Diocesan Synod 2017 147th Session of Synod of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
Proud to be our region’s theological university Co-Founded by the Anglican Church of Canada Serving this Diocese, and ACC across Canada Shaping Leaders in Our Community Courses, programs, events for everyone
What are AST’s Programs? Master of Divinity, (Full-Time, Part-Time, or Summer Distance) Master of Arts, Theology & Religious Studies Diploma in Youth Ministry Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies (10 courses) Adult Education Certificate in Theological Studies (online, Christian & Hebrew Scriptures, Christian Theology, Pastoral Ministry)
Pilgrimages – Iona, Taize Explore history, theology, and practice of Celtic or contemplative worship Prayer & worship life of faith communities
Camino Nova Scotia 5-day, 120 km walk South Shore of NS Go deeper: into yourself, into nature, into community, into God
Something for everyone. On campus. Online. Summer Distance. Degrees. Diplomas. Certificates. Courses. Continuing Education. Speakers. Special Events. Art Exhibits. Meditation Garden. Podcast.
Come and see us! Here, at Synod On campus, on the Arm by Point Pleasant Park Online, at www.astheology.ns.ca and Andrew Scollick – Director, Vocations & Recruitment DVR@astheology.ns.ca 902-423-6801