AGB news November 2016:140Ce only playing card…..


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Presentation transcript:

AGB news November 2016:140Ce only playing card….

AGB news February 2017….

140Ce 145Nd 146Nd 59Ni 60Fe 41Ca Faite vos jeux rien ne va plus….!!!

Proposed measurements 140Ce (n,γ)141Ce s-process distributions in s-rich Globular Clusters 50% Straniero et al. 2014

140Ce(n,γ)141Ce 140Ce (abundance 88.5%) --> despite the large abundance, its cross section is by far the lowest. Enriched isotope is needed.

KADONIS v1.0 KTS96 = F. Käppeler, K. Toukan, M. Schumann, and A. Mengoni, Phys. Rev. C 53, 1397 (1996).

COST: 10000 euros / 5 gr AGB MODELS +50% in cross section +50% surface [Ce/Fe] 2 gr 5 gr

140Ce 145Nd 146Nd 59Ni 60Fe 41Ca Faite vos jeux rien ne va plus….!!!

Ireland, T.R. et al., Ge.Co. Acta, submitted Neodimium isotopes in pre-solar SiC grains Yin, lee & Ott 2006, ApJ 647 676 Ireland, T.R. et al., Ge.Co. Acta, submitted


145Nd(n,γ)146Nd WVK98a = K. Wisshak et al., Phys. Rev. C 57, 391 (1998).

146Nd(n,γ)147Nd WVK98a = K. Wisshak et al., Phys. Rev. C 57, 391 (1998).

140Ce 145Nd 146Nd 60Fe 59Ni 41Ca Faite vos jeux rien ne va plus….!!!

Radioactive isotopes and dust formation Uttenthaler, S. 2013, A&A 556 38 Uttenthaler, S. in preparation Stars with Tc show milder dust mass-loss From FUNS stellar models 41Ca and 60Fe also interesting for Early Solar System radioactives

60Fe(n,γ)61Fe Check at PSI: induced γ in URS09 7e15 atoms? URS09 = E. Uberseder, R. Reifarth, D. Schumann, I. Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, J. Goerres, M. Heil, F. Käppeler, J. Marganiec, J. Neuhausen, M. Pignatari, F. Voss, S. Walter, and M. Wiescher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, (2009) 151101. Check at PSI: induced γ in URS09 7e15 atoms?

Already available a sample @ CERN 59Ni(n,γ)60Ni 59Ni(n,p)59Co about 10 times smaller Already available a sample @ CERN (84 μg , 8.56e17 atoms?...EAR2?)

41Ca(n,α)38Ar 41Ca(n,p)41K about 10 times smaller 41Ca(n,γ)41K about 20 times smaller De Smet, L. et al. 2006

41Ca(n,γ)41K 1e17 atoms?