War & Expansion in United States Ch.10 Sec. 3
U.S. Expansion 1803- Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana purchase from France 1819- Spain gave up Florida to U.S. 1846- U.S. gained part of Oregon Territory through treaty with GB Nation now extended from Atlantic to the Pacific
U.S. Expansion
Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny- U.S. had the right and the duty to rule N. America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Used to justify removing Native Americans from their lands
Indian Removal Act Allowed federal government to force Indians living in the East of the Mississippi River move West. 5 civilized tribes: Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, & Seminole Cherokees challenged decision, but the Supreme court would not hear their case. Trail of Tears Journey to Oklahoma----800 miles About ¼ of the Cherokees died on the trail Land was not as good as their native lands in the east
Texas Annexation Mexico gained independence from Spain 1821 Mexican gov. gave American settlers permission to move into Texas (Mexican territory) Did not like Mexican rule TX revolted in 1836 & won its independence U.S. annexed Texas in 1845 Mexico claimed Texas, viewed annexation as an act of war. Mexican-American War U.S. defeats Mexico after 2 years of fighting Mexico ceded California and large amount of land in the Southwest Gadsden Purchase from Mexico extended the boundaries of the U.S. in the lower Southwest.
Gadsden Purchase
Causes of Civil War Westward Expansion Questions about what laws and customs (SLAVERY) should be followed in the new western territories were raised. People in the North & South lived completely different lives. Both North & South wanted to extend their way of life into the new western territories
Causes of Civil War 2. Economics North Diverse economy with both agriculture and industry Many Northerners considered slavery morally wrong Wanted to outlaw slavery in the new western states. South Based around agriculture with few cash crops Relied on slave labor
Causes of Civil War 3. Debate over rights Both sides debated about the rights of individual states vs. the federal government South Politicians argued that their states had freely joined the union, so they should be allowed to freely leave. North Felt that the Constitution established the Union once and for all.
Nation Divides Election of Abraham Lincoln- 1860 Southern Secession Conflict reaches its height Lincoln had promised to stop the SPREAD of slavery during his campaign. Southern Secession One by one, southern states started to secede (withdraw) from the Union. South Carolina- 1st state (1860) 11 states total would secede Southern States formed the Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis SC, MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX, VA, AR, NC, TN
Confederate States President Abraham Lincoln US President Jefferson Davis Confederate States President
War Breaks Out (1861-1865) Ft. Sumter, SC- 1861 Confederate forces fire upon a federal fort Lincoln ordered the federal army to bring the seceded states back into the Union Civil War had begun
Advantages North South Larger population Superior military leadership Better transportation Railroads More natural resources More factories Superior military leadership Majority of war fought on their land
Emancipation Proclamation Claimed that it made all slaves in Confederate states free as of Jan. 1, 1863 Did NOT end slavery!!! Used as a weapon for war European nations stopped sending supplies to aid the Confederacy. Amendments to the Constitution 13th-abolished slavery in the U.S. 14th-allowed former slaves to become citizens of the U.S. 15th-guaranteed former slaves the right to vote.
“A House Divided Against itself cannot stand” Lincoln’s Quotes “A House Divided Against itself cannot stand”
Reconstruction (1865-1877) Union troops occupying the South Enforced constitutional protections After federal troops left Segregation in the South, begins. Separation of blacks and whites in the South. Laws passed that made it difficult for African American to vote. African Americans faced discrimination in both North and South.
Post War Economy Immigration Railroads 1870s more than 2000 per day 1914- 20 million immigrants from Europe/Asia Railroads 1862- Transcontinental railroad 7 years Linked CA to eastern U.S.