Discussing today: Risks to people living with hoarding Risks to fire crews attending an incident in a property with hoarding DWFire interventions that can help to lower the risks
Risks to the occupant if a fire occurs: Individual cannot easily escape Rapid fire spread Increased smoke development Entrapment
Windows and doors blocked or sealed due to rare use Faulty or excessive use of extension leads for electrical equipment In the absence of electricity or gas, the use of candles for light or burning materials for heat (eg. paraffin heaters, gas canisters, etc.) Hoarded combustible materials such as newspapers, magazines, wood, books and flammable liquids – increases fire spread
Risks to Fire Crews: Access and egress within the property can be restricted to narrow channels High fire loading Imposed load from the possessions and the additional water required can lead to early structural instability Entrapment of crews by falling stacks of possessions Increased heat Flashover can occur earlier and at a lower temperature
Hose can become trapped or force a stack collapse Increased likelihood of rats and insects within or around the property Emotionally charged, frightened or aggressive occupants Animals trapped within a property Obstacles on stairs and in walkways - slip, trip and fall hazards Reduced visibility Human waste contaminated containers and spillages Search patterns restricted by the volume of stacked possessions
Statistics show that fires in a normal residential property will stay contained to the room of origin in 90% of fires. In a home with hoarding, that percentage drops to 40%, indicating that hoarded materials promote the spread of fire through a dwelling.
Safe and Well Advisor Team Team covers the whole of Dorset & Wilts Locality based Appointment based visits Give valuable, lifesaving advice with regards to fire risks in the home SAIL (Safe & Independent Living) - signpost to other partner agencies Public Health training for healthy conversations inc substance misuse, mental health, eating habits etc Targeting those most vulnerable – however advice available for all Joint visits if required Fit free smoke detectors if required Work alongside partner agencies/organisations to locate and help vulnerable people
Using the Clutter Rating Tool We have been using the Clutter Rating Tool for a number of years. The Safe and Well Team and even the Fire Crews, keep a copy with them at all times. If a property is a Level 4 or above, this is recorded on our mobilising system. This ensures the fire crews are aware of the risks in the property before they arrive at the fire. Please refer through any residents you feel would benefit from a free Safe and Well Visit. Even if their home is not at a level 4, our early interventions will still be of benefit.
The Safe and Well Advisor will help with: The installation of correctly sited smoke alarms within the property Looking at a viable escape plan, taking the clutter into consideration Discuss safer ways of smoking if required Stress the importance of closing doors where possible Use of linked smoke alarms to careline in certain circumstances Work alongside partner agencies in helping the individuals
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ptm6kIJ8zaI Call 0800 038 2323 to refer for a Safe and Well Visit.
Safe and Well Research & Development Coordinator Any Questions ? Sarah Moore Safe and Well Research & Development Coordinator sarah.moore@dwfire/org.uk