ASCCC Curriculum Institute Course Substitution and Reciprocity – Local Degrees and Certificates, General Education, and ADTs ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 2016 Deanna Abma, City College of San Francisco Bernie Day, Foothill College Dave DeGroot, Allan Hancock College Tiffany Tran, Irvine Valley College Tiffany
How well do you tolerate ambiguity? This course substitution and reciprocity business is driving me crazy! Tiffany July 2016
Overview Definitions: Reciprocity & Course Substitution Certificates & Degrees General Education Patterns Associate Degree for Transfer – ADT’s Best Practices Tools of the Trade/Resources Tiffany July 2016
Reciprocity Merriam-Webster Dictionary: REC-I-PROC-I-TY (res-uh-pros-i-tee): noun. a situation or relationship in which two people or groups agree to do something similar for each other Colleges that adopt a reciprocity policy honor the ways in which courses are used at other community colleges when certifying course work taken at their college. Dave July 2016
Course Substitution A course substitution takes the place of a required course in a curriculum, provided it does not compromise the integrity of the course and/or program outcomes. Dave July 2016
Certificates & Degrees Reciprocity Typically based on course-to-course comparability with local discipline faculty deciding course substitution and/or reciprocity agreements. Now, C-ID designations trump local discipline decisions. Future: more CTE C-ID course descriptors. Dave July 2016
Accounting Certificate Allan Hancock Dave July 2016
Accounting Certificate Irvine Valley College Dave July 2016
C-ID Accounting Designators C-ID Prefix & Descriptor Title |College Prefix & Course Title ==== Allan Hancock College ==== ACCT 110 Financial Accounting |ACCT 130 Financial Accounting ACCT 120 Managerial Accounting|ACCT 140 Managerial Accounting ==== Irvine Valley College ==== ACCT 110 Financial Accounting |ACCT 1A Financial Accounting ACCT 120 Managerial Accounting |ACCT 1B Managerial Accounting Allan Hancock College must accept Irvine Valley’s ACCT 1A and 1B for their ACCT 130 and ACCT 140 and visa-versa. Dave July 2016
Bakersfield College: COMM B5 Rhetoric and Argumentation Would you consider any of these courses comparable to your COMSTD 72: Logic and Argumentation course? Bakersfield College: COMM B5 Rhetoric and Argumentation Copper Mountain College: SP 7 Decision-Making and Advocacy Berkeley City College: COMM 5 Persuasion and Critical Thinking Bernie Question: Does C-ID reciprocity policy apply to all application of the local C-ID course or just to the application in the ADT? Answer: All four courses are approved for C-ID COMM 120! July 2016
GE Reciprocity - Defined REC-I-PROC-I-TY (res-uh-pros-i-tee): noun. The relation or policy in [general education] dealings between [California community colleges] by which corresponding advantages or privileges are granted by each [college] to the [students] of the other. The Case for Reciprocity. ASCCC Rostrum (2010) Bernie July 2016
GE Reciprocity - Applied Local General Education Pattern Course-to-course comparability Regional reciprocity Honoring courses in other CCC GE pattern AP/CLEP/IB C-ID Bernie July 2016
GE Reciprocity – Applied (cont) IGETC and CSU GE Transfer Patterns Course-to-course comparability (not for CCC, but for private or out-of-state). CCC reciprocity established by UC/CSU. AP/CLEP/IB for CSU GE AP/IB for IGETC Bernie July 2016
Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) ASCCC Reciprocity Statement Deanna July 2016
Reciprocity Statement: Summary Pass along/accept courses as part of another college’s ADT that are deemed reasonable; Maintain local control for course substitutions; Where C-ID descriptors are not in place and/or where the substitution does not involve deeming two courses comparable, make informed course substitution decisions by the judgment of discipline faculty; Deanna Reminder: GE is also passed along. July 2016
Reciprocity Statement: Summary Ensure substitutions are consistent with the TMC parameters (some TMCs allow more flexibility in course substitutions than others); Apply external sources of credit: (e.g. AP, IB, CLEP) toward the GE and major. Use statewide documents and local policies for such determinations; and, Credit by Exam: Utilize existing local credit by exam policies. Deanna July 2016
Tools of the Trade C-ID ASSIST CCCCO TMC templates CCC Transfer Counselor Website CIAC course outline resources Articulation Officers Deanna There are resources to assist you! July 2016
Numerous tools & resources. Bookmark this page! ( Deanna
View all CCC courses approved for a C-ID descriptor. Deanna Effective date issue. At this point in time, it is advisable to accept the course because we don’t know that it was NOT approved. It simply could have been sitting in the queue. There is no official policy. Exercise discretion and flexible in the interest of students. Reference ASCCC reciprocity document. It is generally more difficult to pass along our local non-approved courses for ADTs than for local degrees.
C-ID Considerations Honor existing C-ID articulation Effective dates? C-ID approval Courses completed prior to C-ID process Pass along of non C-ID approved courses should be determined by local processes. Deanna July 2016
ASSIST also has C-ID approvals, but may not always be current. Bernie
Remember that effective dates for GE approval are noted on ASSIST! Bernie Note start and end dates. Remember that effective dates for GE approval are noted on ASSIST!
C-ID Click on the link for the Transfer Model Curriculum Bernie July 2016
TMC: Political Science Bernie
Flexibility Note the courses that are permissible. Bernie Political Science July 2016
The CCCCO web page has all the TMC templates. Dave Note: new templates!
TMC Template Dave Unfortunately, there are no archived versions of ADT templates. July 2016
TMC: Sociology Dave
CCC Transfer Counselor Website Dave Flexibility able to honor other colleges July 2016
CIAC Course Outlines on the Web Dave July 2016
Best Practices Establish Board policy Develop local policies that are consistent with mandate but flexible enough to support students. Regional Reciprocity Dave July 2016
Local Board Policy Example The district shall permit the waiver or substitution of courses required for completion of an associate degree or a program certificate, providing the district does not offer the required course on a regular basis and has a comparable course; or providing the student submits evidence that a course taken at another college is comparable to one required at Allan Hancock College. Dave July 2016
Local Policies: Example Bernie Pass out sample. Written in accordance with the Reciprocity Statement. Walk through this statement. July 2016
Regional Reciprocity Bernie July 2016
Questions, Concerns All July 2016