An Introduction to Herbal Medicine Dr. Clower
Alternative Medicine Nutritional therapies Supplementation Relaxation therapies Exercise Manipulative therapies Aromatherapy Homeopathy Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Medicine
What is herbal medicine? Some definitions: Herb Herbal Medicine History
Who uses herbal medicine? Consumers $4 billion annually Physicians Medical schools
How are herbs and drugs alike? Therapeutic chemicals Discovery Administration Research/testing Side effects/toxicity
Classes of phytochemicals Phenols Quinones Flavones, flavanoids Tannins Coumarins Terpenoids Alkaloids Polypeptides
How do herbs and drugs differ? Potency Side effects Cost Target
Regulation of herbs and drugs Vary from country to country Drugs FDA Herbs AHPA NNFA Safety with herbs Be informed Dosage Side effects
Choosing an herbal remedy Diagnosis Drug interactions Types of herbs Specifics Tonics The “anti’s” Adaptogens Bitters Carminatives Demulcents Expectorants
Methods of administration Capsules Fresh vs. dry Teas, infusions, decoctions Tinctures, glycerites Infused oils Essential oils Sprays Tablets Standardized extracts Simple or formula
Your assignment (15 points) You will be assigned an herb Research your assigned herb/plant What part of the plant is used? Active component? Method of administration? What is it used for? Side effects? Interactions with drugs? Cite references Summarize information on PPT poster (48” by 36”) for in-class discussion E-mail poster to Dr. Clower no later than 4:00 pm on Monday 4/14