Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
Essential Questions Why do you believe that the early 1790s was called the reign of terror? Why do you believe that they used violence to get their way?
Main Idea: The revolutionary govt. of France made reforms but also used terror and violence to retain power Why It Matters Now: Some governments that lack the support of the majority of their people still use fear to control their citizens
Background The Great Fear spread chaos throughout France Nobles and Clergy meet with the National Assembly to agree on a new government
The Assembly Reforms France National Assembly, declared: All citizens (men) of France EQUAL. Declaration of the Rights of Man Copied from Bill of Rights. *Protect the rights of the people. Freedom of speech, religion, equal rights, etc. DID NOT ADDRESS WOMEN
Begin to oppose reforms of National Assembly 3. Church land sold Pay off France’s debt to other Euro nations Church now a part of the state, many alarmed Pope loses power to government * Peasants, who are devout Catholics, offended Begin to oppose reforms of National Assembly (June 1791) Louis XVI tries to flee France and is caught Placed on house arrest
Divisions Develop (1791) Louis XVI Constitution is written New Government Constitution is written Limited Constitutional Monarchy Legislative Assembly Created Create laws, declare war King has little authority Power to enforce laws Louis XVI
Problems within society plague govt. Govt. debt, food shortages 3 new political groups form within Legislative Assembly: Radicals (Jacobins): lots of change, no king Moderates: small changes Conservatives: don’t change anything! We like the king.
War and Execution European Kings feared Revolution Feared democracy would spread Austria and Prussia demand Louis XVI be returned to throne France declares war April 1792 France suffers, but defends itself Prussian forces march toward Paris Prussia France
National Convention (1792) Representative All citizens can vote Radicals (The Jacobins) dissolve National Assembly, new government called National Convention (1792) Representative All citizens can vote King has no power Jacobins Takes Over
Jacobins execute the King War still continues Use the guillotine War still continues Great Britain, Spain, Holland join against French National Convention drafts 300,000 men to fight French Guillotine
Terror Grips France Max Robespierre (Jacobin) takes power in National Convention (1792) 2 Groups Form : Republic of Virtue: eliminate all traces of old governments Closed churches, new calendar, no Sundays Monarchy abolished
Committee of Public Safety Executes 40,000 people who are against the Republic of Virtue, or are suspected. This period called the REIGN OF TERROR Queen executed No one is safe Robespierre accuses many Jacobins (enemies of the State)
End of the Terror Robespierre executed by his own people New government formed 1794 Directory 5 male leaders Corrupt 2 houses of legislature Appoint Napoleon Bonaparte as general
Warm Up Declaration of the Rights of A) Radical group within the National assembly man ____ Max. Robespierre ____ B) Gov. that was created by the Jacobins after the National Assembly was dissolved Jacobins ____ C) Created by the 3rd Estate after the Tennis court oath National Assembly _____ D) Spearheaded the French Rev. and caused the Reign of Terror National Convention ____ E) Document that gave Rights and Equality to the citizens of France What caused the peasants to oppose many of the reforms against the church? What political factions made up the Legislative Assembly (National Assembly)? What did European monarchs fear from France?