SATs meeting 24th February 2016
Welcome Aims Become familiar with SATs papers Have a clear idea of what the children will be doing during SATs week How to support your child before and during SATs week
SATs In May 2016 Year 6 and Year 2 children will be the first to take new SATs papers. These tests in English and Mathematics will reflect the new national curriculum. It is intended to be more rigorous. New marking scheme which will replace levels.
SATs Reading Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Maths Set and marked externally. Although teacher assessment will also be used to give a broader picture of attainment.
Reading SATs Theme 0-10% Making inferences 20-40% Comprehension 40-60% A single paper with questions based on three passages of text. Usually fiction, non-fiction and poetry. 1 hour. Questions: ranking/ordering, labelling, find and copy, short constructed responses and open-ended response. Theme 0-10% Making inferences 20-40% Comprehension 40-60% Language for effect 10-25%
Your turn! Reading test. You will need to have a pen or pencil. Can you infer what the writer means? Let’s begin!
Answers Q1 - Her grandfather’s voice Q2 - (old) Ursula Q3 - small Q4 - 1 mark for suggesting a feeling with one piece of supportive evidence e.g ‘he feels shocked because he opens his eyes when he sees the food’ 2 marks for suggesting a feeling with two pieces of supportive evidence e.g. he feels shocked because he opens his eyes when he sees the food and he is given a lot more food than usual’
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling SATs Two parts consisting of a grammar and punctuation paper and aural spelling test. 45 minutes for grammar and punctuation test which requires short answers 15 minutes for aural spelling test of around 20 words. Grammar 36-50% Punctuation 14-28% Language strategies 4-10% Spelling 29%
Your turn! Spelling test. You will need to have a pen or pencil. Can you spell the following Year 5/6 key exception words? Let’s begin!
accommodate recommend privilege mischievous conscience
Maths SATs Three papers. Paper 1 – Arithmetic, 30 minutes. Fixed response questions. Paper 2 & 3 - Reasoning, 40 minutes. Multiple choice, true and false, constrained answers and answers which require explanations Number, algebra, ratio and proportion 65-75% Measure, geometry and statistics 25-35%
Your turn! Arithmetic maths test. You will need to have a pen or pencil. Your child has 30 minutes to answer 35 questions. Therefore you need to answer each question in around a minute. Let’s begin!
Answers Q11 1.18 Q12 1800 Q13 1/15 Q17 800 Q21 22.42
SATS timetable Day Morning Monday 9th May English Reading Test Tuesday 10th May English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Paper 1 & 2 Wednesday 11th May Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic Maths Paper 2: Reasoning Thursday 12th May Maths Paper 3: Reasoning
SATs week in school Breakfast club Water Chocolate PE Circle times Creativity – art/DT
Preparation for SATs Routines Bedtimes Down time Any worries then share Useful websites – bug club/grammar bug/mathletics Y5/6 exception words practise Number facts/knowledge including decimals, fractions and percentage relationship/multiplication tables/arithmetic e.g column addition and subtraction/long and short division
After SATs We do not know the pass mark yet and they will not be set until after the tests are marked. 100 will be the pass score and your child will be given a scale score below, on or above this based on their raw score.
Questions Thank you for coming. Any questions, please ask!