CaSYPoT project structure Zofia Makowska, The Regional Council in Kalmar County
What does the project need to contribute to? Interreg South Baltic Programme, Priorty Axis 5: Capacity building What does the project need to contribute to? Priority Axis 5: Increasing cooperation capacity of local actors in the South Baltic area for the blue and green growth Programme specific objective: 5 - Improve the cooperation capacity of local South Baltic area actors through participation in cross-border networks Programme Output indicator: Number of local actors involved in cross-border activities
Work packages WP1 Management and coordination WP2 Communication and dissemination WP3 and 4 – project specific activities WP3 Cross-border study WP4 Capacity building activities
WP3 Cross-border study Activities that are connected to: Preparation of the survey Carrying out of the survey Analysis of results Youth strategies (as outcome of the survey)
A3.1: Forming local working groups WP3 Cross-border study A3.1: Forming local working groups
A3.2: Tender process for choosing a University in Poland WP3 Cross-border study A3.2: Tender process for choosing a University in Poland
WP3 Cross-border study A3.3: Survey preparation
WP3 Cross-border study A3.4: Pilot study
A3.5: Anchoring the survey WP3 Cross-border study A3.5: Anchoring the survey
A3.6: Carrying out the survey WP3 Cross-border study A3.6: Carrying out the survey
Implementation of survey WP3 Cross-border study Deliverable 3.1: Implementation of survey
A3.7: Analysis of the survey results (local and cross-border) WP3 Cross-border study A3.7: Analysis of the survey results (local and cross-border)
WP3 Cross-border study A3.8: Informational meetings in municipalities with pupils, teachers, staff and politicians
Cross-border analysis on youth issues WP3 Cross-border study Deliverable 3.2: Cross-border analysis on youth issues Survey implementation Analysis
WP3 Cross-border study A3.9: Local and joint cross-border youth strategies decided and published
A3.10: Working groups proposals about action plan WP3 Cross-border study A3.10: Working groups proposals about action plan
Knowledge-based strategy and action plan WP3 Cross-border study Deliverable 3.3: Knowledge-based strategy and action plan Survey implementation Analysis 3. Outcome – survey results are basis for strategies (investigation of the current situation)
WP3 Cross-border study Main output WP3: Number of local authorities and universities engaged in cross-border study Joint effort to carry out the study in cross-border level Taken good practice from Sweden and implemented internationally The output is the cooperation.
Work packages WP1 Management and coordination WP2 Communication and dissemination WP3 Cross-border study WP4 Capacity building activities
WP4 Capacity building activities Activities that concern capacity building for: Dialogue with youth International cooperation (summary of the process ongoing during the whole project)
WP4 Capacity building activities A4.1: Dialogue-meeting to agree on a set of tools (to be tested) Including tools identified in seed money project workshops SYPERB and new tools based on the survey results
WP4 Capacity building activities A4.2: Testing tools for improved youth dialogue
WP4 Capacity building activities A4.3: Analysis of changes and development on four different levels: individual, activity, organization and policy level Difficult to see changes When survey is repeated several times we can see the trends, this analysis is a way to investigate changes earlier. Levels: Individual – if there were improvements on personal level, e.g. 1 new person became involved in youth council, Activity – e.g. new after school classes were created, organization – e.g. position of youth coordinator, policy level – new political decisions
WP4 Capacity building activities Deliverable 4.1: Tools verified in ERB context
WP4 Capacity building activities A4.4: Examination of resources needed for increased cross-border cooperation capacity in municipalities Analysis what is needed based on the experience gained in the project, especially for the new comers
WP4 Capacity building activities Deliverable 4.2: Report on capacity building
WP4 Capacity building activities Main Output WP4: Number of improved and tested capacity tools for youth dialogue and guidelines for transnational cooperation
Work packages WP1 Management and coordination WP2 Communication and dissemination WP3 and 4 – project specific activities WP1 and 2 – exist in all projects in SB Programme – more horizontal activities WP3 Cross-border study WP4 Capacity building activities
WP1 Management and coordination A1.1: Partnership agreement
WP1 Management and coordination A1.2: Partner meetings
WP1 Management and coordination A1.3: University network meetings
WP1 Management and coordination A1.4: Online meetings
WP1 Management and coordination A1.5: Financial management
WP1 Management and coordination A1.5: Final report
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.1: Webpage
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.2: Promotional material preparation and distribution
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.3: Promotion through social media
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.4: Promotion in local media
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.5: Conferences 2 conferences planned: in Slupsk and in Kalmar
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.6: Participation in Programme events E.g. lead partner seminars, annual conferences, trainings in reporting
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.7: Cross-project activities
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.8: Audiovisiual materials to the Programme (i.e. photos, videos, etc.)
WP2 Communication and dissemination A2.9: Success story
Exercise Assign the exemplary activities to the relevant work package.
WP1 Management and coordination WP2 Communication and dissemination A1.1: Partnership agreement A2.1: Webpage A2.6: Participation in the Programme events A1.2: Partner meetings A2.2: Promotional material A2.7: Cross-project activities A1.3: University network meetings A2.3: Promotion in social media A2.8: Audiovisual material to the programme A1.4: Online meetings A2.4: Promotion in local media A2.9: Success story A1.5: Financial management A2.5: Conferences A1.6: Final report