A TSUNAMI IN HIGHER EDUCATION? YES AND NO.. Presentation to the ITS Integrator User Group Annual Conference Cape Town 16 March 2015 Theuns Eloff
THE INEVITABILITY OF CHANGE Norman Davies, the esteemed and often controversial historian: ‘Historical change is like an avalanche. The starting point is a snow-covered mountainside that looks solid. All changes take place under the surface and are rather invisible. But something is coming. What is impossible is to say when.’
THE INEVITABILITY OF CHANGE Just as globalisation and technology have transformed other huge sectors of the economy in the past 20 years, in the next 20 years universities face transformation… Deep, radical and urgent transformation is required in higher education. The biggest risk is that as a result of complacency, caution or anxiety the pace of change is too slow and the nature of change is too incremental. The models of higher education that marched triumphantly across the globe in the second half of the 20th century are broken. (An Avalanche is coming, Barber et al, 2013)
WHAT CAUSES THE AVALANCHE? (Barber et al 2013) The global economy is changing (a flat world, knowledge) The global economy is suffering (youth unemployment rising) The cost of higher education is increasing faster than inflation (in 2013, not any more) The value of a degree is falling (not just in commercial terms, but also at a standard level) Content is ubiquitous (and the power of the academy is reduced) The competition is heating up (global student opportunities) The progress of educational technology is not the only but nevertheless an important factor in driving the avalanche
THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE AVALANCHE Universities will have to rethink their business model - catering largely for a generation connected from birth, under greater pressure to change Global changes altered nature & pattern of demand for skills & knowledge in the workforce; the demand for well-educated, imaginative, collaborative, confident people who take personal responsibility and go the extra mile (‘creative creators’) increases. Globalisation is not only bringing diversity to countries’ populations & large cities, but also enhancing the number of potential students who ‘shop’ globally for the best higher education offerings. This trend will accelerate as public funding for higher education around the world is reduced and replaced by private funding such as loans or direct payments. (An Avalanche is coming, Barber et al, 2013)
DISTINCT FEATURES OF UNIVERSITIES UNDER THREAT Research: Costs are growing, only a few can compete Other focused players are gaining in influence Degrees: Awarding power, not only universities Do you need a degree to progress in the world? City and regional prosperity Remains important, but relatively so as others join Faculty: Proximity unnecessary to create academic community Teaching from anywhere, in multi-modes
DISTINCT FEATURES OF UNIVERSITIES UNDER THREAT Students: Face to face not only option (not even the best?) Digital communities Desire to be taught by the best Governance and administration Proximity and concentration unnecessary Pressure to have fewer Curriculum Ownership by academics relativized MOOC’s, but certification and structure a challenge
DISTINCT FEATURES OF UNIVERSITIES UNDER THREAT (2) Teaching-learning Variety of modes of delivery, customised for the client Employers still skeptical about online, but should change More focused on skills Assessment Focus not on seat time nor credits, but demonstrating competence in a series of tests that can be done online and at home Experience Can also be provided elsewhere as meet-ups, youth clubs, and learning communities develop But not so clear, depending on culture..
THE AVALANCHE IN HE: SUMMARY Underlying driving force is educational technology But more: confluence of factors ranging from globalization, internet, new attitude amongst youth, need for new skills… It will probably result in five models of universities Model 1: the elite university Model 2: the mass university Model 3: the niche university Model 4: the local university Model 5: the lifelong learning mechanism But it will not have the same effect all over the world There are other factors that will impact on it (An Avalanche is coming, Barber et al, 2013)
WHAT ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA? Universities by and large less willing to think transformatively) Government on a crusade for a different kind of transformation Educational technology and especially infrastructure less developed here Access to educational technology (and connectivity) less available (especially in rural areas) and more expensive The white paper on distance education provided some hope, but nothing has happened since then Too few SA universities well enough managed to meet the challenge
WHAT IS ALREADY HAPPENING IN SA? Ordinary 'distance' education by correspondence, sometimes assisted by email messages and Youtube videos Face to face teaching-learning enriched by educational technology, ranging from power point presentations to video clips to class notes disseminated beforehand The videotaping of face to face lectures, made available to contact students on a site for future reference (or first reference!)
WHAT IS ALREADY HAPPENING IN SA? The in-time broadcasting of studio-based lectures to a variety of centres, supported by so called 'white board technology' The communication of study materials to far away delivery sites, where face to face support is provided regularly by facilitators Use of an educational learning systems to enhance communication between lecturers and students (whether on- or off campus) Pure online courses, mainly post-graduate, supplemented by regular face to face sessions
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE IN SOUTH AFRICA? Educational technology must develop even further Availability of PC's for poor students must improve Availability of broadband must improve, especially in rural areas The cost of broadband must decrease – a pipe dream? The ‘school’ pipeline must work - need I say more? Traditional face to face teaching must be enriched with educational technology, to form a foundation… Academics’ anchor is still in traditional academia The double challenge of access and quality, going hand in hand with numbers and focus (and the fact that highly paid professors avoid undergraduate teaching)
POINTS TO PONDER… Globally a few ‘online’ universities, but not all universities can be online, otherwise the pipeline of academics won’t exist The complexity of the educational technology wave: Online lecturing: early international evidence that quality of teaching- learning online can be better than face-to-face, as all interactions are explicit and can be analysed and improved upon Online support must consider the time and people it will take Will SA learners from a dysfunctional system be able to work more independently in an online environment? A variety of modes of presentation… more clarity needed The relativity of contact and distance modes (near and far) Adequate access to knowledge resources (connectivity?) In the quest for better practical skills acquisition in a variety of professions, we need the binary divide to be reinstated
WHY DO PEOPLE AND INSTITUTIONS CHANGE? I was serving on a battleship that had been on maneuvers in heavy weather and was on bridge as night fell. Visibility was poor, so the captain remained on the bridge. Shortly after dark, the lookout reported: “Light, bearing on the starboard bow”. “Is it steady or moving astern?” the captain asked. “Steady sir”, which meant we were on a dangerous collision course with that ship.
WHY DO PEOPLE AND INSTITUTIONS CHANGE? The captain instructed the signalman: “Signal that ship: we are on collision course, advise you change course 20 degrees”. Back came the signal: “Advisable for you to change course”. The captain said: “Send, I’m a captain, change course 20 degrees”. “I’m a seaman second class” came the reply. “You had better change course”. A furious captain spat out: “Send, I’m a battleship. Change course 20 degrees”.
WHY DO PEOPLE AND INSTITUTIONS CHANGE? Back came the flashing light: “I’m a lighthouse”. We changed course!