUTH FL 55 / FL 75 When LOW FLYING AREA GOLF ONE is ACT and on request of the "Fédération des Clubs Francophones de Vol à Voile".
Glider sector South and Glider sector north, class « D » airspace concept
Glider sector south – the borders
Glider sector south – the borders GSN Tour
The glider sector north Excluded is the Noertrange paradrop area; gliders shall keep clear of this area
The glider sector concept During activation of the Glider sector(s) by Useldange Radio, the concerned sectors remain classified as “D” airspace including mandatory transponder carriage. Exception: Gliders and Motorgliders based at Useldange aerodrome operating below 5000’ are exempted from the mandatory transponder carriage and shall maintain a continuous two way listening watch with Useldange Radio (129.975 Mhz). During activation of the sector(s), no IFR traffic will be cleared into the activated sector(s) and the N852 AWY is not available between DIK and the Belgian-Luxembourg Border within the activated levels.
The glider sector concept All other (non Useldange airfield based) VFR traffic about to enter the active sector(s) provided with Flight Information Service by ELLX/APP will be informed that they are entering an active glider sector. No specific traffic information in respect of individual gliders flights will be provided within the sector(s) (Published in AIP) Gliders operating within the sector(s) will not be provided with traffic information concerning mutual glider or other VFR traffic VFR traffic at speeds exceeding 150kts will be advised by ATC to avoid the sector(s) if at all possible This LoA constitutes the clearance for the concerned gliders to enter the sectors when activated according the conditions hereunder.
Activation Procedure Useldange based gliders will squawk: 4472 When operating at 5000’ or above within the sector(s) When operating within Luxembourg airspace outside of the sector(s) or when the sectors are not active
The glider sector concept Transponder carriage and operation is compulsory for all Gliders operating at 5000’ or above. 5000’ QNH = 1500m QNH / 1200 QFE Altitudes of 5000’ (1500m QNH) or above are NOT available for gliders not XPDR equipped: LX-CLV Private non X-PDR Gliders When passing 4500’ (1350m QNH) in the climb, all Gliders will Squawk 4472 (Dedicated Squawk for Gliders in Luxembourg TMA) CLVV is responsible for training and briefing concerning all the elements of this agreement to all pilots using the sectors. This training has to be documented and traceable.
Activation Procedure The sectors will be activated on request of CLVV users (sector activation will be granted by ELLX APP depending of expected IFR traffic volume, commercial IFR traffic has priority over glider traffic) but will not be restricted to the glider activity. The Glider Sector South and Glider Sector North can be activated / deactivated independently. The Glider Sector South (GSS) will be activated when CLVV operates local circuits. GSS can be activated up to 3500’, 4500’ or FL55 depending on CLVV operational needs or ATC restrictions The Glider Sector North (GSN) will be activated when CLVV operates cross-country flights. GSS can be activated up to 4500’, FL55 or FL65 depending on CLVV operational needs or ATC restrictions
Activation Procedure Concept scenario 1: Useldange Radio is manned Activation: The Sectors will be activated by CLVV telephone via the published lines depending on approval of ELLX/APP. During the activation of the Useldange Glider Sectors: Useldange Radio shall be permanently manned and reachable via the published phone lines Useldange airfield based users operating within the sector(s) shall maintain continuous listening watch of Useldange Radio Useldange Radio provides aerodrome information concerning the airfield and assures continuous radio communication with gliders operating within the sector(s). Useldange Radio shall forward all relevant messages from ELLX/APP either by general broadcast or by dedicated call to specified aircraft.
Activation Procedure Concept scenario 1: Useldange Radio is manned All gliders shall verify the status of activation with Useldange Radio before entering the sectors Deactivation: The sectors will be deactivated by CLVV telephone via the published lines as soon as all users have left the sector or are advised of the deactivation.
Activation Procedure Concept scenario 2: Useldange Radio is NOT manned Activation of Useldange Glider Sector by airborne aircraft (limited to Useldange airfield based aircraft) The activation of the sector(s) by an (non XPDR equipped) airborne aircraft is limited to one aircraft at a time (except for formation flights). The pilot shall close the sectors as soon as (all) the aircraft(s) has left the sector (either vertical or lateral) The (activating) pilot of the aircraft is responsible for the status of the sector(s) and shall maintain continuous listening watch of ELLX/APP frequency. All other participating pilots of the formation will maintain continuous listening watch on Useldange frequency with the activating pilot on a 2nd box.
General use of the Luxembourg airspace by gliders outside Useldange Radio operating hours XPDR equipped aircraft should NOT activate Sector north when Useldange Radio is not manned Transponder equipped glider operating within Luxembourg airspace outside Useldange Radio operating hours should coordinate with LUX APP s follows: Departing gliders Before T/O at Useldange airfield by landline: activate Useldange Glider Sector South. After T/O establish radio contact with ELLX/APP and indicate when leaving sector south. The sector south will then be closed. Notify ELLX/APP when leaving Luxembourg TMA (either vertical or lateral).
The glider sector concept Concept scenario 1: Useldange Radio is NOT manned Arriving gliders Request clearance to enter Luxembourg TMA and indicate the maximum expected level and intentions. Notify ELLX/APP when leaving Luxembourg TMA (either vertical or lateral). Pilots shall maintain continuous listening watch of ELLX/APP. If the air work extends to an area outside of TMA1B and/or the area of Glider Sector South, a supplementary clearance shall be requested by the pilot.
Phraseology (Examples) Activation of Glider sector(s) by landline: - Useldange Radio, request activation of Glider Sector South up to FL55 - Useldange Radio, request activation of Glider Sector South up to 4500’ QNH 1021 Activation of Glider sector by airborne pilot - LX-xxx, overhead Useldange , request activation of Glider Sector South - LX-xxx, east of Luxembourg TMA , altitude 4500’ QNH1023, request activation glider sector north, maximum FL55 Clearance request by glider pilot (XPDR equipped) - LX-xxx, east of Luxembourg TMA , altitude 3800’ QNH1017, request to enter TMA1B for air work, maximum FL60 - LX-xxx, east of Luxembourg TMA , altitude 3800’ QNH1017, request to enter TMA1B for transit, maximum FL60 - LX-xxx, east of Luxembourg TMA , altitude 3800’ QNH1017, request to enter TMA1B for landing at Useldange, maximum FL60
Deactivation of Useldange Glider Sector by ELLX/APP ELLX/APP is entitled to deactivate the sector(s) whenever traffic situation or emergency situation so requires. Two deactivation concepts are available to ELLX/APP a) Deactivation due to Traffic prediction Whenever a deactivation of the sector(s) due to operational constrains is deemed necessary, ELLX/APP will issue a 20 Minutes pre-notification for the deactivation of the sector(s) to Useldange Radio by the published landlines. On ELLX/APP request all gliders and motorgliders operating within the sectors shall clear the “D” airspace. Useldange Radio will inform ELLX/APP as soon as all Gliders and Motorgliders have cleared the sector(s).
Deactivation of Useldange Glider Sector by ELLX/APP b) Emergency Deactivation Whenever an emergency situation arises (e.g. Go-Around procedure with RTF, immediate need of DIK Holding, other emergencies) ELLX/APP will issue a general broadcast on frequency 129.975 Mhz: “To all users of the Luxembourg Glider Sectors, this is Luxembourg Approach Control. Due to an emergency the Glider Sectors are closed with immediate effect. All Gliders have to clear the Glider Sectors by the most expeditious means (laterally or vertically)” Parallel to the broadcast ELLX/APP approach will contact Useldange Radio via landline to suspend all departures and coordinate the clearance of the sectors.
Basics of Radiotelephony Proper microphone technique Limit your use of the frequency to messages relating to the safety, navigation and general operation of your aircraft. Avoid personal conversations. Listen before transmitting to avoid interference. Plan the content of your message and keep it clear and brief, using standard phraseology as much as possible. Avoid long pauses, and avoid “hums”, “ahs” and the like. Speak directly into the microphone; pronounce your words clearly, at a moderate rate, and in a normal tone of voice. it is not acceptable to acknowledge transmissions by clicking the microphone
Basics of Radiotelephony Expressing numbers Numbers are expressed by stating each digit individually, but whole thousands can be grouped together with the word “thousand”, ex.: 297 = “two niner seven” 1304 = “one three zero four” 11000 = “one one thousand” If the number contains a decimal, the word “decimal” is included in the expression, ex.: 123.3 = “one two three decimal three” Altitudes are expressed in thousands and hundreds of feet (without saying the word “feet”), ex.: an altitude of 3800 feet = “three thousand eight hundred”
Basics of Radiotelephony Postion reports Lateral Postion: Report your position in respect of an aeronautical reference (aerodromes, airspace, Nav points (DIK,NTM,GESLO,GOPAS), Antennas) Ex: 5NM north of DIK Overhead Useldange 5 NM north of Useldange North-Eastern border of the Luxembourg TMA Western-Border of Luxembourg TMA 7 NM west of Noertrange 5 NM west of Dudelange Mast Avoid using Names of villages as far as possible Vertical Position: makes only sense when the pressure reference is given as well Below Transition altitude (4500ft) and within Transition layer : Altitude is reported in ft with indication of QNH used: Ex: “LX-CMN, Altitude is 4300 on QNH 1012 At and Above Transition Level the vertical position is reported according standard setting in Flight Level: (Altimeter set to 1013): Ex: “LX-UCL, Flight level 55”; or “LX-CLV, between FL55 and FL60(*)” Use steps of 500ft only When only 1 altimeter is available, memorize the difference between QNH & FL
Basics of Radiotelephony First Contact (1): The first contact has to be established by the pilot. Especially when no flight plan has been filed, the first call should be limited to the Callsign itself: The first call should be as short as possible Acft: Luxembourg Approach, this is (glider) LXCLS (how do you read) APP: - LX-CLS, (read you 5), go ahead - LX-CLS, (read you 5), pass your message - LX-CLS, read you 2, please check your radio - LX-CLS, stand-by, I call you back - Station calling Luxembourg Approach, say again, you are unreadable
Basics of Radiotelephony First Contact (2): After the controller has acknowledged the Callsign, he is interested in 3 main items: Type of aircraft (to be aware of the performance to be expected) & Position & Intentions ACFT: Glider L-LS is airborne, overhead Useldange, 2500’ on QNH 1023 (Position) request to climb to 4500’ within Useldange area (Intention) APP: Glider L-LS, VFR climb to 4500’ is approved Glider L-LS, climb to 4500’ is approved, remain in VMC Or ACFT: Glider LXCMN 8 Miles southwest of DIK, altitude 3000‘ on QNH 1009, request to proceed on a heading 050
Basics of Radiotelephony ACFT: LXCLS is airborne overhead Useldange, 2300‘ on QNH 1012 request to activate the Glider-Sector south (GSS) App: L-LS, that’s approved, GSS activated at time 1030, QNH is 1025”. ACFT: LXCMN 5NM north of Useldange, altitude 4500’ on QNH 1024, request to proceed north east to German airspace.” App: L-MN, that’s approved, report leaving Luxembourg airspace, QNH is 1025”. ACFT: LXCMN is leaving Luxembourg airspace, request to leave the Frequency.” App: L-MN, that’s approved, you may leave. ACFT: LXCOY is north of Useldange, altitude 2500ft on QNH 1014, request airwork in TMA1B maximum FL55 App: L-OY, that’s approved, have a lookout for southbound IFR traffic inbound DIK descending to FL70. ACFT: LXCMN 5NM west of Noertrange airfiled, northbound, reaching FL60 request further climb to FL70 App: L-MN, VFR climb is approved, maintain VMC. ACFT: D1731 1NM south of Hosingen Mast, descending below 3500’ for an off-field landing, request to leave frequency. App: D-31, that’s copied, do you request any assistance?
Basics of Radiotelephony ACFT: LXCLS is entering your TMA from the Northwest, FL55, request to proceed inbound ELUS for landing. App: L-LS is cleared to enter the TMA report descending below 3500’. ACFT: LXUCL at the Northern border of the GliderBox, altitude 4500ft, request to proceed to the north and request information on PARAdrop activity in Noertrange App: L-CL, the Paradroper is at FL135 overhead ELNT, ready to drop in 2 minutes, please stay clear of the area. Confirm your postion! ACFT: LXCLV at the Eastern border of your TMA, request to activate the Glider Sector North to proceed back to Useldange App: L-LV, that’s approved, report before landing
Basics of Radiotelephony Additional possible transmissions during the flight APP: Glider L-LS, traffic information, Boeing 737 at your 10 o’clock position, 4000’ , range 5NM, crossing from left to right ACFT: That’s copied, looking out for traffic LLS APP: L-LS, the 737 is now at you’re your 11 o’clock postion 3NM, report traffic in sight ACFT: L-LS is looking out bit still no visual contact. APP: L-LS, I suggest a left turn Heading 330 to avoid ACFT: L-LS turning to the left, 737 now in sight (visual contact with the 737). APP: Glider LX-CLV, are you transponder equipped ? ACFT: Negative, LMN is not transponder equipped. APP: Glider LX-COY, are you transponder equipped ? ACFT: Affirmative, LOY is transponder equipped. APP: Glider LX-COY, sqwak 4465 ? ACFT: L-OY copied, resetting 4472.