RDP 2014-2020
LEADER 2014-2020 Co. Sligo LEADER Partnership, on behalf of Sligo Local Community Development Committee, implementing the new LEADER programme for Co. Sligo Development of the Local Development Strategy for the €7.655 million under LEADER Programme for Sligo for this period.
The new programme will operate across 5 broad themes: Rural Economic Development / Enterprise Development and Job Creation Social Inclusion through Building Community Capacity, Training and Animation Rural Environment Support for Food Producers Cooperation Projects
Rural Economic Development / Enterprise Development and Job Creation Support economic activity of sufficient mass to attract people to live and work in rural areas To support rural job creation and job sustainability Increase the percentage of holdings where the fixed assets of the farm are utilised in non-agricultural activity by a member of the farm household for economic gain
Rural Tourism and Recreation To establish Sligo as the Adventure Capital of Ireland Develop the Potential of Wild Atlantic Way To support and develop rural tourism and recreation businesses -individually and collectively To maximise the sustainable tourism potential of County Sligo through provision of necessary infrastructure and development of the countryside as a recreational resource for all.
Enterprise Development To provide a comprehensive rural enterprise support service for business in the micro enterprise, small business and social enterprise sectors. Examples: Assistance to start-up enterprises Expansion of existing enterprises Development of innovative products and activities in sectors of potential e.g. Artisan Food, Creative Industries, Marine and Renewable Energy etc.
Adding value to local products e. g Adding value to local products e.g. support for business networks, marketing, local branding initiatives. Using local ICT capacity e.g. digital marketing or centralised admin Actions to foster rural entrepreneurship e.g. Training, R&D etc Selected investment in small rural enterprise space.
Broadband To offer support to business, tourism and community groups to bring localised broadband services to rural areas To develop initiatives to address access to broadband as a barrier to the growth of rural enterprise – e.g. Hubs and hotdesks
Rural Towns To ensure rural towns are attractive places to invest in, visit and live in by supporting local communities to take ownership of local economic development. To provide appropriate community and business supports to enhance the economic and social attractiveness of villages, small towns and the surrounding countryside. Support the development of Rural Economic Development Zone (REDZ) projects by animating local communities and businesses to develop sustainable economic development plans for their functional areas.
Social Inclusion through Building Community Capacity, Training and Animation Use bottom-up structures of LEADER methodology in rural communities. Animation activities at group and individual level to encourage community involvement in a broad range of social and economic activities Capacity building measures aimed at community and minority groups e.g. youth, women Initiatives aimed at geographically disadvantaged communities or those lacking in sufficient mass to enhance cohesion and capacity to develop Initiatives to animate specific interest or marginal groups to harness unique potential
Basic Services for hard to reach communities To support the development of the physical and human resources of hard to reach communities To identify and support the development of appropriate social, economic and cultural facilities and infrastructure to local communities, not otherwise available to them.
Rural Youth To animate and build the capacity of rural youth to participate in their local communities and local decision making processes To develop innovative initiatives to encourage entrepreneurship among rural youth To develop appropriate training initiatives that meet the needs of the local labour market which can result in youth job creation
Rural Environment To provide an integrated approach to the protection of the local heritage, complemented by a range of initiatives designed to develop the sustainable economic contribution of the natural, built, social and cultural heritage. E.g. Alternative or renewable energy actions Community environmental actions to protect and restore the amenity value of local water resources and high value nature areas Integrated plans for the restoration and development of locally significant natural areas, features and areas of environmental significance. Other environmental initiatives
Support for Food Producers Support for artisan food producers, including a focus on collaborative proposals aimed at production quality and market issues. Support for Regional product development, including a focus on marketing of distinctive local food stuffs. Marketing and processing support for strategically identified sectors.
Cooperation Projects To add value to objectives already outlined, and to further develop the knowledge-base in rural areas, cooperation projects will be developed along strategically identifies sectors of potential: To pool the know-how and/or human and financial resources dispersed across each of the territories concerned. To explore inter regional networking, clustering and branding potential
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