Metzler Elementary Presents Notes from the Nurse
Meet Metzler’s Clinic Staff Nurse Dawson, RN, BSN Miss Smith, EMR Mrs. Dawson has been a nurse for the past 20 years, and she has been with Klein ISD for 17 of those years. She graduated from Texas Woman's College. Miss Smith has been the clinic assistant at Metzler Elementary for over 5 years. She is a Nationally Certified Emergency Medical Responder.
For More info, visit our website: Please get all of your shot records to the nurse before the first day of school, to avoid long lines. For More info, visit our website:
Illness Your child will be sent home if he/she has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, is vomiting or has diarrhea. Your child may return to school once he/she has been fever free or symptom free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Medications •WE DO NOT KEEP ANY MEDICINES ON HAND IN THE CLINIC FOR STUDENTS. •All medications require a parent filling out our medication form before we can give it. •All medications must be brought to the clinic by an adult. •Prescription medication must be in the original container with a prescription label on it. •Non-prescription medication can be given for two weeks only.
Change of clothes At times little ones do not make it to the restroom in time, & any student can spill lunch or have a bloody nose. Please place a change of clothes in a plastic bag with your child's name on it in his/her backpack at all times.
Nurse Contact information (You’ll want to Write this down) Clinic Phone #: (832) 484-7920 Metzler Fax #: (832) 484-7999 Nurse Dawson’s Email: