Arizona Game and Fish Native Trout Program Gila Trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) Apache Trout (Oncorhynchus apache) Mike Anderson; Native Trout Coordinator
Overview Gila Trout Status Upcoming projects Apache Trout Trout Challenge
Gila Trout Recovery 2 Recovery Units San Francisco River 15 populations 50 miles of stream Gila-San Francisco River 4 populations 25 miles of stream
Recovery Priorities Meet recovery criteria (delisting) Create fisheries Increase angling opportunity Optimize potential streams Monitoring Recovery prioritization Availability of fish from Mora NFH
San Francisco River Recovery Unit
Upcoming Projects Raspberry Creek Monitor barrier, stock fish in 2017 Coleman Creek Habitat project, stock fish in 2017-2018 KP Creek Barrier modification Grant Creek Blue River watershed plan
Gila-San Francisco River Mixed Mount Graham Frye Creek Ash Creek Marijilda Creek Upcoming Projects Marijilda Creek Mechanical removal
Gila-San Francisco River Mixed Other drainages Grapevine Creek Dude Creek Haigler Creek Chase Creek Cave Creek
Upcoming Projects Haigler Creek Work through NEPA compliance AGFD Piscicide Process Obtain funding for barrier Construct barrier Conduct piscicide treatment
Upcoming Projects Chase Creek Evaluate temperature, habitat
Upcoming Projects Cave Creek watershed Temperature and habitat monitoring
Recreational Populations Frye Mesa Reservoir Since 2009 West Fork Oak Creek Started in 2015 Goldwater Lake June 2016-Kids Fishing Day More to come in the next few years
Apache Trout Recovery 30 populations in historic range
Upcoming Projects Fishless Streams Conklin Stock fall 2016 or fall 2017 Rudd/Benton Stock fall 2016
Upcoming Projects West Fork Little Colorado River Barrier modification Spring/summer 2016 Mechanical removals between barriers
Upcoming Projects West Fork Black River Complete spring 2016 Barrier Construction Complete spring 2016 Piscicide Treatment May/June 2017 Restock
Upcoming Projects Bear Wallow Creek Barrier modification San Carlos Apache NEPA compliance Piscicide application Piscicide treatment May/June 2018
Trout Challenge Educational program to get anglers out fishing for wild trout in Arizona Wild Trout Challenge Catch Gila, Apache, Brown, Brook and Rainbow trout in naturally reproducing streams Arizona Trout Challenge Catch 6 of the 8 species in Arizona Gila, Apache, Brown, Brook, Rainbow, Cutthroat, Tiger trout, and Grayling
Trout Challenge
Questions; 623-236-7653