NA1 Project Management Yannick Legré Managing Director EGI-Engage Administrative & Financial Coordinator
EGI-Engage PY1 Review – NA1 Project Management Outline Project factsheet and Governance Project Effort and Finances NA1 Overview Use of Resources Activities & Achievements Plans for PY2 Summary EGI-Engage PY1 Review – NA1 Project Management
Project factsheet and Governance
EGI-Engage PY1 Review – NA1 Project Management Project factsheet 25 Countries, 2 EIROS, 1 international organisation 2 SMEs, 1 Industry 58 Partners (6 Unfunded partners) 40 Beneficiaries 18 Third Parties TOTAL EFFORT 1166 PMs PY1 effort: 474 PMS Provided by PO Work Package M1 - M12 M13 - M24 M25 - M30 Grand Total WP01 38.5 38.3 19.2 96 WP02 83.1 77.8 38.2 199 WP03 60.7 63.6 28.7 153 WP04 69.0 59.7 27.3 156 WP05 42.3 42.1 21.1 106 WP06 180.6 192.5 83.4 457 474 218 1,166 EGI-Engage PY1 Review – NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management Governance EGI-Engage Management Structure The project management supports the implementation of the project’s technical work plan and the achievement of the different objectives, as well as the completion of the contractual obligations, in compliance with the rules and procedures. Project management is supervised by the Collaboration Board (CB). The Project Management Board (PMB) acts as the executive and supervisory body of the project, reporting and accountable to the CB. To be operational and yield sufficient executive power, the management board is made up of a limited number of representatives of partners. The PMB is responsible for coordinating the project and implementing the decisions of the CB. The Activity Management Board (AMB) is responsible for regularly monitoring the progress of the project and of the day-to-day management of the individual activities within the project, which are undertaken by the Activity Managers. EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management Governance EGI / EGI-Engage relations EGI-Engage EGI EGI Council AFC/TC SIB Executive Board Services & Solutions SSB Technology TCB Security SPG SCG Operations OMB Users UCB Given the strategic role of the project in advancing EGI solutions and policies, its different boards and activities link to the respective EGI policy boards. The EGI Council is the board, seconded by the EB and the SIB that is responsible for defining and approving the strategy of the EGI Collaboration and periodically updating it taking into account the priorities of its participants as well as the broad and complex context in which EGI operates. The CB and the PMB will provide, mainly through NA2, input to the overall strategy making activities of EGI and will regularly evaluate how EGI-Engage is contributing to the EGI strategy implementation. … URT SVG/RAT CSIRT Primary group OTAG Supporting group EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
Project Effort and Finance
Total project cost (incl. unfunded) Project Effort and Finance EC Contribution Expenditure EC contribution Total project cost (incl. unfunded) Direct Indirect 1 : Personnel costs 7,357,317 6,405,854 1,601,463 2 : Subcontracting* 20,000 - 3 : Travels 622,683 498,146 124,537 Grand Total 8,000,000 6,924,000 1,726,000 *Policy consultancy, consultancy European data & regulations, Audit costs (EGI, INFN) Unfunded efforts, Swiss, Poland, Asia EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management Project Effort and Finance Pre-financing PRE FINANCING EC payments Dates total budget 8,000,000 - pre-financing 45% 3,600,000 05-05-2015 advance N1 (34%) 2,700,000 10-07-2015 advance N2 (11% max) 167,903 14-03-2016 pre-financing left 732,097 If only +/- 20% deviation to the plan the full intermediate costs PY1 can be repaid to partners. Pre-financing settlement 1: 34% of the full budget was repaid to the partners Pre-financing settlement 2: 11% of the budget IF reporting M1-M9 is > 80% of efforts planned Advance 3: cost s intermediate Y1: Payable in full up to 85% of the budget, = Y1 costs equivalent to ~40% of the budget EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management Project Effort and Finance Effort report - WPs Summary of PM consumption PY1 EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management Project Effort and Finance Finance report - WPs Cost per WPs and per category EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management Project Effort and Finance Deviations Effort reported non reporting partners (justified) 4 partners Resource used <40%: 5 partners In line with plans 40 partners Resource used >130%: 9 partners Corrective actions in Y1 and onwards: IF at M9 < 80% of efforts used: -> Hold of 2nd advance of pre-financing Under spending > 20% of linear efforts: -> Repayment actual costs Y1 limited to actual costs (+) 1st pre-financing Under spending above 50%: -> Repayment limited to actual costs (-) Advance paid out EMBL (Timesheets not validated), OEAW (personnel paid on another budget), BBMRI-CZ (activity PY2), SNIC (activity 3rd party) P39: ITB unfunded P07: Fraunhofer justified EPOS technical work is to start in 2016 P21: SURFsara BV lack of staffing, recruitment or shift of activity P37: AS unfunded P21-2: KNMI activity balanced in PY2 EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management Project Effort and Finance Central budget expenditure BUDGET PY1 EXP. 1 20,000 19,592 2 13,300 3,500 3 5,000 4,840 4 12,000 15,060 5 18,100 14,375 6 20,500 6,311 (1) Project management tool (20k is the full budget) (2) outreach activities targeted at user communities (travel costs for three champions) (3) Travel costs Diss. team (3 people) to represent EGI at external events (as part of the communications and events task) (4) 7 trips, including Asian Partners (5) EGI events costs (booths, badges, shipment), includes travel costs for invited speakers (6) Leaflets, shipment, design costs for brochure, website, goodies - Project management tool is implemented in Y1. few maintenance/update costs in Y2-3 Champion program is not the right tool for outreach activities in a project with such new communities; this budget will be reallocated to EGI to WP leaders, PD and AFC who participates to conferences, collaborative meetings to develop and strengthen the links of EGI with the new users communities Support travel; the dissemination team is well represented EGI external events Travel for unfunded participants is slightly overspent but it is important to ensure our Asian-pacific partners to take part to our major events; this budget could be increased if necessary EGI’s event budget has funded the organization of 2 forums, In may 15 in Lisbon and in Nov 15 in Bari OC budget is underspent in PY1 but expenses linked to the brochures and websites are forecast in PY2. it is used to print publications, brochures, banner, to subcontract design work, for the goodies of the conferences and for other costs related to event organisation, for the design of the website. EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 Overview NA1 Partners and effort 4 Participants PY1 effort 38.5 PMs Project Total effort 96 PMs 3.2 FTEs Provided by PO NA1 Task Leader / Partner NA1.1 Administrative and Financial Management Céline Bitoune / NA1.2 Technical Management Tiziana Ferrari / NA1.3 Quality and Risk Management Małgorzata Krakowian / EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 Overview Objectives Task # Task Objectives Task NA1.1 - Administrative and Financial Management Consortium evolution, including management of the consortium agreement Monitoring of resources and financial expenditures, including distribution of the community contribution Contractual and ethical management, including EU reporting Guidance concerning IPR issues Establishment of intra-project communication and information networks Meeting support and follow-up Conflict resolution Operation of the Members General Assembly Task NA1.2 – Technical Management Coordination of work across the different WPs and with collaborating external organisations High-level supervision and assessment of the achievements of the different WPs Internal reviewing of deliverables and reports Conducting the official project reviews Monitoring the risk analysis and contingency plans Task NA1.3 - Quality and Risk Management Quality Management Risk Management Monitoring and Assessment of progress and results across the project EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 Use of Resources Effort consumed in PY1 / partner P16-INFN: includes 1 PM unfunded Total funded PMs INFN: 98% used Total funded WP1: 104% EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 Activities & Achievements Quality Management Plan Quality plan: guidelines and templates procedures metrics definition 17 KPIs and 49 Activity metrics Collected every 6 months Quality assurance: reviews, meetings, reporting Quality control: monitoring, metrics collection, lessons learned EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
NA1 Activities & Achievements Deliverables and milestones review procedure 3 Reviewers (PMB, AMB, external) Software deliverables review incudes testing Appointed at least 2 months before deadline Deliverable development Internal (WP) review External review Quality review by QM / TC Submission to EC 8 weeks to deadline 5 weeks to deadline 4 weeks to deadline 1 week to deadline Deadline EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
Deliverables and Milestones summary NA1 Activities & Achievements Deliverables and Milestones summary Delay [days] # of Deliverables & Milestones All work packages 15,30 42 NA1 14,75 4 NA2 16,80 11 JRA1 11,60 7 JRA2 8,30 SA1 14,00 3 SA2 21,70 10 EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
NA1 Activities & Achievements Change request in DoA procedure Activity leader AMB discussion Technical Coordinator Administrative & Financial Coordinator PMB and/or CB Official amendment request submitted to EC by project office Provide input Present action plan Validation of proposition Propose approval/rejection Approve / Reject request EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
NA1 Activities & Achievements Financial and effort review procedure Where M means month at the end of effort reporting period Run every 3 months Deadline for Partners to report on effort M + 10 days AMB remind partners and check deviations M + 20 days Final report provided to PMB M + 25 days Partners not reporting Partners over/under-spending EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 Activities & Achievements Risk Management procedure (1/2) Risk Identification Recognize Initially describe Record Risk Analysis Assessing likelihood and impact Calculating risk level Risk Response Defining risk treatment Risk Control Implementing risk response Tracking identified risks Performing PMB/AMB reviews Reporting on risk occurrence EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 Activities & Achievements Risk Management procedure (2/2) 2 risk reviews (PM7 and PM12) Involving AMB and PMB Every 3 months The risk registry review Reporting to PMB the results of the review. On a monthly basis Reporting to PMB risk occurrences and newly identified risks which require PMB attention. Continuously applying risks response reporting on risk occurrence reporting on new risks identified 40 Risks identified Extreme 0 High 16 Medium 13 Low 11 EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
NA1 Activities & Achievements Continual Improvement Implementation of ISO 9001”Quality management” and ISO/IEC 20000-1 “(IT) Service Management” Task led by NA1.3 In collaboration with NA2 and SA1 Supported by all project activities Goal: ensure systematic and professional operations and delivery of services delivered to support the business to operate more effectively; to improve quality of service; to improve reputation, consistency and interoperability; to enable a better understanding of business, roles and processes; to increase the competitive edge for selection of an external service provider; to provide method of review that assures continual improvement. EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
NA1 Plans for PY2 & Summary Freedom on way to present
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 plans for PY2 Achieve ISO 9001 / ISO 20000-1 Implementation covering the audit and certification costs Quality plan v2 Quarterly risk registry review Risk analysis deliverable Project Management Improvement based on lessons learned main areas: Deliverable review process to reduce submission delay Increase effort on monitoring and control EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 Summary (1/2) Grant agreement: Signed by Coordinator: April 15th Signed by EC: April 27th Accession finalised by partners: May 26th Consortium agreement Finalised: June 23rd Signed: August 28th First amendment – successfully concluded Submitted: August 07th Signed: August 25th Project governance and management Financial and effort review procedure EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 Summary (2/2) Project reporting and monitoring tool Distribution of the pre-financing Quality management plan PY1 Risk management plan PY1 Set-up necessary procedures and processes supporting project management EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management
EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management NA1 References [1] Quality Management Plan - [2] Project Metrics - [3] Project Deliverables and Milestones - [4] Project Risk Management Plan - EGI-Engage PY1 Review - NA1 Project Management