What is Poverty? There are two official definitions which are:


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Presentation transcript:

What is Poverty? There are two official definitions which are: 1. the state of being extremely poor 2. the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount People who have poverty are less fortunate and may not have homes or money to supply them with daily essentials Poverty exists in many places, approximately 1.3 billion people live in EXTREME poverty around the world Some people suffering poverty live on the street or in huts with nothing to sustain their needs Please hover mouse here then press play Go to next slide after speaking is finished!

How it Affects Me It affects me as it makes me sad that people aren't generous enough to give to people in need There is poverty where I live and in the city and it needs to be stopped I live with the knowledge that there are people sitting without food or water feeling cold and hungry We should all donate to people living in poverty because at the moment we are not donating much at all I have donated $100 to world vision as I thoroughly care about this cause

How it Affects Others people living with poverty are always more generous and kind to others Most people in our society try to avoid them as they are scared of homeless people even though they are harmless Some people work hard to earn lots of money and do not feel as though they should have to donate to people living in poverty People are giving away money that they could use to buy items for themselves or for future needs It affects others in a good way by making them aware of the world that they live in and all the different perspectives and events that occur around the world

Transcript Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 What is poverty? Poverty is the state of having no money and resources to sustain your daily needs. It can exist in many places and forms for example in the book Trash by Andy Mulligan the characters have no family and are living in the rubbish dumps, they don’t have anything to sustain them but have come to the realisation that this is their life and they have to learn to be independent and support themselves. Another example are people who are homeless on the streets. You will find them everywhere in the city just sitting down on the cold, hard floor shivering. They ask for help but everyone just ignores them and gives them no respect or assistance. Slide 2 Even I having a good education, living area and resources experience poverty in other people around me. I have to live with the thought that there are people around me or in other places without a home, food or water suffering terribly. Poverty is a terrible thing and it needs to stop . We are all so fortunate and I'm sure we could afford to donate to the people in need. Imagine if 150 people donated $10 each, that would be a total of $1500 donated to the poor supplying some of them with food. Then imagine how much money we could donate if we did this for a number of weeks and many more people. That would be a lot! Slide 3 Poverty can prove the personality of a person. Most people who have more than enough money to supply themselves with there daily needs will walk past a homeless man or woman and ignore them and not help them. Most adults avoid homeless people proving themselves to be selfish and unkind. Some people do not think that they should donate to people living in poverty as they have worked tough, long hours to earn their money. But imagine if you had poverty and all you wanted was someone to help you but you got treated differently to everybody else. There are many different types of poverty including being homeless, living in the rubbish dumps or not having a home at all and living in a hut.