Growth mindset As a school we have adopted a growth mindset way of thinking. Children are encouraged to approach their challenges with a positive mind set. The year group has a general display as seen above.
Who’s who? Mrs Mahal – Class 2a and Year leader Miss Abbey– Class 2b Mrs Barron and Mr Valentine – Class 2c Mrs Purbrick, Mrs Hunt, Miss Quinn, Miss Everett and Mrs Chantler
general Please ensure your child has a full PE kit labelled in school Children should also have a white shirt which is required for Science Children must be wearing their winter uniforms by Monday 25th September (see full list on the school website) Parent consultations dates : Tuesday 17th October and Wednesday 18th October ( letters will be given out nearer the date)
Maths In Maths we focus on the fundamentals of: Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning. We encourage pupils to explore and discuss their Maths to promote and develop conceptual understanding and depth of knowledge. Alongside this, we teach Arithmetic, to ensure pupils develop their number skills and are procedurally fluent. An overview of concepts/topics from our scheme will be available on the school website ‘Year pages.’ The scheme is designed to provide consistency and depth across the school. Parent leaflets are available with some tips and ideas that can be used at home to support your children.
Bar modelling Bar Modelling is an approach we have gradually introduced across the school. This year we will focus on fully implementing in all classes as an approach to visualise problems concepts or present findings. Early foundations are established in Early Years and built upon in each Year Group (applying to more complex problems by Upper KS2) The Bar Model links directly with pupils use of manipulatives (hands on exploring of concepts to deepen understanding)
Number Work and Timestables Ensuring that our children are Number Fluent is essential This includes number bonds and times tables: - Yr 1 – Count forward and back to and from 100 (including in steps) Tables 2,5,10s. - Y 2 – Count forward and back to and beyond 100 (including in steps) Tables 2,5,10s multiplication and division and beginning 3s. - Yr 3 – Count in 10s and 100s up to 1000 from any given number Tables 3,4,8s as multiplication and division (2,5,10s from KS1)
Calculation policy The school has its own calculations policy for the four number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) This is followed and implemented in each year group The policy is designed to build on pupils’ learning as they move through the school, working towards an efficient method A copy of the full policy and the condensed ‘at a glance version’ is available on the school website on the Maths page and year group page
Home support Times tables and counting – We try to make this as fun and interesting as possible, but for some they need to be practised regularly Maths homework is given on a Monday and returned on a Friday. It is always linked to current class learning or practising of key skills Use the school’s calculations policy to support your child at home Often, homework may be problem solving packs and/or Abacus games online. Please look after the games and all the parts while they are at home, the packs are expensive and damages or lost parts will need to be charged It is important the children complete this homework, as problem solving is a key component of the Curriculum.
English English sessions consist of: Accelerated Reading Writing GPS (Grammar, punctuation and taught spelling) Clued spelling and Phonics
Promote children’s love of reading at St John’s Accurately assess the most suitable books for your child. Children complete a quiz when they finish the book. Every quiz passed is a step on their reading journey (earning prizes). 100% entry to a termly lucky dip draw to win a Kindle Fire. Children may want to read books which are not stored on Accelerated Reader. They will still be rewarded by progressing on their reading journeys.
Looking for books at home… Go to Go to advanced search. Put in the interest level of your child. Select your child’s level range (ATOS). Click search.
You can see a list of suitable AR books. Alternatively you can use the ‘Quick Search’ to see if books are AR and therefore quizzable.
Reading for enjoyment Click here for video
Reading at home Share - take turns reading Model reading aloud Choice – magazines, comics, information books Find somewhere cosy – make it a special time Sign reading record at least once a week. Make comments about your child’s reading and how they are progressing i.e. pages read and books completed
Reading challenge Children should have an option of reading: Library books School reading books Books of their choice Newspapers/Magazines Children will have a designated reading day where they will read with an adult. The following day children will complete their Accelerated Reading quiz and will be given a new reading book
How we teach reading… We are using class novels linked in with our topics to model reading aloud to the class.
Writing Cold task Read and explore RUBRIC (success criteria) Model and share Draft 1 Peer critique Draft 2 Hot task Self assessment and teacher assessment Interim framework is used to assess children on completion of each hot task. Usually a 2 week cycle Pick a genre for example :persuasive writing and creative writing Applied pieces in Topic and Religion
Homework – Spelling lists will go home every week as part of their homework. These spellings will be linked to their Phonics and the graphemes included will be learnt in school Spellings will be tested on a Friday and any which your child can not spell will be highlighted to continue to learn at home. They will also be added to clued spelling boxes in school.
Handwriting Cursive handwriting throughout the school Expected that children should be joining their handwriting by the end of Year 2
TOPIC This term our theme is Muck, Mess and Mixtures where we will be learning about every day materials, their properties and reading George’s Marvellous Medicine Other topics we will be covering this year will be: Beat, band and boogie! Bounce! Wriggle Towers, tunnels and turrets Land Ahoy!
assessment Year 2 and 6 are known as ‘end of key stages’ and thus are a point for ‘statutory assessment’. At the end of year 2, children are now described as working towards, working at or working at greater depth according to the end of key stage 1 expectations set out in the new curriculum. The new curriculum is rigorous and sets high expectations, which all schools and children have to work hard to meet.
assessment Children will be assessed against a list of ‘objectives’ or statements which describe the end of key stage expectations in reading, writing and maths. Children must show evidence, in class, that they have achieved all of these statements over the course of the year, to be awarded the ‘ expected’ standard.
assessment At the end of Year 2, children will have statutory assessments/tests in: Reading Maths These assessments are due to take place in May this year. The results of these tests will be reported at the end of the year, and along with the ongoing assessment of your child’s classwork, will provide a final assessment for your child.
assessment At parent consultations, you will receive a copy of the expectations, with details of how your child is progressing and what you can focus on at home to help them achieve. A copy of the ‘end of key stage expectations’ are available to take home tonight.
assessment Phonics If your child did not achieve 31 in last year’s phonics check, they must resit the check at the end of year 2. Extra support will be put in place to support this.
Primary Edge- Olly Organisation Prepare Plan Organise Design Create Compile Support Assist
Primary Edge Who’s next? Term 2- Charlie Communication Term 3- Izzy Initiative Term 4- Raj Resilience Term 5- Laura Leadership Term 6- Recap and celebrate More information can be found on the school website.
Year Group Page Weekly updates with photos Dates for your diary PE days and library days School trips Interim frameworks Calculation policy Abacus login details