Enhancing Funding Capacity (Grants, Corporate Sponsorships and Legal Issues) GERRY D. CONSTANTINO Director for Projects and Sector Advocacy Events European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines
1978, First European Chamber in the world Voice of the European Business Community Membership organization & Professional Service Provider Governed by the Board of Directors (11) 3 Offices – Makati, Cebu & Davao 36 staff members
Quick Survey How many Associations here are: Not running Funded Projects yet? Managing locally funded Projects? Managing foreign funded Projects? Project leaders? Project partners? Have tried to apply for funding but failed? Frustrated with applying for funded projects?
Objective To exchange experiences with regard to: Funding opportunities Applying for project funding Preparing your organization for funding applications
Take Home You are aware of funding opportunities You have an idea on how to apply for the project funding You know how to prepare yourself as a project applicant or as a project partner
Why? Applying for Funding provides the Association with the following: Resources for the Association to support the Advocacy and Technical Assistance requirements of your Association and your members Increases the relevance of your association to the members and recognition by international/local funding agencies Good and stable revenues for your association over a number of years Builds up the capacity of the association to deliver relevant products and services to its members/clients
Sources of Funding FOREIGN FUNDING LOCAL FUNDING Other gov’t agencies… EUROPEAN UNION Other gov’t agencies… Other foreign organizations….
Sources of Funding
EU Funding EU NSA-LA ICI+ Projects EUROPEAN UNION EU NSA-LA EU Program on Non-State Actors and Local Authorities ICI+ Projects (SEBSEAM) Sustainable Consumption & Production Support for European Businesses in South East Asian Markets http://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/2017-calls-proposals
EU Funding Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020), Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness.
EU Bilateral Funding EUROPEAN COUNTRIES NETHERLANDS UNITED KINGDOM Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle (DRIVE) UK Prosperity Fund
EU Bilateral Funding German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle (DRIVE) A project that the company will not do without government support Government Infrastructure projects – food security, water, climate Up to Euro 200,000 grant Up to 50% of project cost Up to 3 years implementation Grant for Projects amounting to Euro 5M up to Euro 60M; Grant from 15%-35% of project cost Open to EU Companies (at least 25% EU equity) with annual turnover of Euro 1M Open to Private companies
New UK Cross Government Prosperity Fund EU Funding New UK Cross Government Prosperity Fund (From Sept 2016 onward) worth £1.3 billion over the next 5 years (2016-2021) Its priorities include improving the business climate, competitiveness and operation of markets, energy and financial sector reform, and increasing the ability of governments to tackle corruption. (Philippines – energy efficiency and green financing) Promote reforms will drive sustainable development in developing countries, and create opportunities for international business, including UK companies Contact: UK Embassy (Philippines)
Applying for EU Funding/ Legal Requirements Applicant must be SEC Registered; 3 years old; Strong financial standing (if not participate as a Partner) Register your organization in PADOR (Potential Applicant Data Online Registration) website Complete the application template form provided in the Call for Proposals to the detail. Starts with a concept note then later full proposal. Submit as instructed and on time
Some Risks – Legal issues Co-funding requirements Poor implementation of action – unable to deliver results Poor financial management Disallowances on project expenses Lack of support from your board due to risks
How do you earn (or save)? Project Management Fees Cost savings on operational costs Generate revenue from products and services created Ads and Sponsorships Events participation fees Others (in kind contributions, etc.)
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