Research Productivity: Importance, Measurements & Approaches for Improvement Dr. Mohammed A. A. Abdulaziz Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health & Health Informatics Umm Al-Qura University
Importance of Research Productivity World University Rankings National Research Performance Report Academic Accreditation Deanship of Scientific Research Report Faculty Promotion
World University Rankings Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)
World University Rankings The Times Higher Education World University Rankings % weighing Individual indicators Overall indicators 15 % 4.5 % 2.25 % 6 % Reputation survey Staff-to-student ratio Doctorate-to-bachelor’s ratio Doctorates awarded-to-academic staff ratio Institutional income Teaching (the learning environment) 18 % Research income Research publication Research (volume, income and reputation) 30 % Citation impact (Normalized average citation per paper) Citations (research influence) 2.5 % International-to-domestic-student ratio International-to-domestic-staff ratio International collaboration International outlook (staff, students, research) Research income from industries Industry income (knowledge transfer)
National Research Performance Report
Academic Accreditation NCAAA
Deanship of Scientific Research Report 1- Published by Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) every six months. 2- It gives statistical information on the percentage of submitted proposal for grants of each college or institute belongs to the University in comparison with the total proposal submitted. 3- It gives information on the submitted proposal for each program in the college and the total amount of the required budget
Faculty Members Promotion Assistant Professor الحد الادنى للإنتاج العلمي المطلوب للتقدم للترقية إلى أستاذ مشارك أربع وحدات منشورة أو مقبوله للنشر، اثنتان منها على الاقل عمل منفرد Associate Professor الحد الادنى للإنتاج العلمي المطلوب للتقدم للترقية إلى أستاذ ست وحدات منشورة أو مقبوله للنشر،منها ثلاث وحدات على الاقل عمل منفرد Professor
Research Productivity Measurement Importance Decision making College mission Benchmarking
What to measure? 1. Number of Research Publications 2. Citations Articles Reviews Conference proceeding Letter to the editor 2. Citations Web of Science Scopus Google Scholar
Number of Research Publications It is affected by:- Variations in research capacity, Relative funding Volume is no indicator of quality
Before writing your manuscript Remember That:- Getting acceptance from high impact journal is not an easy job
While writing your manuscript “Take home” Message Language Manuscript Structure Instruction for Author Cover Letter
Before submission the manuscript Plagiarism Authorship misconduct Choosing a Journal Pre-submission enquiry
Searching for high-impact Journal Avoid predatory publishers Misleading metrics Select ISI Journals Science Citation-indexed expanded (SCIE) Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI)
Predatory Publishers What is predatory publisher? Number of predatory publishers Predatory publishers list
Predatory Publishers
Misleading Metrics
ISI Journals Journal Citation Report (JCR) Journals by field Impact factors Journal by quartiles (Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4)
How to select the ISI journals?
King Abdullah Library
Information databases
Saudi Digital Library (SDL)
Change the Language
English Databases
Web of Science
Journal Citation Report (JCR)
Journal Citation Report (JCR)
Journal by Categories
Journal by Categories
Journal by Quartiles
Citation ISI Scopus Google scholar
Citation Self citation will not be accounted anymore Author Co-Author Research group Department College University
H-index In 2005, physicist Jorge E. Hirsch developed the h-index as a process for quantifying the output of an individual researcher.
Approaches for Improvement Research emphasis Positive group climate Communication Mentoring
Approaches for Improvement Collaboration Resources Sufficient time Rewards
RECOMMENDATIONS Scientific research is an effective and short way for getting reputation Communication of manuscripts to web of science journals Subscription for Q1 Journals of different fields by the Library Deanship Indicate our college address clearly in your affiliation All are encouraged to register in web of science, Scopus and Google scholar
REFERENCES Emad M. El-Omar, How to publish a scientific manuscript in a high-impact journal, Advances in Digestive Medicine (2014) 1, 105-109 KACST, Research Performance Indicators Report, Sept 2011 Hanover Research, Building a Culture of Research: Recommended Practices, Hanover Research, May 2014, 1700 K Street, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20006 https://apps-webofknowledge-com.