Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Youth 2014-2016 - Results
2014: start of the CBY-ACPALA – 2014 – 2016: Results 2014: start of the CBY-ACPALA – Available budget around EUR 9 million per year 2015: start of the CBY-WB (Western Balkans window) - Available budget around EUR 3 million per year Over the period: 348 projects selected (1.661 applications – success rate around 21%) 2.776 participating organisations from all over the world (including the 348 coordinators) - Average number of partners per project: 8 EUR 34,6 million allocated - Average amount per project: EUR 95.500 EUR Around 108.622 individual participants (i.e. Youth workers, young people and young volunteers) out of which around 31.514 participants with fewer opportunities.
Two types of projects: Projects reinforcing the capacity of partner organisations without mobility activities for young people (peer-to-peer learning, training of the organisation staff and youth workers, enlarging their networks, elaborating new methods and tools, etc.) For instance numerous projects under the WB window are about training the youth workers (i.e. how to use art or social media/internet as a pedagogical tool to help young people to increase their potential and employability). Projects reinforcing the capacity of partner organisations with mobility activities for young people and youth workers (e.g. To test the new methods or tools, to collect ideas or because it is part of the project itself like for instance for Civil Society Fellowship with the Job shadowing) For instance projects elaborating new methods to help young artists who have finished their formal education but who are still not fully part of the labour market. Internationalisation of career.
Projects with a special focus on EVS: Under capacity building in the field of Youth, projects are not financed to organise the mobility of volunteers as such (this is financed under Key action 1). However, some projects may use EVS mobility activities as long as they propose capacity building activities. The main objectives of these projects are to improve the quality and the recognition of volunteering in partner countries. For instance: to reflect on various ways to improve EVS activities for volunteers so that they can get the most of it (mainly under CBY- ACPALA) Or to create or enlarge a network of organisations able to send or receive the volunteers (under CBY- ACPALA and CBY WB)
CBY- ACPALA 2014-2016 Over the period: 226 projects selected (972 applications – success rate around 23%) 1.595 participating organisations from all over the world (including the 226 coordinators) - Average number of partners per project: 7 EUR 28,2 million allocated - Average amount per project: EUR 121.000 EUR Around 93.489 individual participants (i.e. Youth workers, young people and young volunteers) out of which around 27.652 participants with fewer opportunities. Organisations from Italy and Spain are the most active over the years (in terms of proposals submitted and selected). German, French, Bulgarian and Hungarian organisations are also well represented. Partners come in majority from African, Caribe and Pacific countries, followed by Latin America and in a lesser extent from Asia and other countries. All types of individual participants and mobility activities with a predominance of Youth workers mobility activities
CBY- ACPALA 2014-2016 Main categories of projects (non-exhaustive) Elaboration of new informal and non-formal learning methods and tools, testing them. Projects using various tools (art and culture, digital platforms, etc..) to better reach the young people Reflection on youth work and its recognition, reflecting on informal and non-formal learning Improvement of the quality of EVS activities (improve volunteers' experiences), elaboration of new models for building volunteer key competencies To enhance the capacity of Youth workers and organisations to work with Young people (Main activities: trainings, sharing experiences, peer learning and testing this new acquired knowledge with young people exchanges and volunteer activities Projects on internationalisation of career of young people such as for instance in the field of arts Main subjects (non-exhaustive) Human Rights, Migration and refugees Social inclusion Active citizenship Entrepreneurship, woman entrepreneurship, green entrepreneurship, rural entrepreneurship Unemployment Skills and competences for the labour market (i.e. leadership, etc.) Recognition of informal and non-formal learning methods
CBY- WB 2015-2016 Over the period: 122 projects selected (689 applications – success rate around 18 %) 1.046 participating organisations from all over the world (including the 122 coordinators) - Average number of partners per project: 9 EUR 6,3 million allocated - Average amount per project: EUR 48.000 EUR Around 13,133 individual participants (i.e. Youth workers, young people and young volunteers) out of which around 4.000 participants with fewer opportunities. Organisations from Serbia are the most active over the years (in terms of proposals submitted and selected). They are followed by organisations from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and to a lesser extent by organisations from Kosovo * UN Resolution Up-to-now, partners come in majority from WB countries and from Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Italia, Greece and Romania. Other countries are represented but to a lesser extent. Predominance of mobility of Youth workers, other mobility activities to a lesser extent.
CBY- WB 2015-2016 Main categories of projects (non-exhaustive) Few projects on elaborating new informal and non-formal learning methods and tools Few projects on EVS (i.e. mainly projects on enlarging the network of organisations able to send and receive volunteers) A majority of projects on enhancing the capacity of organisations and Youth workers to work with Young people in particular young people with fewer opportunities => (Main activities: training, peer learning, sharing experiences and testing of these experiences. Obviously some projects include young people exchanges and even volunteer activities but to a lesser extent Main subjects (non-exhaustive) Human Rights, Social inclusion Migration and refugees Gender equality Democratic life and active citizenship Entrepreneurship, rural entrepreneurship Unemployment Skills and competences for the labour market (i.e. leadership, etc.)
Number of applications CBY – 2017 - Applications CBY-WB: Serbian organisations still the most active followed by Albanian, Bosnian and Montenegrin organisations. And finally Kosovo* UN resolution (but the number of applications is increasing). Average amount per project is also increasing to the level of CBY-ACPALA. Sub-actions Number of applications Available budget CBY-ACPALA 191 € 9.462.000 CBY-WB 200 € 3.000.000 CBY -SMED 15 € 500.000 CBY-EP 119 € 3.450.000 525 € 16.412.000 CBY-EP Available budget Civil Society fellowship for Youth 58 € 2.070.000 around 60% Partnership for Entrepreneurship 61 € 1.380.000 around 40% 119 € 3.450.000 CBY-EP: Georgian and Ukrainian organisations the most active followed by Armenia and Azerbaijan. And finally Moldova and Belarus to a lesser extent. Average amount per project is around 80,000 EUR. CBY-SMED: Average amount per project is also around 80,000 EUR.
What is a capacity building project? What about the mobility activities? The scheme is financed under the Key Action 2 of the E+ Programme: cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (and not under Key Action 1 Mobility of individuals) All transnational cooperation projects that will reinforce the capacity of organisations active in the field of youth such as for instance: development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices at local, regional, national, European levels or even international level (Innovative approaches in line with target groups needs and expectations); Increase of the capacity and professionalism to work at EU/international level: improved management competences and internationalization strategies; reinforced cooperation with partners from other countries, and increase of the quality in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and follow-up of EU/international projects must use the non-formal and informal learning to produce sustainable impacts on organizations but also on youth workers and young people The projects can also include mobility activities for young people or volunteers activities = to serve the Projects’ objectives but these mobility activities are not an aim per se.
Benefits Direct benefits to organisations and to youth workers such as for instance: capacity to work at international level, peer-to-peer learning and exchange of good practices, improve the quality of youth work, non-formal learning and volunteering in partner countries; recognition and promotion of informal and non-formal learning, elaboration of new methods and their testing, etc. Direct or indirect benefits to young people including young people with fewer opportunities such as for instance: better understanding and recognition of skills and qualifications in Europe and beyond; increased competence in foreign languages; increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; increased opportunities for professional development; improved levels of skills for employability and new business creation (including social entrepreneurship); greater understanding and responsiveness to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity; improved competences, linked to professional profiles (youth work, etc.); better understanding of interconnections between formal, non-formal education, vocational training, other forms of learning and labor market respectively;