Evaluation of Public Administration M.A.M.Fowsar Lecturer in Political Science Department of Social Sciences South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
Five Phases Phase I - 1887-1926 Phase II - 1927-1937 Phase III - 1938-1947 Phase IV - 1948 -1970 Phase V - 1971 onwards
Phase I 1887-1926 Separation of Public Administration from political science Public Administration is the visible side of Government W. Wilson: given definition, nature, role & importance of PA L. D. White: Introduction to the study of PA Frank J. Goodnow: Politics and Administration
Phase II 1927-1937 established the discipline of PA as an independent science This period witnessed publication of a number of important works: 1. W.F. Willoughby: “Principles of Public Administration” 2. Mary Parker Folleft: “Creative Experience” 3. Henri Fayol: “Industrial and General Management” Gullick explained the principles of administration (POSDCORB) In this period subject acquired: 1) The Status of separate subject of social science 2) It was considered, as the science of administration 3) Developed the principles of administration and theories
Phase III 1938-1947 new changes in the nature of PA 1. Some thinkers refuted politics administration dichotomy 2. They challenged the claim of PA as a science 3. Emphasized environmental effects on administrative behaviour C. I. Barnard, Simon, Robat Dahl: challenged the claim of PA as a science of administration era of challenge to Public Administration
Phase IV 1948 -1970 challenge posed by the behaviouralist crisis of identity Pfiffner: politics and administration are intermingled Kingsley: Administration as a branch of Politics Waldo: Widened the orientation of PA to include policy issues dominion of political science over PA
Phase V 1971 onwards great progress and enriched vision: 1. Focus on the dynamics of administration 2. It is considered as inter-disciplinary 3. Talk of New Public Administration 4. New trends emerged: Comparative Administration Development Administration Market orientation - State and Market
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