Notes # 8 Lincoln Douglas
Background There are Presidential elections every 4 years. Every two years there are Congressional (Senators (serve 6 years) and Representatives (serve 2 years) that make laws) elections. This is the story of the 1858 senator election.
Lincoln Douglas Debates: election of 1858 The Democratic party chose incumbent (person who was already in office) Senator Stephen A. Douglas. The Republicans chose Representative Abraham Lincoln.
The Debates Both sides decided that the best way to bring their ideas to everyone was to have state wide debates. Now political debates have taken place throughout history, but with growing tensions between pro and anti slavery voters these debate became widely publicized.
Douglas Platform Though not pro-slavery, Douglas was the man that initiated the idea of Popular Sovereignty, an idea that most northerners and anti slavery supporters did not like.
Lincoln Platform Lincoln, a Republican, was against the expansion of slavery. Though the Dred Scott Case had said that slavery was Constitutional, Lincoln and many others continued to protest slavery. “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free.” Though only running for a northern state senate seat, many southerners were outraged by Lincoln and his radical statements towards slavery.
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Outcome After 7 very publicized debates, Douglas managed to win, but barely. These debates and the subsequent election foreshadowed the continuous divide of the nation. Lincoln, though he lost, became a wide spread public figure. Northerners loved him, southerners despised him.
Debate then and now. Currently our country is divided between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Think about the divide in our country now, what you see on tv or even talk about amongst other people. Write about how the Lincoln – Douglas Debates could further add to the national divide between pro and anti – slavery supporters.