English Language Learner Hello Parents! English Language Learner (ELL) Information 2013-14
Welcome to Horn ELL! English Language Learner Teachers Sarah Dowd dowd.sarah@iowacityschools.org 688-1115 Please contact me by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns. I’d be happy to talk with you about Horn School, ELL, and your child.
Welcome to Horn ELL! English Language Learner Teachers Stacey Alfaro Alfaro.Stacey@iowacityschools.org 688-1115 Please contact me by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns. I’d be happy to talk with you about Horn School, ELL, and your child.
Kristin Cannon Principal LLPauley School Se Office hours are 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Phone number is 688-115. Voice mail is available 24 hours a day. E-mail addresses: Cannon.Kristin@iccsd.k12.ia.us Pauley.Lisa@iccsd.k12.ia.us LLPauley School Se
Important Start/End Times 8:10 Breakfast 8:10 Supervision begins outside 8:25 School begins 8:30 Tardy bell rings 3:00 School Ends, (2:00 on Thursdays) Please report all absences to the office.
English Language Learner Program National Geographic “In the U.S.A.” (Newcomers 1st-6th) Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt “Journeys” (K-6)
In the U.S.A Intensive English program for Newcomers 45-60 minutes each day Basic language and vocabulary Reading and writing skill instruction Prepares students for HMH Journeys instruction
Journeys ELL Groups Grade level ELL classes Meet for about 30 minutes ELL learning through Language Arts content Supports learning in general education classrooms
Parent Teacher Conferences Special time for you to meet with your child’s teachers 2 times a year, fall and spring NO school on all day conference days Teachers AND parents share their successes, concerns and questions Interpreters are available for free
Halloween Parade and party at school -Costumes -Optional, but fun! Trick or Treating -In the evening of October 31
Field Trips Permission slips MUST be signed and returned to school
When your child is sick at home….. If child is vomiting or has a fever: Home for 24 hours AFTER fever or vomiting is finished without the need for medication Call school and say: -Your Name -Child’s Name -Child’s Teacher’s Name -Why they are absent
When your child is sick at school…. Temperature or Vomiting: Secretary will call -Home # -Emergency #: (Be sure we have updated emergency and contact information in your E- Registration Account) You will pick up child Horn Office Staff, Mrs. Pauley, Mrs. Overholt and Mrs. Shibata typo
If you are going to be gone…. TRIPS -Write a note or call the school BEFORE you take a trip -A parent/guardian is required to notify the school office prior to leaving on vacation. If attendance is satisfactory, the principal may excuse up to 5 days a year for family trips. Student vacations or trips without parent/guardian accompaniment are not excused absences. Dental and doctor appointments -Try to schedule OUTSIDE the school day when possible
If the weather is bad…. Weather Words Cancellation Called off: NO SCHOOL that day Late Start School will begin later and buses will run; listen for times on phone announcement Early Release Bad weather is coming, so students will leave school early to get home safely To get weather information: Phone service: District will call YOU if school hours change because of bad weather. Don’t call the school; the line is usually busy! There are better ways to get information: You may call 688-1234 http://www.edline.net/pages/ICCSD/ KCRG, KGAN TV KSUI 910 AM Radio
learning with you this year! Thank you! We look forward to learning with you this year!