SO MARKETING IS….. Marketing is not just about selling. It involves: Researching the market to find out what customers want Developing & designing a product that satisfies customers needs & wants. Producing the right quantities to meet demand Getting the price right Promoting the product to the customer Ensuring the product is on sale in places convenient to the customer.
*What type of customer will buy the product The process of collecting, presenting and analysing infoRmation about a particular product or service. It provides a business with information such as: *What type of customer will buy the product *The price customers expect to pay *How often they will buy the product *The style of packaging *What customers don’t like about a product.
There are many ways of collecting Primary Data Surveys / Questionnaires – designed specifically for the task and completed by holding interviews with potential customers either face-to-face (in the street), over the telephone or through the post. Consumer Panels – people are selected to join a panel, are given the product and are asked to provide detailed comments on it. Testing & Observing – this is where a potential new product is marketed in one area of the country only and the reactions are studied to see whether it should be launched nationally or be abandoned.
There are many ways of collecting SECONDARY Data It’s own sales statistics – these can identify sales trends, consumer suggestions for product changes or requests for new models. Competitors products – products already on the market can be investigated to discover popular / unpopular features, in order to help the firm design a better product or modify the services provided. Goverenmnt and other statistics – figures showing trends in spending patterns, population movement and growth and so on.
CHOOSE THE RIGHT COLOURS Colour increases brand recognition by up to 80%. Colour ads are read up to 42% more than similar ads in black and white. Colour can be up to 85% of the reason people decide to buy.
COLOURS RGB RGB stands for red, green and blue, which are the base colours in the RGB colour model. This colour model is based on light. CMYK CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow and black. The base for CMYK is white (like most paper). CMYK can create a wide array of colours (though not as many as RGB). PMS The colour system created by Pantone Inc