Teaching Centre Open Mon – Fri 09:00 – 17:00 Staffed by: Eleanor Smith Education Administrator Siobhan Grandis Teaching Office Administrator Olivia Cooper Senior Academic Co-ordinator bci-cancercourses@qmul.ac.uk Contact for: Programme & module set-up Submission of coursework QMplus access Absence notification ID card access
Health & Safety Wellbeing CHSQ fire meeting point – on the Green Notices in BCI areas of who to contact in an emergency Teaching Office Fire Marshal: Eleanor Smith (from 17-Oct 2017) Teaching Office First Aider: Olivia Cooper Report any incidents or health and safety concerns to the BCI Teaching Office Wellbeing You are encouraged to register with a GP Advice & Welfare services based at Mile End – free and confidential service for all students
Campus Facilities Communication Lockers CHSQ fire meeting point – on the Green Gym Communication Student e-mail Address details can be maintained on MySIS
Module Registration Timetable Via MySIS Deadline: Friday 6 October (allow enough time for Teaching Office to approve selections) Timetable QMplus, QMUL app Programme Handbook Final timetable with room numbers and group timings for Research Methods & Research Lab Skills will be e-mailed next week
Engagement Policy Registers are taken at every lecture Do not sign on behalf of a fellow student who is absent: Monitoring attendance is a means of monitoring engagement and support requirements This can be considered fraud Students who miss 2 lectures in a row will be asked to meet with their Programme Director to discuss this Repeated absence of 5 lectures in a row without valid justification will result in withdrawal from the module If you are unable to attend a session contact the Teaching Office
Coursework Submission Coursework deadlines will be published in module guides and on Qmplus at the start of each module. You must submit an electronic copy by the deadline. Onsite students must submit an identical hard copy when they are next on campus. The hard copy must have a completed coursework coversheet attached (available outside the Teaching Office and on QMPlus). Coursework drop box located outside the Teaching Office. DL students only need to submit an electronic copy
Exams Provisional examination dates are: Semester 1: 2-8 January 2018 Semester 2: 3-13 April 2018 Semester 3 (resit period): 30 July-10 August 2018 You should remain available for the entire examination period in case of any changes to specific examinations Check the location of exams carefully – most are at Mile End, but not all. You must present your student ID card at each examination
Extenuating Circumstances If you cannot sit an exam of submit an assignment for reasons beyond your control you can submit a request for extenuating circumstances All requests must be accompanied by supporting evidence (the original documents) The request form an evidence must be received by the specified deadline for each semester Requests will be reviewed by a panel and their recommendations approved by the Subject Exam Board If approved you will have the opportunity to complete the assessment at the next available opportunity without penalty
Plagiarism The presentation of someone else’s work as your own It is also possible to self-plagiarise by not referencing your own previously published work It is important to reference your work (whether it is quoted material or not) Information on referencing is available on QMplus via the Library Support section Turn-it-in originality reports can be used as a guide to check referencing – there is no set percentage that indicates plagiarism.
Online Learning Materials All lecture slides and recordings of lectures will be available via QMPlus You will have access to the BCI landing page with general information, as well as an area for each individual module you are registered for
Student Reps Key link between students and BCI staff. Represent your cohort at Student Staff Liaison Committee meetings (1 per term) and work in partnership with staff to improve your course, campaign for change, and resolve course-related issues. Represent your cohort at events such as Open Days 1-2 student reps per programme This should include: 1-2 distance learning students (can partake in meetings via Skype) 1-2 part time students (year 1 or year 2) Students reps are elected If you would like to become a student rep inform the Teaching Office by Fri 29 September