Classroom Information Mrs. Klumb Classroom Information Welcome to 4th Grade! 2017-2018
A web-based program allows teachers to track students’ behaviors easily and efficiently Based on points (can be earned or taken away, based on McKelvey’s Code of Conduct) McKelvey Dragons are caring, respectful, self-motivated, & responsible.) Provides many opportunities for your student to reflect on his/her behavior, celebrate their success, and set goals for improvement. Parents can check-in on student’s progress daily via computer or SmartPhone (please make sure you are connected to our class) Students can “cash in” when they hit an increment of points worthy of a reward. If you have questions about my decisions, do not hesitate to ask.
Homework Students have a take-home binder and assignment notebook. Please check both of these every night for assignments and important papers. Parents should sign the planner each evening to show you have seen it and your child has done their work. Monday/Wednesday- read from “just right” book for 25 minutes, write in reader’s notebook, complete math homework Tuesday/Thursday- read from any book of choice for 25 minutes and complete math homework Students may also be responsible for studying for an upcoming assessment.
Snacks and Water Bottles Your child is welcome to bring a nutritious snack every day. We eat lunch at 1:05 p.m. Due to food allergies, do not send food with peanut-related products. Be on the lookout for notes coming home regarding other allergies! Water bottles are highly encouraged.
New Food Policy & Birthdays In order to help protect the health and safety of our students with life-threatening food allergies and to contribute to the health and academic success of all students, the Parkway School District has adopted new district-wide Food Safety Expectations. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, all schools will promote these best practice guidelines: -Classrooms should be food-free whenever possible (students can continue to bring a daily snack for their own consumption). -Food may not be brought from home for sharing class-wide. -Birthday and holiday celebrations will not include food. -Food will not be used as a reward or motivator. -A permission letter will be sent home to parents and/or guardians if a situation arises where your child will be given food.
Birthdays We love celebrating birthdays/half birthdays in our classroom! Since food is no longer allowed to be brought for classmates, the birthday girl/boy will: sit in a special seat for the day be exempt from completing morning work bring 3-5 items to show the class that represents them (no electronics or pets) choose the brain breaks for the day Be allowed to bring in a small, non-edible treat for the class. Examples include: pencils, erasers, etc. This is not mandatory!!
Library We will be going to the library on Mondays at 9:25-10:10 during the 2nd and 4th week of the month. Students are allowed to check out 3-4 books at a time. Books should be returned or renewed in a timely manner. Students are responsible for any missing books.
A Day- PE B Day- Music C Day- PE D Day- Art Specials A Day- PE B Day- Music C Day- PE D Day- Art
Orchestra Students that participate in Orchestra will be responsible for bringing their instrument and binder on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Attendance Students may enter the building at 8:50 and school officially begins at 9:05. Please make sure your child is on- time. It is very important for your child to be at school. Many of the things we do at school are things your child will learn and be able to practice only by being present for the lesson. If your child must be absent due to illness or other reasons, please contact the main office. If your child is absent for multiple days, please contact me for work to be sent home to help keep them caught up.
Transportation If your child’s dismissal plan needs to change, contact me via ClassDojo, e-mail, or phone by 2:30 p.m. If you have not received a reply from me by 2:30 p.m., follow-up with the office to ensure your child gets home safely.
Field Trips -Safety Day- October 13th @ Bellerive (be on the lookout for more information!) - Geocaching and team building at Babler State Park - First State Capital and Lewis and Clark Museum in St. Charles
CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Reading, Writing, and Math… workshop format Reading Workshop Units: Interpreting Charters, Reading the Weather, Reading the World, Reading to Understand the Views, Values, and Cultures of Others, Reading History: The American Revolution, Historical Fictions Book Clubs, Understanding Mythology Writing Workshop- word work is embedded Units: The Arc of a Story: Writing Realistic Fiction, Personal and Persuasive Essays, Poetry, Bringing History to Life, Literary Essay: Writing about Fiction, Writing Historical Fiction Math Workshop~ pre/post assessments, flex grouping to meet specific needs, Benchmark assessments (taken 3 times a year, measures 4th grade growth) Units: Numbers, Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Multiplication and Division, Measurement and Data, The Four Operations, Fractions, Geometry
CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Science~ departmentalized Electricity (Klumb), Motion and Design (Boul), Plants and Animals (Beckman), Weather and Water (Reiss) Social Studies Early Settlement of MO, Westward Expansion, Slavery and Civil War, History of MO since Reconstruction, Government, Economy of MO
Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns, or just to chat about your child’s progress. I look forward to getting to know you and your child. Through open communication and working together, your student will have a great opportunity to succeed! Contact Information: Phone #-314.415.4526 (before/after school, 11:55-12:45 MWF) E-mail: Class Dojo Messenger: quickest way to get ahold of me.