Fort Worth to Houston Corridor Expressway Concept


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Presentation transcript:

Fort Worth to Houston Corridor Expressway Concept Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you this morning. I am going to share with you what the B/CS MPO is, what we do, and how you can participate. Regional Transportation Planning Committee August 29, 2016 Daniel Rudge MPO Executive Director

Why an Expressway Concept? Provide improved connectivity between the Ports of Houston, raw materials from Brazoria County and the major railheads in Fort Worth Alliance Facility north of Fort Worth is essentially an inland port Two existing routes (I-45 and SH6) are problematic for freight movement Truck freight movement to Fort Worth experiences significant delays around Dallas and Houston SH6 does not meet freeway standards for its entire length and has at-grade rail crossings

Why an Expressway Concept? Truck freight movement from ports and Brazoria County to Fort Worth currently routes through Downtown Houston and Downtown Dallas Using I-45 adds approximately two hours of delay Using SH6 adds over two hours of delay Population in the Texas Triangle is expected to double in next 25 years Truck freight traffic expected to more than double by 2040

Why an Expressway Concept? Existing Interstate options have limited ability to expand to handle projected traffic growth While some capacity expansion may be possible, truck freight movement is expected to see a significant increase in delay Some sections of existing Interstate are hampered by 1950’s design Substandard on & off ramp lengths Insufficient vertical clearances under bridges Substandard horizontal sight distances

The Expressway Concept Develop a third alternative for moving both people and goods between the Houston area and the western Metroplex Maximize existing corridors that have ability to expand Connect areas of Texas that are currently underserved using the existing Interstate/Freeway system Routing needs to address growth in the Texas Triangle and current options are developed along the Triangle “edges”

This slide graphically shows the 3 corridors our staff has identified as possible coordination opportunities between our regions, TxDOT and MPOs in Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Bryan / College Station. In addition, we’ve identified the IH-14 corridor already identified by TxDOT connecting West Texas to Killeen-Temple and the IH-45 corridor.

Proposed Alignment Fort Worth to Cleburne Cleburne to Waco Existing Facility: Chisolm Trail Parkway (Toll) Cleburne to Waco Extension of Chisolm Trail Parkway Waco to Bryan/College Station Waco area: Loop 340 or new SH 6 alignment Hearne/Calvert: Bypass on new alignment Bryan/College Station: Follow SH 6 Bryan/College Station to Hempstead Follow SH 6 alignment Hempstead to Gulf SH 36 A corridor (other routes possible)

Moving Forward Create partnership with the four MPOs impacted by the proposed expressway Bryan College Station MPO (BVCOG?) Waco MPO (HOTCOG?) Houston-Galveston MPO (H-GAC) Dallas-Fort Worth MPO (NCTCOG) Collaboration among the MPO Directors to develop concept Serve as information clearinghouse for: Communities affected by the Expressway Agencies that serve these communities TxDOT

Next Steps Affirm Bryan/College Station MPO support Conceptual design Approve Executive Director to participate in the collaboration provided BVCOG is full partner Determine if BVCOG agrees Conceptual design Discuss corridor financing Future discussions with rural communities and other interested parties Finalize conceptual corridor Work closely with TxDOT

Any Questions or Comments? Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you this morning. I am going to share with you what the B/CS MPO is, what we do, and how you can participate. Regional Transportation Planning Committee August 29, 2016