Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Literacy We teach literacy every day and this will normally include both reading and writing skills. Your children also read to their teacher and other adults on a regular basis. The key skill is reading. The most help you can give your child is by reading with them every day if possible, or as often as you can. Reading is the key to the entire curriculum!
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Literacy Assessments Reading Writing Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Reading Writing Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Assessment occurs three times a year for all year groups with National Statutory Tests (SATs) at the end of years 2 and 6.
Supporting your children’s learning: Reading Read with your children both in English and in their first language- reading skills transfer from one language to another. http://www.milet.co.uk/ Scaffold- use books with pictures to help your children develop their comprehension skills. http://www.dandi.me.uk/ Talk! Talk to your children before, during and after reading. Talk about characters and why they behave like they do, talk about plot- what has happened and why, and what do you think is going to happen next? Real life experiences help your children understand what is going on. Simple activities like going to the beach or going on camp broaden children’s inderstanding of what goes on in stories. Let your child read for pleasure!
So why is Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar our focus? Because it is relatively new. The first Year 6 SAT test was in 2013 and this is the first year of the Year 2 SAT. Because it is the focus of the new National Curriculum which we must teach. Because it now forms a large part of assessment in writing and reading.
SPaG Curriculum- What will your children be learning? There are links to the new curriculum on the Colston’s website. Link These list what pupils will be taught year by year.
Changes to the Curriculum This website details the specific changes to the tests in Years 2 & 6. While your child may not be in these years, the tests measure your child’s learning throughout their time in school.
SATs Tests- Key Stage 1 Spelling Grammar and Punctuation
SATs Tests- Key Stage 2 Spellings Grammar and Punctuation
Subject Knowledge Learn English Grammar- British Council Available on the internet and as an app.
Subject Knowledge Learn English Spelling- No Nonsense Spelling
Thank you for coming and supporting your children’s education.