Complete the ‘Textiles Revision Audit’. Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Starter: Complete the ‘Textiles Revision Audit’. You can access this using the link sent to you via your school email.
Design Context 2015 ‘Science and Technology’ Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Design Context 2015 ‘Science and Technology’ Your task this lesson is to begin thinking about the design context and to produce a mind map recording your initial thoughts. This will be used to help with practice design questions later in the revision programme.
Mind Maps… Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Mind Maps… …they aren’t just brainstorms with pictures
Mind Maps… They are memory aids Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Mind Maps… …they aren’t just brainstorms with pictures They are memory aids Your brain cannot process and retain every fact. Studies show up to 10% of information is retained at first sight. Watch the clip to find out how to mind map correctly
Mind Maps How to… Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Begin with the topic as an image in the middle of the page 2. Draw arms with the main points or issues Mind Maps How to… 4. Next add colour – what colour do you associate with each point? 3. Keep extending the arms to make links 5. Finally add drawings or cartoons
What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Lesson Activity – Mind Mapping Produce a mind map showing your initial thoughts and ideas about the design context and Technology Science Begin with the topic as an image in the middle of the page
What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Fabrics and materials Science Technology Products and Technology Science 2. Draw arms with the main points or issues
What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Fabrics and materials Science Technology Products and Technology Science SMART materials 3. Keep extending the arms to make links
Partner up with somebody who isn’t sat on your table. Key questions: What is the design context? How do you mind map effectively? How can mind maps be used as a tool for revision? Lesson Activity – Mind Mapping Continue adding to and expanding your mind map. Add colour – what colour do you associate with each point? Add drawings or cartoons Use the laptops to collect information and images. Add this to your mind map. and Technology Science Fabrics and materials Products SMART materials Plenary Partner up with somebody who isn’t sat on your table. Compare mind maps. Is there anything you could add to yours?