“Structure” and “Function” Six Psychological Perspectives Learning Plan 2
Competancy Outline the history of structuralism, functionalism and psychoanalysis Summarize the following six psychological perspectives: psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, biopsychological, and sociocultural Compare and contrast the six perspectives
Overview Intro/Imagine Activity Greek philosopher images Psychology taken from ancient Greek “Study of the mind” Psyche= mind/soul Logos (ology)= study of
Ancient Greeks Credited with origins of science in Western Civilization Classical period (500 BCE) peak of Greek culture World’s first democratic government Great minds of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
Structuralism Wilhelm Wundt Edward B. Titchner Constitutional Parts Fundamental structures of the mind Only normal adult mind Weaknesses- excluded aspects that do not fit Does not address psychopathology Behavior should not be a part of psychology Brought experimental psychology to US Core Context of Meaning Theory
Functionalism William James Physiological perspective based on experimentation Founded first psychology lab in US Emotions, behavior, and consciousness are physiology phenomena Individual differences/unique perspectives Mind/body one interacting entity Taught first psychology course in US
Psychoanalytical Perspective Philosophy vs. science until turn of 19th century Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic- id, ego, superego, unconscious mind, past creates the present, address unconscious to solve problems, dreams “royal road to the unconscious” Psychosexual stages of development oral stage (approx. birth to 19 months) anal stage (approx. 18 months to 4 yrs) phallic stage (approx. 4 to 7 yrs) latent stage (approx. 7 yrs to puberty) genital stage (puberty)
Psychoanalytic Continued Carl Jung Collective unconscious, déjà vu, near-death experiences Influences on are and other therapies Alfred Adler More hopeful, focus on family influence, social reform, individual psychology, social and holistic psychology, birth order Erik Erikson 8 Stages of Man- psychosocial and full lifespan Karen Horney Theory of neurosis, coping strategies- compliance, aggression, and withdrawal
Behavioral Perspective Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning--- Bells and Dogs John Watson Explain behavior without inner consciousness and nonphysical . Focus purely on observable behaviors. Broken into stimulus and response Focus on experimentation Free will is an illusion- process of reinforcement Operant conditioning- rewards and punishment
Biopsychological Perspective Physiological causes of behavior, feelings, and mental processes How biology of electrical impulses and chemicals effect human development, learning, performance, perceptions, and emotions Adolf Meyer How mind and body affects each other
Cognitive Perspective Term coined in 1967- Ulric Neisser Focus on scientific method in the collection of information Studies consciousness, learning, and memory Acknowledges internal states- desire and motivation Computer age
Humanistic Perspective 1950s- response to behaviorism and psychoanalysis Third Force Existential theory base Have free will Positive perspective Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rollo May European existential philosophy influence Phenomenology/client-centered therapy Qualitative not quantitative Actualizing tendency- feelings of incongruity
Sociocultural Perspective Most recent Social norms, rules, and roles Cultural rules and values Explore interactions with the surroundings Shame in children Theorists Alfred Bandura and L. Vygostky
Suggested Reading http://psych.athabascau.ca/html/aupr/social.shtml http://tip.psychology.org/vygotsky.html http://www.psych.ualberta.ca/research/scp.php http://www.womyn-ctr.co.nz/eating-disorders- palmer.htmhttp://www.womyn-ctr.co.nz/eating- disorders-palmer.htm
Homework History of Psychology Timeline- Due October 18th Readings: Lesson Plan 3 and supplemental readings Readings: Lesson Plan 4 and supplemental readings Assignments: Discussion 3.1 or Discussion 4.1