活你想活的人生 做你想做的事 去你想去的地方 說你想說的話 Lecture - CST 活你想活的人生 做你想做的事 去你想去的地方 說你想說的話
Life Is so unique! Is so valuable! Is so short! So, take charge of your life
No matter what, you are responsible for your life! The only thing that you can control, if there is any in life, is yourself only. So try to control your life No matter what, you are responsible for your life!
Steps to take charge of your life - Goals and design of this course Your attitude – mind set A clear goal so that you can develop good habits Know Thyself – just know it Learn from other – especially the most successful one (learn to be a good learner) Attitude – 烏雅, We are either the masters or the victims of our attitudes. It is a matter of personal choice. Who we are today is the result of choices made yesterday. Tomorrow we will become what we choose today. To Change means to choose to change. Goal On the success journey, the goals you set become your road map. And to make progress, you need some kind of map – not because you’re hoping or expecting to reach some final destination, but because it shows you how to take the journey. Commitment A chicken and a pig were having a discussion. The chicken said, “I am committed to giving one egg every day.” “That’s not commitment,” the pig said. “That’s just participation. Giving bacon, now, THAT’s commitment !”
My personal motto No bad mouth/back stab 不要貶低任何人 No self-boosting/hard sell 不要自誇 Do good work 做好本份 – 做到最好
Do good works - The rule of works by Richard Templar This is the underlying rule that governs all the others – know your job well, do it well and be better than anyone else at doing it. It’s that simple. The secret part is to make sure nobody knows how hard you have to work to do it so well. You can do all your learning in secret, in private – you just don’t let on, don’t let anyone know you do this. The important thing is to look calm and efficient, on top of everything and totally in control. Bottom line is, however, you must be really good at your basic job.
Do Good Works – it is not enough to be able to do the job Get your work noticed To step outside the normal working routine Never stand still Never accept that doing the job is enough. That’s for the other while you are preparing, studying, analyzing and learning Volunteer carefully Carve out a niche for yourself Spotting a useful area that no one else has spotted It took a lot of work and unseen effort
Under promise and over deliver It should be a pleasant surprise not a frequently used tactic. So that you look good (perception mgt.) Know something others don’t It gives you an edge. You become a consultant rather than a mere employee Be 100 per cent committed To work a whole lot harder than other You have fun The beauty is that you no longer have any decisions to make
Enjoy what you are doing Enjoys work and makes sure people know that There is no shame in saying you enjoy your work Having a good time at work and realizing work is good isn’t the same thing Develop the right attitude No “us and them” attitude No side with the “workers” and moan about the “management” Attitude means: not just today but every day The right attitude is developing standards – and sticking to them. Being sure of your bottom line and knowing when to make a stand.
Never let anyone know how hard you work Never ask for an extension of a deadline Never ask for help – ask for guidance, advice, information, an opinion, but never help Never moan or complain about how much work you have to do Learn to be assertive so you don’t get overloaded Always look for (proper) ways to ease your work load – unnoticed of course – and ways to speed things up
What did you learn from this lecture? Write it down! It is not an assignment. It is only an invitation! Thank you!