SUNY Oswego Survey Employee Comments-Snapshot Neil Strodel to lmc June 9, 2016
Highest and Lowest Scores Employees I like the work I do 94% Physical working conditions are good 86% I clearly understand my job role 90% I feel safe at work 85% My work site is clean 89% I am willing to do extra effort 87% I am going to work here for at least two more years 91% My work environment is positive and encourages me to do a good job 55% There is room for me to advance 49% I can trust what I am told 26% I am treated like a person not a number 44% I am recognized for what I do 33% Staffing is adequate 35% This is a spirit of cooperation 30% I feel fairness is being maintained 53% I am informed ahead of time on things that impact me 38% I have confidence in leadership 34% My care and wellbeing is being attended to 29% Follow up on department objectives is done 30%
Employee Comments Fairness Friends, family, stall tactics, evaluations used unfairly Provide clear expectations, listen, and follow up Listening, hardest workers are not promoted Fear, retribution People with short tenure are on fast track Held to different standards Supervisors ask productive employees to carry the lazy ones Special treatment happens way too often Same pay grade/different assignments Discipline not given out equally nor is evaluation of work Nepotism rampant in some areas- we can predict who will get jobs Too many times people allowed to perform below the standard-undue pressure on others Teacher’s pets are kept happy Some decisions made based on friends and favoritism Be more trusting and don’t play favoritism Be fair- no pets allowed Address those who are doing things wrong instead of making us all pay the price
Employee Comments Spirit & Cooperation Listen to us The reward for good work is more work Openness to new ideas is a façade Decisions are dictated down the line Nepotism, favoritism and rewarding “yes men”- that is what's wrong If you treat employees with respect, they will work hard Many people trying to figure out how to dodge work How do you supervise those who don’t care? Pecking order in custodial- 15’s/11’s/7’s/5’s- Management doesn’t see it!! Unwillingness of some employees to do their jobs Bar is set lower because of underachievers. If we were a sports team we would not win any games. We maintain the buildings, but we are not appreciated! Listen and let the people know opinions are valued Put downs need to stop Less negativity and down talk I feel like I am engaged but I don’t feel I should be yelled at Don’t assume we are always wrong- work with us Start listening to those doing the work When things are done without explanation it seems like they don’t care They don’t listen because my ideas are not in line with the higher-ups! Treat people with dignity and respect Some supervisors can’t control the nonsense
Employee Comments Recognition An “at a boy” goes a long way Do not feel valued- been here 20+ years Never in 15 years have I been complimented! My customers praise my work, not my manager Find a way to sincerely reward those that deserve it Look at me with a sincere face and tell me my work is appreciated. Don’t fake it, we can tell! Too much negative feedback- not enough positive! Give credit where credit is due A little honey goes further that vinegar. If you keep hearing the bad things, you eventually think you are bad.
Employee Comments Trust Listen to the people Management used to plan projects, now they are paper pushers Meetings after meetings, rules and regulations The breakdown of trust between supervisor and employee is a cancer Some supervisors are rude and belittling. Do not like other opinions Bring the human factor back to HR. Call them and you get sarcasm, belittlement! Need to listen to the work force Different bosses, different rules Leaders try to make it seem like we are involved- just putting on a show Most management are extremely condescending Unnecessary new management positions and not responsive No open door policy Too much micro-engaging To have a positive work force most employees need a positive leader When intimidation is used, respect is lost Certain supervisors don’t listen and they discourage new ideas Consider our ideas, don’t tell us we don’t know how to do things Fix the problems we are bringing to you The campus need to make me feel like the work I do matters Just wish upper management would do a better job with employee problems and show they really care It would help if someone listened Be open and honest- do a full investigation before pointing fingers!