QUANTUM COMPUTING: Quantum computing is an attempt to unite Quantum mechanics and information science together to achieve next generation computation. A Quantum computer is a machine that performs calculations based on the laws of quantum mechanics which is the behaviour of particles at the sub-atomic level. Quantum computers have simultaneity and parallelism built inherently.
Moore’s law states that transistors doubles every 18 months in a microprocessor. Transistor size should reduce proportionally. CMOS-size-5nm In other few years the transistor size reaches sub-atomic scale i.e in the range of 0.1A
Classical Computers: Use bits which contain either zero or a one. Operate on these bits using a series of binary logic gates. Components have been decreasing in size. Classical designs are reaching the theoretical limit of miniaturization.(only a few atoms) On the atomic scale matter obeys the rules of quantum not classical physics. Quantum technology could not only further reduce the size of components , but could allow for development of new algorithms based on quantum concepts.
Qubit(Quantum bit) A bit of data is represented by a single atom that is in one of two states is known as qubit. Physical implementation of a qubit uses the two energy levels of an atom. Excited state representing |1> and a ground state representing |0>. Spin up-state represents a 1,spin-down a 0. A single bit can be forced into a superposition of the two states.
So What’s the Point? While a single classical bit can store either 0 or 1,a single qubit can simultaneously store both 0 and 1. Two qubits can store four states simultaneously while two classical bits can store one of four bits. In general if L is the number of qubits in a quantum register, that register can store 2^L different states simultaneously. Classical registers store only one state.
The speed of classical computers can be improved by using parallelism. In contrasted with quantum systems, parallelism is exponentially increased with the linear increase in the size of system. Because of its inheritance. Parallelism is inbuilt in quantum systems.
Quantum error detection: . The qubits are highly unstable and they keep their state which is termed as ‘decoherence’. This requires constant error correction for building a fault tolerant system. Quantum error correction is very expensive because arbitrary reliability is achieved by recursively encoding physical qubits numerous times and is achieved at the expense of speed. It is the most basic operation of a quantum computer.
Parallelism Exploitable parallelism is limited by resource and application structure. Now specialize into memory and computing blocks. Encode them differently. High processing speed and slow memory. The problem of stalls. Now,
Memory hierarchy Reliability can be increased by recursive encoding. When level 1 encoding creates N bits, Level 2 encoding creates N^2 logical bits. Qubits in ion trap quantum processor have large life times when left idle. Volatility increases with interactions.
Error correction procedure for every gate. Processor spends most of its time on ECP. So design should enable fast error correction. Increase the number of the cloned/ancillary qubits. For each level of concatenation error correction time and error increase exponentially. But reliability increases double exponentially
Revised architecture Data locality is a common phenomenon. The logical qubit can start at level 2, go to level 1 in peak and return to level 2 when idle. Memory at level 2 is for area and reliability. It is slower than level 1 structure designed for gate execution. So what do we do for optimisation?
Cache Alleviate the need for constant communication. Memory at level 2 encoding (slow and reliable). Cache at level 1 (faster and less reliable). Compute region is fastest and as reliable as cache. But they differ in speed due to the number of ancilla bits in compute region.
(a) Memory is denser. The figure shows 3 data qubits in the compute block which take the same area as 8 data qubits in memory. (b) Memory is at level 2 encoding, while the compute and cache are at level 1 encoding. The revised architecture consists of memory at level 2, compute regions at level 2 and also a cache and compute region at level 1.
Changed the ratio of logical to ancillary bits. Earlier it was 1:2 entirely. Now 8:1 and 1:2. Eg: adder The cache hit rate was around 20%. Static scheduling is done and the dependency is calculated. The optimised approach fetches hit rate up to 85% irrespective of the cache and adder size. Now, we have seen that balanced design with architectural techniques shows 13X improvement in speed and 8X in performance.