Implementing Integrative STEM Education in the Classroom Great Plains STEM Education Center 2016-2017 MSP Grant
Soccer Ball Introductions *Use your RIGHT Thumb!
Pre-Assessment Go to: MSP STEM Grant CBAM1 T-STEM
Today’s goals / objectives Registration / Introductions / Pre-assessment evaluation Analyze: What is STEM Education? What is the Great Plains STEM Education Center? Investigate: Introduction to Engineering Design 21st Century Skills (the 4 Cs) STEM Literacy The “T” and “E” in STEM What Does an Engineer Do? Reflection Mind-Mapping Written Thoughts
Binder Contents Financial Paperwork WiFi access: username & password List of all participants Grant information sheet STEM Education Teaching Endorsement (12 cr) Workshop Community Norms Engineering Design Process posters (5 step & 8 step) WiFi access: username & password Paper tablet & Pen Name Badge Clock Additional handouts to come…. Be sure to bring your binder back with you to all VCSU sessions! Leave your name badges with us when you leave today.
Workshop Community Norms Be present and be your best self. Be willing to experience discomfort. Everyone has expertise to offer. Every person has relevant strengths to bring to a group-worthy task. Everyone has something to learn. No one person is good at everything or has all the skills to complete a group-worthy task. Speak with the possibility of being heard and listen with the possibility of being changed. Expect and accept non-closure. You have the right to ask for help, and the duty to assist. We need each other.
What is STEM Education? Write your definition Poster Paper Think, Quad, Share Poster Paper
What is STEM Education? Definitions of STEM handout How are these definitions similar to yours? How are they different?
Five Guiding Principles of STEM Focus on Integration Establish Relevance Emphasize 21st Century Skills (4 Cs) Challenge Your Students Mix it Up Vasquez, J.A., Sneider, C., Comer, M. (2013). STEM Lesson Essentials: Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Heinemann.
About us… Provide Professional Development in Integrative STEM Education for k-12 Teachers & Administrators Provide Integrative STEM Learning Experiences for k-12 Students Assist in Providing STEM Education Endorsements for Teaching Licensure
The grant….. Edgeley Ellendale Enderlin Kensal LaMoure Lidgerwood Litchville-Marion McClusky Lisbon Maple Valley Griggs County Central Central Cass Funding provided by ND DPI Through the Federal Math & Science Partnership 2015-2016 Eligible Schools: Title I 40% free & reduced lunch 2016-2017: Allowed expansion to other schools
Responsibilities & Benefits
STEM Education Curriculum Mindset SOME curriculum opportunities / experiences / activities from this grant project will be directly applicable to your classroom. SOME may not be directly applicable to your classroom. ALL opportunities / experiences / activities are designed to help establish a “mindset” of what STEM education is. Your “mindset” IS directly applicable to your classroom.
Design Challenge Groups of 3 (based on your name badge sticker). Find your partners! Design & engineer a tower that is at least 36” tall Using a pack of 100 index cards Can hold Minky the Monkey, Horace the Duck, Freddy the Frog, or Tito the Tiger for at least 10 seconds without collapsing What changes did you make while designing? What would you do differently? How do the 21st Century Skills connect to this activity?
Skills for Jobs of the Future
You May Already be a STEM Teacher! 12:00 with 12:30 1:00 with 1:30 2:00 with 2:30 3:00 with 3:30 4:00 with 4:30 5:00 with 5:30 6:00 with 6:30 7:00 with 7:30 8:00 with 8:30 9:00 with 9:30 10:00 with 11:00 STEM in your classroom: Are you already doing STEM? Groups of 4 using your clock Use “Talking Sticks”
Lunch Time **We resume at 1:00**
STEM Literacy Read Mayim Stith reflection. “The main goal of STEM education is not for students to become mathematicians, scientists, technicians, or engineers; although it would be great if more of our youth had such aspirations. The goal is for all students to be able to function and thrive in our highly technological world – that is, to be STEM literate.” (Vasquez et al., 2013, p. 9).
The “T” and “E” in STEM Groups of FOUR 12:30 with 1:00 1:30 with 2:00
The “T”……Technology in a Bag Is the object Natural or Human-Made? What material(s) is it made of? What other materials could it be made of? What problem does it solve? How else could you use the object?
The “E”…..Engineering Design Process
Engineering Mistakes & Marvels Tacoma Narrows Bridge: Opened in 1940
#11….. Hi-Line Bridge Valley City, ND
What Does an Engineer Do? 23 Engineering Stations Groups of TWO. Try to pair up with a colleague from YOUR school. Room 137: Stations 1-16 (3 minutes at each station) Room 135 & Hallway: Stations 17-23 (6 minutes at each station) Listen for the air horn every 3 minutes. You will experience ALL 23 stations. Complete the handout at each station.
What Does an Engineer Do? Sharing thoughts….. Key practices and ideas of what an engineer does. Things you may have learned that you hadn’t thought of before. Family Engineering Event Will you host an event at your school?
Mind Mapping STEM Put your NAME at top left Pick ONE color for TODAY You will use a different color each day. Start a “color key” at the bottom right of page to identify days. Start with “STEM” in the middle. Identify key components of STEM and begin to MAP (use various shapes and connecting branches) Terms Concepts Procedures Ideas Etc. Leave your MAP here with us when you leave today.
Digital Mind Mapping (optional)
Homework Assignment: Due March 11 Go to the shared documents folder at to find your homework assignment (Word Document) You received an email at about 3:45 this afternoon that contains a link to enter your responses.
End of the Day Reflection For you: Reflect on today’s workshop For us: Provides valuable feedback Your reflection will be returned to you next time (if name provided)