Minnesota State Concurrent Enrollment Directors Monthly Meeting May 10, 2017 Academic and Student Affairs Minnesota State Concurrent Enrollment Directors Monthly Meeting Jessica Espinosa and Pakou Yang
Meeting Agenda Legislative update Proposed Credentialing Evaluation Web-Ex NACEP Accreditation Institute Comprehensive Concurrent Enrollment Plan – progress update
2017 Legislative Updates *HF 890 House K-12 Omnibus Bill* Defines Concurrent Enrollment Grants to offer Introduction to Teaching/Education courses: $375K in FY18; $375K in FY19 Statewide Concurrent Enrollment Teacher Training Program: $375K in FY18; $375K in FY19 Concurrent enrollment aid: $4M in FY18; $4M in FY19
Proposed Credentialing Evaluation Web-Ex What: Provide information on how to evaluate instructor credentials (transcripts, graduate courses, etc.) Who: For campus ASA administrators and HR directors When: Summer 2017 Offered by System Office ASA and HR More information to come!
Save the Date. NACEP Accreditation Institute Save the Date! NACEP Accreditation Institute on Weds, June 7th, 9am-3:30pm Normandale Community College – Tentative Institute outcomes: Understand how NACEP accreditation supports high standards to ensure the academic integrity of college courses and programming Learn how to engage key stakeholders in implementing quality improvement practices Develop strategies for conducting a self-study to align your concurrent enrollment program with NACEP national standards Understand on how to navigate NACEP’s peer-review program accreditation Review types of documentary evidence necessary to assemble an exemplary accreditation application Learn about new and updated NACEP standards for 2018-2019 Receive one-on-one support
NACEP Accreditation Institute (Cont’d) Local and national facilitators who have who have gone through the accreditation process and/or been a peer reviewer for NACEP accreditation. Get all your questions answered! Jennie Patteson - Director of Accreditation and Member Services, NACEP Megan Adamczek - Minnesota State Community and Technical College Sandy Gonzalez - Minneapolis Community and Technical College Kim Guenther - Southwest Minnesota State University Kelly McClure-Mork - Ridgewater College Rich Johnson - Northland Community and Technical College Kayla Westra - Minnesota West Community and Technical College
Concurrent Enrollment Comprehensive Plan Update Plan Element 1: Create processes that support concurrent enrollment instructors to meet the credentialing standards by the anticipated HLC extension timeline (by 2022). These include a credentialing review process, professional development plans, and processes for recognizing a master of education degree.
Plan Element 1 Progress Already in place Campuses have individual processes to review credentialing of concurrent enrollment instructors, as articulated in the HLC application for extension. In progress Information/web-ex for HR directors and ASA administrators on evaluation of concurrent enrollment instructor credentialing. Development of the faculty records and credentialing system. Need to do Development of process template. Compilation of sample templates of application and professional development plan. Development of credentialing review template (i.e., how to evaluate interdisciplinary courses, education courses).
Concurrent Enrollment Comprehensive Plan Update (Cont’d) Plan Element 2: Create pathways to support concurrent enrollment instructors to meet the minimum faculty requirement standards, including pathways that offer graduate-level, discipline-specific courses; offer graduate-level credit for prior learning opportunities where it is appropriate and possible; and offer master of education degree programs that allow for 18 credits of course options in the discipline.
Plan Element 2 Progress Already in place Data on graduate courses/programs already in place; credits needed of concurrent enrollment instructors; and gap between the two. ASA website that provides information on who is offering what: http://www.asa.mnscu.edu/studentaffairs/concurrentenrollment/index.html. In progress Universities working to offer more graduate-level courses available in various formats (i.e. online). Need to do Look into funding for university faculty course development. Look into funding for concurrent enrollment instructors (support of tuition, stipends).
Concurrent Enrollment Comprehensive Plan Update (Cont’d) Plan Element 3: Provide opportunities to award graduate-level credit to high school teachers who elect to demonstrate graduate-level learning and experience through a portfolio evaluation process in order to meet some or all of the graduate-level, discipline-specific credentialing requirements in this manner.
Plan Element 3 Progress Already in place Campuses offer credit for prior learning at undergraduate level – we can learn from these processes that already exist. Faculty members with expertise in developing portfolio review process – use faculty member expertise to provide portfolio review training. In progress Conversations with universities on interest in developing portfolio review option. Need to do Develop a portfolio review program in specific disciplines at specific universities. Develop a portfolio review process that can be replicated at interested universities/departments. If more than one university department is offering the portfolio review program option, look into bringing departments together across the universities to develop a more common process and framework.
Concurrent Enrollment Comprehensive Plan Update (Cont’d) Plan Element 4: Offer the option for concurrent enrollment instructors and college or university faculty members to team-teach concurrent enrollment courses. The team-teaching approach could be used as a bridge or transition for concurrent enrollment instructors working on meeting credentials or as a viable option that is used in unique circumstances.
Plan Element 4 Progress Already in place Team-teaching is a model that two-year colleges have used. In progress Development of the team-teaching model template. Interested campuses could pilot the team-teaching model with concurrent enrollment. Need to do Review and refine model once pilots have implemented and developed processes.