The Main Thrusts of CAgM Food Security Reduction of the Impacts of Natural Disasters in Agriculture (e.g. droughts, floods, etc.) Sustainable Land Management Strategies to Cope with Climate Variability/Change Impacts on Agriculture
COMMISSION FOR AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY President Vice-President Coordinator for Policy Support in Capacity Building Management Group (MG) Two Special Advisors on Techniques for Bridging the Gaps Between Products and Producers in Agriculture OPEN PROGRAMME AREA GROUPS (OPAGs) OPAG 1 SERVICES OPAG 2 SUPPORT OPAG3 IMPACTS ET ET ET ET ET ET ICT ICT ICT
ANADIA: Project #31 Secretariat convened “Assessment of Natural Disaster Impacts in Agriculture (ANADIA)” Task Force Meeting in collaboration with DPM Reviewed conceptual framework for developing regional case studies in the ANADIA project Identified methodology, specific objectives, potential partners, expected outcomes and activities of Regional pilot projects Linkage with initiatives and programmes – collaboration and partnerships with donors Project Duration: Initially 2007-2009. Dependent on outside support. OPAG 3
ANADIA Case Studies Drought: Brazil, China, India, Italy, Kenya, and USA Tropical Cyclones: Bay of Bengal and South-West Pacific Floods: Bangladesh, Italy Wild Fires: Italy, Kenya, USA Frosts: Brazil, Italy, Kenya, USA Local Severe Storms: Australia, USA
Workshops and Coordination - $ 0.90 m Total $ 4.40 m ANADIA Budget Disaster Total Budget (m $) In-Country Contribution Co-financing Budget requested Drought 3.10 1.40 0.30 Tropical Cyclones 0.80 0.40 0.05 0.35 Floods 1.00 0.55 Wild Fires 0.77 0.46 - 0.31 Frosts 1.44 0.78 0.66 Local Severe Storms 0.69 0.24 Workshops and Coordination - $ 0.90 m Total $ 4.40 m
Standardized Drought Indices Project #32 Monitoring/early warning foundation of hazard warning plan, indices linked to impacts and triggers. Monitoring must be comprehensive, linking all databases (i.e., weather, climate, water, soil, etc.) Incorporate local and regional scale data into risk and impact assessment to determine who and what is at risk and why. Use the best available (multiple) indices and triggering tools to link index values or thresholds to impacts in multiple sectors. OPAG 2: Expert Team on Drought Indices Deliverables: Report on status of current indices and recommendations for standardized use and develop case studies in selected countries Deliver information in timely manner, incorporating user needs in development of decision support tools that lead to mitigation and response action plans
Early Warning System for Desert Locusts: Project #32a Pilot project in Collaboration with National Meteorological Services of Senegal and Mauritania that will provide basic meteorological data and conduct surveys with users. Italian Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET) development of relative operational tools: Daily MSG rainfall estimates from MSG Seven-day rainfall forecasts based on GFS statistical downscaling Statistical seasonal forecasting issued every month, Assessment of the locust infestation from MODIS NDVI data. Information dissemination through internet-based bulletins. Regional Training Workshops Beneficiaries will be the National Met Services and Locust Control Centres (LCCs) in Mauritania and Senegal Project Selected at EWC III in Germany March 2006
Agricultural Systems and Operational Hazards (Weather Extremes and Climate Variability) Decision Type (eg. only) Logistics (planting/harvesting) Crop management (fertilizer/spray) Disaster management (frost, flood drought, fire etc. Crop type (wheat or soybeans) Crop sequence (long or short fallow) Crop rotations (winter or summer crops) Crop industry (grain or cotton) Agricultural industry ( crops or pasture) Land use (agricultural or natural systems Landuse and adaptation of current systems Frequency (years) Intraseasonal (>0.2) Intraseasonal (0.1- 0.2) Intraseasonal (<0.1 – 0.5) Seasonal (0.5 – 1.0) Interannual (0.5 – 2.0) Annual / biennial (1 – 2) Decadal ( ~ 10) Interdecadal (10-20) Multidecadal (20+) Climate Change
Climate Change/Variability and Natural Disasters (OPAG 3) - Meetings ET on Reduction of the Impact of Natural Disasters and Mitigation of Extreme Events in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (China, Feb 2004) 27 recommendations on strategies for effective natural disaster management, education and training, and national policy development Published book on “Natural Disasters and Extreme Events in Agriculture” (Springer, 2005)
Education/Training/Public Outreach WAMIS - Agromet Bulletins, Locust Weather, Tools/Resources (also increased utilization of NMHS products) Proposed Workshop on Sand and Dust Storm Impacts in Agriculture Training Events on AgMet Applications (to be determined) RANET - Radio and Internet Dissemination of AgMet Products
Marine Influences and Impacts of Lowland Agriculture And Coastal Resources (MILAC)
Inter-Commission Initiatives and Regional Collaborations ANADIA - RAs ET on Drought Indices Standardization - RAs MILAC - Marine Impacts on Lowland Agriculture and Coastal Resources - JCOMM