Off-line Event Building Hidetada Baba RIKEN, Japan
Small DAQ Take all detector data by 1 DAQ system Detector A DAQ System Detector B Take all detector data by 1 DAQ system Coincidence Trigger by Hardware
Dead time of a DAQ system Trigger Dead Time R Trigger Rate t Dead time Nacc N of Accepted Trigger Ngen N of Generated Trigger
Parallel DAQ Common trigger Parallel Readout Event build Detector A On-line Event Builder DAQ B Detector B Coincidence Trigger Common trigger Parallel Readout Event build based on the “Event Number”
Common trigger, individual dead time DAQ A Dead time DAQ B
Common Trigger + Individual dead time The best is: tB =0, tA = tB tB = 200us Combined live time Common trigger case, we should use the “Common dead time” mode
Go to “Individual Trigger” DAQ A Detector A Coincident Data DAQ B Detector B Detector C DAQ C Individual Trigger for Each DAQ Software Trigger We can change the trigger condition, after the experiment
Go to “Individual Trigger” DAQ A Detector A DAQ B Detector B Coincident Data Detector C DAQ C Individual Trigger for Each DAQ Distribute Clock = Time Stamp 48bits, 100MHz(10ns)
Relative timing spectra to find “Coincidence” Beam Silicon Germanium TSSi-TSBeam Isomer Gamma Coincidence Window by Software TSGe-TSBeam Offset Width
To know combined dead time DAQ A Dead time of each DAQ DAQ B DAQ C
To know combined dead time (live time) DAQ A DAQ B DAQ C Trigger Recorder (Dead time free) Store TS of all triggers
Beta decay experiment with RI beam @ RIKEN Beam line Detector for particle identification Silicon Detector for Beam and Beta Germanium Detector for Gamma ray
Beta decay experiment with RI beam @ RIKEN Beam line Detector for particle identification Silicon Detector for Beam and Beta Prompt Gamma order of ps Isomer Gamma order of us Germanium Detector for Gamma ray ZA
Beta decay experiment with RI beam @ RIKEN Beam line Detector for particle identification Silicon Detector for Beam and Beta Germanium Detector for Gamma ray
Beta decay experiment with RI beam @ RIKEN Beta ray order of ms Isomer Gamma Beta delayed Gamma ZA Z+1A
Beta decay experiment with RI beam @ RIKEN ZA Z+2A Z+1A
Beta decay experiment with RI beam @ RIKEN A variety of physics events Long time scale range Difficult to decide “Coincidence Trigger” during experiment Separately measure “Beam”, “Silicon”, “Germanium” data = Individual Trigger Use “Time Stamp”, “Software Trigger”
Developing a new “Off-line event building” system Based on Database technology RIKEN - Saclay - GANIL Easy to use Fast event building Generic data format (e.g. ROOT, ASCII) Multi DAQ system Different DAQ systems will come to RIKEN RIKEN DAQ, EURO-Ge (GSI), SAMURAI Si (HINP/NSCL), MINOS(GET), SAMURAI TPC(STAR/GET), GRETINA?(USA)
Now developing (RIKEN - Saclay - GANIL) Return combined data A + B Off-line Event Builder Client Req DAQ A Put request Data + TS A Request = “Detector A AND Detector B”, 2012 May 3. 19:00-21:00, window = +- 100ns” DAQ B Data + TS B DB List of Events DAQ C Data + TS A catalog of Events Contain all TS values
Now developing (RIKEN - Saclay - GANIL) An event record Time Stamp Detector ID Location of this data Tag Raw Data DataBase Resister all event records
Example, Particle Identification Z A/Q Raw data TOF Position dE Target
Register Raw Data Storage DataBase Event N TimeStamp TOF Position dE 1 120 102 -20, 2 140 2 1203 99 12, 3 70 3 2331 8, 1 68 4 4510 98 -6, 10 Storage DataBase DAQ A
Register Analyzed Data Event N TimeStamp TOF Position dE 1 120 102 -20, 2 140 2 1203 99 12, 3 70 3 2331 8, 1 68 4 4510 98 -6, 10 Event N TimeStamp A Z Tag 1 120 108 40 108Zr 2 1203 100 36 100Kr 3 2331 98 98Kr 4 4510 104 38 104Sr DataBase
Event selection by Database Query Command SELECT * from Table_A, Table_B WHERE TS_A - TS_B BETWEEN -100 AND 100 No good Query TS_A 120 1323 2342 4523 6621 TS_B 140 2403 2842 8023 9111 DB try to do “TS_A - TS_B” Too many calculations
Event selection by Database Query Command SELECT * from Table_A, Table_B WHERE (TS_A > TS_B-100) AND (TS_A < TS_B+100) Good Query TS_A 120 1323 2342 4523 6621 TS_B 140 2403 2842 8023 9111 20 DB can use efficient search (e.g. Index scan) 220 The result is the same, however quite faster
Beta decay exp. 2012@RIKEN On your laptop RIKEN side DB Pre Analysis RIKEN format Munich format GSI format Pre Analysis ROOT ASCII Beam Si Ge 108Zr TS A Z Tag TS E(MeV) T(ns) Pos TS E(MeV) T(ns) Pos Put requests via Web-Browser Down load combined data Off-line Event Builder DB
Summary Individual trigger system Dead time Synchronized by Time Stamp Dead time Determined by collecting all trigger timings New Off-line event building system Software trigger after data-storage Easy to combine different DAQ systems Output file = Generic data format Data base for the event selection Useful query commands, Scalable, Robust, Fast