Student Manager 8 Registrations


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Presentation transcript:

Student Manager 8 Registrations An ACEware Presentation

Fees, Payments, Transfers, Cancellations Agenda Registration Basics Fees, Payments, Transfers, Cancellations Advanced Features A few helpful tips

Registration Basics

You’ve only just begun….

You’ve only just begun…. Twenty Webinars on General Registration related topics

And you’ve ALWAYS got HELP! ! ! !.

And now back to your regular programming… If your screen doesn’t look like this, your preferences may be different

Registration Preferences REMEMBER: BLUE = Global Black = Can be set by/for individual user

Many ways to get to registrations Look Up Name, “Add Registration” button on Name screen And there is a MASS Import option (TBCL) Look Up Course Hit “Add Reggies” button on course screen Look Up “Reggies” Add button on the registration screen

Unlike the Names and Courses screens, much of the information on the Registration Screen fills in automatically

Please . . . Track how you earned this registration Want to know how well your marketing performs? Make sure you use the Tracking Code

Source/Tracking Code Connections… NOTE: the SOURCE code from the student is the Default Value (but is can/should be changed to reflect how THIS registration was generated!

Please . . . Track how you earned this registration Want to know how well your marketing performs? Make sure you use the Tracking Code Probably the single most valuable Marketing code Yes! There is a report to monitor results. (Statistics – Tracking Codes)

Status Field Can be used to indicate Registrant status: Guest, Participant, Speaker, Panelist etc.

Exp Date and Completed Date The course must be completed by & the course was completed on These are two special handling dates (probably NOT used in most Open Class Registrations)

CEU’s, Hours & Credits CEU’s, Credits & Hours are automatically TIP: Grade & CEUS/Hours can be mass edited at the COURSE level from the Course Student List View.. CEU’s, Credits & Hours are automatically added from the course screen, but can be edited

Cert Date can be used to indicate when a certificate was printed TIP: use the CONFCERT() Function on your Certificate Report to automatically stamp this date!

Give you quick reference to other key components One-click buttons Give you quick reference to other key components of a registration

REMEMBER: Labeling is done in Preferences Reg Code & Misc Code can both be customized & validated Here we’re relabeled Reg Code to T-Shirt REMEMBER: Labeling is done in Preferences

This is filled in automatically Who paid for this registration? (P)articipant, (F)irm, (O)ther? This is filled in automatically

Every registrant is charged one Main Fee On a listing of Multiple Fees, The Fee Order on the Course determines the list order Select the Main Fee TIP: If you have special fee categories (Staff, Student, Resident, Senior Citizen), Enable “Fee Category” on Name, and SM will automatically assign the correct fee)

Add additional charges (or adjustments) as needed TIP: DO clean up (remove or Deactivate) old Fee adjustment descriptors that are no longer used/relevant

Add a Registration Note Something unique about this registration? Add a Registration Note NOTE: We’ve almost doubled the size of Reg Note, from 140 to 250 Characters

Date the confirmation was sent If you selected the Auto Stamp today’s date in rgconfirm field option in Xsetmail , the system will stamp the current date in the Confirmed field Date the confirmation was sent

Fields indicate who added the registration, who updated the registration, and when

Of course there are UDFs!

Set UDF’s course by course! Registration UDF’s are set on the course screen and override the standard Course UDF’s This is of special interest to programs who do conferences, youth camps, etc.

Fees, Payments, Transfers & Cancellations

Begin by getting your ducks in order

It all starts with the fees area of Course Setup Main (tuition) fees: Make as many as you need, Only assign ONE Additional fees or Coupon Discounts add some, all or NONE

Do not proceed until Balance Due is correct! Assign the proper fee(s) on the registration screen How much they OWE Do not proceed until Balance Due is correct! What they PAID (comes from PAYMENTS)

Special Circumstances???? Yes, you can adjust the fees One-time adjustment reason? Press Alt+4 for open text entry

Move from the Registration Screen to the Payment Screen by clicking the Payments Button

Select your payment type: (You have 6 Standard types and may create up to 6 custom Pay types)

When you are finished adding pay details, use this button to save, close AND print the receipt Don’t forget you have options…

If you are making multiple payments OR returning to A Pay screen to add another payment . . . Make certain to click the “Add” button. Otherwise, you will be changing the existing payment

Billing Records The “Billing Record” option creates a record for invoicing purposes, but is not part of the enrollment count This Option is particularly useful/applicable for Contract or “In House” training programs)

When making a Billing You may set up a payment plan

A few payment notes You may accept multiple payments, each with a different payment method You may pay part of a registration amount due and bill the remainder Notes may be added to a Payment You can “Clone” payment Info Switch “Payer” (Name/Firm/3rd Party) with a click of a button

Changes to a registration? You have choices! Cancel Registration Refund all or a portion of the money Keep all of the money Transfer money to escrow Transfer registration To a different class or participant

Cancelling Reg, No Payment – New Behavior! Click “Canceled” If no payments are attached to the registration Checking “Canceled” automatically Cancels the registration Zeroes our CEUs and Hours Add negative fee adjustment to zero out amount due If you cancel a registration with no payment, SM kicks into Quick Cancel mode. Cancel the registration and CEU’s, Hours, Credits are automatically zeroed out, and a negative fee adjustment is added to bring the Balance Due to zero.

NOTE: to enable this you MUST set this In “Register” preference settings If you cancel a registration with no payment, SM kicks into Quick Cancel mode. Cancel the registration and CEU’s, Hours, Credits are automatically zeroed out, and a negative fee adjustment is added to bring the Balance Due to zero.

Need to Cancel and Refund? Use the “Refund Wizard” You must enter a “Reason Why” you are doing this (so it gets logged on to the Cancelled Reg)

Canceling a Registration with an active Billing

Transfer Payments move money to another registration or into an escrow account

Escrow: Hold funds for a student for their future use Learn more about it in the online Help Guide (Search for: Escrow)


Transfers: you have options…

Advanced Features

Allow Selected Students to BILL a registration (via ACEweb) Allow Selected Students to BILL a registration (via ACEweb) .. EVEN THOUGH, the course was set to NOT allow Billings You can set a limit on the amount they can bill Allows you to let select people (eg: training directors, personnel directors) bill their employee registrations.

Grouping: To Group or Not to Group??? GROUP GOAL: Put multiple registrations together to: 1) pay for them at one time 2) w/one Payment Method 3) and to show on one receipt

Types of Grouped Registrations One person/company wants to register several people on one course. An individual registers in several courses and pays for them all with one pay type. Several employees from one company have registered in various courses.  The company pays for all the registrations with one check. Two or more children from the same family register for a camp and a parent makes a single payment NOTE: You needn’t group registrations if you are billing to a company (company invoicing)

Types of Grouped Registrations One person/company wants to register several people on one course. An individual registers in several courses and pays for them all with one pay type. Several employees from one company have registered in various courses.  The company pays for all the registrations with one check. Two or more children from the same family register for a camp and a parent makes a single payment Stay in the register screen, and keep clicking “ADD REGISTRATION”… Then, when done adding courses, go to “PAYMENTS”

One person/company wants to register several people on one course. An individual registers in several courses and pays for them all with one pay type. Several employees from one company have registered in various courses.  The company pays for all the registrations with one check. Two or more children from the same family register for a camp and a parent makes a single payment Go to the desired COURSE click “Add/Edit Reggies” At the Reg Screen, Click ADD Then you see Name Lookup, (select your name, or ESC to add new) Complete Registration ( on 2nd Time thru, SM will PROMPT you if you want to Group) NOTE: You MUST have Prompt for Grouping preference ON! When done adding all names, go to PAYMENT

One person/company wants to register several people on one course. An individual registers in several courses and pays for them all with one pay type. Several employees from one company have registered in various courses.  The company pays for all the registrations with one check. Two or more children from the same family register for a camp and a parent makes a single payment Register first employee (do NOT pay) Find 2nd employee and add them to desired course (again DO NOT pay) Use “Manual Mode (in next slide) to group with first employee Lather, Rinse, Repeat (continue till done w/ registrations) When done adding all names, go to PAYMENT

Basically same as previous example One person/company wants to register several people on one course. An individual registers in several courses and pays for them all with one pay type. Several employees from one company have registered in various courses.  The company pays for all the registrations with one check. Two or more children from the same family register for a camp and a parent makes a single payment Basically same as previous example Register first child (do NOT pay) Register second child (again DO NOT pay) Use “Manual Mode (in next slide) to group with first chile Repeat as necessary When done adding all children, go to PAYMENT

Click appropriate option For Manual Grouping…. Clicking the Group button (upper right corner) opens the Grouping Dialog Box. Click appropriate option

This is ESPECIALLY nice for large databases Set the number of days to go back to find a group While we’re here: You MUST also enable “Prompt for Grouping” to get the Automatic Group Option! This is ESPECIALLY nice for large databases (speeds up search considerably)

Group Look up NOW you can search by Name AND/or Course Title (before you could ONLY use person ID and Course #)

Speed registration helps you enroll multiple participants in a single course Select a course from the list and move to the selection screen

Make the appropriate choices and click “Add Names”

Anybody using Speed Reg?? Import Wizard add names from an Excel spreadsheet WONDERFUL for “Batch Loading” registrants from a Contract Training Course/program Anybody using Speed Reg??

Staff can manually “Assign” a proxy “handler” to this registration Assign Proxy (show Proxy) For Web Registrations: Lists the user (other “student”) who registered this person. Staff can manually “Assign” a proxy “handler” to this registration

Assign Proxy (show Proxy) This allows the proxy (the person who registered this person) to go on ACEweb and view this registration. POINT: Your training directors/your parents, etc are able to see who they registered in what classes (via ACEweb)

Would you like Fries with that registration? Participants may purchase multiple seats Or A quantity of optional fees (ie: books, lunches) The “multiple seat” option is great when a registrant wants to RESERVE spots in a class, but does NOT know/have the names of the students who would be attending!

Publish allows ACEweb to display the names of those registered ( for Annual Meeting/gathering events) The option “Who Else is Attending” must be enabled in ACEweb

A few helpful tips

New warning if you make a payment to a canceled registration

Need both a letter & numeric grade? Use the grade field for the numeric grade

And rename the Misc Code field for the letter grade

Never delete a payment with a receipt number Receipt number? Void Change Payment type to VOID.. (to preserve the initial pay info ) VOIDed Payments are NOT included in reports.

Clean up registration tables

Want to track supervisor name? Very helpful in tracking “Decision Makers” in the organizations you serve Indicates who approved registration (Can link to another name record)

Questions / 800-925-2493

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