Disclosures for Virginia Broudy, MD In compliance with ACCME policy, ASH requires the following disclosures to the session audience: Research Support/P.I. Not applicable Employee Consultant Major Stockholder Speakers Bureau Honoraria Membership in Advisory Board Presentation includes a description of the following off-label use of a drug or medical device 51st ASH Annual Meeting ♦ New Orleans, LA
Teaching Hematology to Second Year Medical Students Virginia C. Broudy, MD University of Washington
Why Survey Hematology Course Directors? Instructional methods changing Impact of FEC reporting on time distribution of NIH-funded faculty Help course directors negotiate for resources
Goals of Survey of Hematology Course Directors Define structure and content of course Understand challenges that course directors face Identify innovative teaching methods and resources to share
Survey Of Hematology Course Directors 125 accredited US medical schools 85 hematology course directors identified and received paper-based survey 58 returned survey Dates of survey 2001-2002
Survey Questions Class structure and content Teaching methods Resources to support the course
Subspecialty of Hematology Course Director Hematology/Oncology 21 Hematopathology 8 Pediatric Heme/Onc 3 Pediatric Hematology 1 Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 1 Oncology 1
What is your typical class size?
How many total class hours are you given to teach your hematology course?
What proportion of course hours is used for lectures? < 25% 4 courses 26-50% 24 courses 51-75% 20 courses 76-100% 5 courses
“I think we spend too much time in formal lectures and should use more of our allotted time in small group interactive case discussions. When I see students on the wards, that is what they remember from our course.”
Do you use web-based programs to teach hematology? 36 of 58 course directors used web-based programs 10 course directors used the ASH Hematology Teaching Cases at www.hematology.org 21 used computer-based programs to teach morphology
“We have a patient come to class each morning “We have a patient come to class each morning. His/her physician helps the student interview the patient. This is followed by a short formal discussion of the problem. The students love having a chance to learn from real patients.”
How many faculty teach at least one hour in the course?
Does your medical school provide a budget for your course? 13 of 57 course directors had a budget Median budget was $1500 3 of 57 course directors received salary support, averaging 5% of salary
What obstacles did you encounter? Difficulty recruiting instructors, 25 of 57 course directors RVU pressure Research commitments Lack of incentive to teach Perception that teaching plays little role in promotion A core set of objectives should be developed
Summary Remarkable diversity of time allotted to teach hematology: 8 to 74 hours Lectures comprised 50% of course time Influx of patient-centered learning Interview in front of class Case discussions in small groups or PBL Growth in internet-based teaching programs (36 of 58 course directors) Declining volunteerism among faculty for medical student teaching
Thank you to Scot Hickman Washington University Medical Service Veterans Affairs Medical Center