Introduction Psychology Prof. Elham Aljammas Date:15th sept.2014 Prof. Elham Aljammas Date:15th sept.2014
Objectives 1.To understand the meaning of psychology & its correlation to different factors. 2.To Differentiate between normality & Abnormality 3. To determine the criteria that differentiate normality from abnormality 4 To be familiar with the different methods used by psychologists
Definition : Psychology: is defined as the scientific study of human behavior & menta l processes . Behaviour: Any response or activity of an organism ,it can be either simple or complex,overt or covert,conscious or unconscious,voluntary or involuntary , rational orirrational.
Important people in the Development of psychology 1.Aristotle(384-322BC): Observation in human behavior 2.Charles Darwin(1809-1882):Theory of evolution. . 3.Francis Galton (1822-1011):individual differences (father of mental tests). 4.Wilhelm Wundt: ( father of Modern psychology) 5.Hermann Ebbinghaus:reported first experment on Memory(1885)
Schools of thought in psychology 1.Structuralism(Edward Titchner):conscious experiences are composed of sensations,feelings &images. 2.Funcionalism(william James):Define mental phenomena or behavior in terms of their functions in man adjusment to his environment. 3.Gestalt psychology:The whole is greater than the sum of its parts(believed that the human mind imposes meaning to related experiences 4.Behaviorism(John Watson):S-R psychology 5.Psychoanalysis(Sigmund Freud):Behavior is governed by unconscious motive & primitive biological instinct
Contemporary approaches 1.Neuoroscience: 2.Psychodynamic 3.Behavioural 4.Humanistic 5.cognitive
Fields in psychology 1.Developmental psychology psychology 3.personality psychology 4.clinical psychology 5.counselling psychology & educational psychology 7.Industrial psychology 8.Environmental psychology 9Behavioural neuoroscience 10.Expermental psychology 11.Forensic psychology 12.Sport psychology 13.Health psychology 14cross cultural psychology 15.Behavioral Genetics
What Causes Behavior? Behavior
Influence of Heredity & Environment Nature versus Nurture
Mental Processes cannot Behaviorism Scientific Psychology should focus on observable behavior. Psych the Science of Behavior Mental Processes cannot be studied directly John Watson (1878-1958) Stimulus Response Psychology Ivan Pavlov
Criteria to distinguish normal & abnormality behavior Definitions: Criteria to distinguish normal & abnormality behavior Definitions: 1.Statistical Definition Abnormal=away from norm (e.g.) Height, Weight & intelligence 2. Social Definition Abnormal = Deviation from social norms or acceptable behavior. 3. Maladaptiveness of behavior: How the behavior affect the wellbeing of the individual or of the social group (e.g.) Alcoholic, violence …ect. 4. Personal Distress: Individual subjective feelings of distress rather than the individual's behavior (e.g.) mental illness.
of it, is abnormal. Normality: Difficult to define. The following qualities indicate emotional wellbeing. 1. Efficient perception of realty. 2. An ability to exercise voluntary control over behavior. 3. Self esteem & acceptance (i.e.) appreciate their own self-worth & feel accepted by those around them. 4. An ability to form affectionate relationship (i.e.) form a close & satisfying relationship with people. 5. Productivity. Lack or excess
Classifying abnormal behavior: 1.DSMV diagnostic statistical manual 2. ICD10 international classification of dis.s (mental) no.10
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