U.S. CWID (as of 05/18/2009)
What is CWID? Premier annual event enabling U.S. COCOMS, Services, Agencies, national civil authorities and the alliance/coalition communities to identify, investigate and assess C4ISR technologies. Provides multiple venues for new-technology-discovery and risk-reduction for addressing near term interoperable C4ISR and net-centric capability gaps. Uses a global network over which cutting edge communications technologies interact to support a simulated operational scenario. 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 2 2
What is CWID? An opportunity for NATO and its Partners to prove, disprove and improve NATO, national and coalition C4ISR interoperability A forum for interoperability testing of operational systems that would be deployed within NATO-led operations such as ISAF, KFOR, Active Endeavor, or within a NRF Technologies evaluated for user utility, interoperability with existing and new systems, and information security. 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 3 3
FBO Announcement and CWID Website U.S. CWID 2009 Objectives Objective 1: Improve Coalition Command, Control and Coordination for both Conventional and Irregular Warfare Operations Objective 2: Improve Commander Centric, Net-enabled Operations Objective 3: Enhance Coalition Battle Space and Situational Awareness Objective 4: Enhance Coalition Logistics Planning and Coordination Objective 5: Enhance Coalition, Military Government Agency and NGO Partnership Building Capabilities THESE ARE THE HIGH LEVEL CWID 2009 OBJECTIVES THIS WEEK, I ENCOURAGE SPONSORS AND INDUSTRY PARTNERS TO CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE “SUB-OBJECTIVES” TO ENSURE THE ASSESSMENTS CONDUCTED DURING THE DEMONSTRATION ARE RELEVANT TO WARFIGHTER/OPERATOR NEEDS MORE DETAILED DISCUSSIONS REGARDING THE OBJECTIVES WILL BE PROVIDED DURING THE INTERVIEW PROCESS FBO Announcement and CWID Website www.cwid.js.mil
NATO CWID Website http://cwid.act.nato.int/portal NATO CWID 2009 Objectives Objective 1: Conduct C4I system interoperability testing and validation in support of Coalition Operations Objective 2. Support NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC) Objective 3. Support the enhancement of overall NATO Cyber Defence effectiveness to protect and assure information Objective 4. Strengthen NATO interoperability with NGOs, non-NATO Nations and National Security Forces to provide un-interrupted consultation, command and control functions Objective 5. Ensure coordination with Combined Endeavor and Steadfast series 1. Conduct C4I system interoperability testing and validation in support of Coalition Operations – Test systems deployed in ISAF and other current NATO operations – Involve NATO headquarters and Nations assigned to NRF 15 and 16 (NRF 17 and 18 as observer) in the planning and execution of NATO CWID in order to support achievement of C4I Interoperability in preparation for deployment cycles. – Conduct testing to assess the interoperability among C4I systems required in NRF 15 and 16, based on the information exchange requirements and interoperability test requirements. To include the command and control implications of the DJSE. – Produce a series of reports consisting of interoperability test data and analysis, and provide to NATO Command Structure and Nations. 2. Support NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC) – Conduct testing to support achievement of service and interoperability requirements for NNEC, to include Service Oriented Architectures. – Measure against NNEC Maturity Levels. – Test and experiment with tools and systems to enable the management and sharing of information across NATO and National security domains within expeditionary operations of NATO-led coalitions. – Test information integration services which promote secure yet friendly processes to share information between systems. 3. Support the enhancement of overall NATO Cyber Defence effectiveness to protect and assure information 4. Strengthen NATO interoperability with NGOs, non-NATO Nations and National Security Forces to provide un-interrupted consultation, command and control functions 5. Ensure coordination with Combined Endeavor and Steadfast series – Harmonize timeframe during planning and execution in order to provide opportunity for National participation in all events as well as lessons learned in a progressive pattern in preparation for certification. – Utilize and share with Combined Endeavor and Steadfast Cathode the guidance on IERs and IOTRs from NRF Command Chain, NC3B/C3 IWG and NCT. NATO CWID Website http://cwid.act.nato.int/portal
CWID Enterprise Improved C4ISR Interoperability and Capability Relationship Building - Discovery - Technology Assessment Different Venues / Complimentary Objectives Requirements Services Industry U.S. Capability Gaps NATO Objectives Scenario/Vignettes/Tests Warfighter Acquisition Spiral Development Improved C4ISR Interoperability and Capability Interagency Nations AUSCANZUKUS (CCEB Nations) (USNORTHCOM HS/HD Lead)
CWID Benefits Global interoperability event Allows for discovery of leading edge technologies to fill warfighter/agency gaps Provides risk reduction venue for programs of record Supports the acquisition process Focused Interface with DoD Agencies & Coalition Commanders Observations by Coalition Partners, US Combatant Commanders, Service Representatives, Government Agencies, Military Research & Development Organizations & Battle Laboratories Review Against COCOM/U.S. JFCOM Technology Gaps & Operational Requirements System-to-System Interoperability Testing Review of Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures
U.S. CWID Organizational Chart USJFCOM OVERSIGHT Senior Management Group (SMG) VOTING MEMBERS: USJFCOM, JS, Host COCOM, USA, USAF, USN, USMC, NSA, NGA, DISA, NORTHCOM, OUSD AT&L ADVISORS: JITC, NGB, DHS, USCG, COCOMs JOINT STAFF J6 CWID Executive Group (CEG) Network Operations/Security Working Group (NoSeWG) Systems Engineering and Integration Working Group (SEIWG) Scenario Working Group (SWG) Strategic Communication Working Group (SCWG) Assessment Working Group (AWG) HS/HD Coordination Group Technology Transition Information Working Group (T2IWG) Public Affairs Working Group (PAWG) Coalition Coordination Group (CCG) UK, NZ, CA, US, NATO CWID JMO Director
USJFCOM Engagement Program Oversight 2009-2010 Host COCOM for U.S. CWID Venue Capability transition has the same level of importance as technology demonstration USJFCOM connection with NATO will strengthen its Coalition partnership USJFCOM advocates for all combatant commands 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 9 9
U.S. CWID Overview Provide strategic guidance and overall leadership Joint Staff J6 is the sponsor of $14.5M CWID program Provide strategic guidance and overall leadership US Joint Forces Command Provide oversight for the conduct of the CWID planning and execution cycle Draft objectives using inputs from COCOMS, Services and coalition nations DISA creates, staffs and maintains the CWID Joint Management Office (JMO) to support day-to-day planning and execution cycle 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 10 10
U.S. CWID Overview USEUCOM lead 2006-2008 USJFCOM lead 2009-2010 Coalition Coordination Group (CCG) makes combined decisions USNORTHCOM leads HS/HD participation and coordination Host Combatant Command sets the tone for CWID USEUCOM lead 2006-2008 USJFCOM lead 2009-2010 Services/Agencies participate and provide the decision authority through the Senior Management Group (SMG) 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 11 11
U.S. CWID Overview US / Coalition Concept Development Conferences CWID is a one-year event consisting of: US / Coalition Concept Development Conferences Three Planning Conferences (IPC, MPC and FPC) Two-week execution The Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) announcement and Joint Staff Mirror Message delineates the U.S. JFCOM approved CWID objectives for industry and Service laboratories Vendors submit technologies that address one or more objectives (warfighter requirements) Trials are selected for participation by SMG 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 12 12
U.S. CWID Overview Trials attend conferences and are interviewed by Working Groups Data collected during interviews and by on-line survey is used to integrate trials into the network, core services and other trials Execution phase involves a simulated operational scenario and a Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) to support assessment technologies (Afghanistan, ISAF command structure) 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 13 13
U.S. CWID Overview Uses the CFBLNet as backbone CWID Network Uses the CFBLNet as backbone Supports multiple security enclaves Connects all participating countries and US sites Trials receive technical, warfighter and security (IA) assessments A final report is produced and published 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 14 14
Three Levels of Assessment 5/3/2018 Three Levels of Assessment Technical/Interoperability Assessment (JITC) Assesses and documents the interoperability of selected trials Observes predetermined events and documents the results of the data exchanges Ensures data transferred during the exchange is processed correctly by the receiving system Documents the hardware, software configurations and the availability of system documentation Warfighter/Operator Utility (JMO) Focuses on the systems Utility and Value-Added to the Warfighter/Operator Captures the ability of the system to provide solutions or enhancements to the challenges facing US and Coalition operators Information Assurance Assessment (NSA) Focuses on how the trials will counter the identified threats, and enforce the identified policies consistent with the usage assumptions for the CFBL Network environment Provides an initial step toward the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Certification and Accreditation Process Version 1.8
U.S. CWID Path to Transition Sponsor Responsibilities: Identify a point of contact to assist the IT/demo submitter in addressing information needs of the CWID JMO regarding the IT. Assist the IT/demo submitter in identifying potential partners. Assist the IT/demo submitter with security or other DOD procedures / policies. Assist the CWID JMO and the Working Group chairs as requested in resolving questions and issues that arise from the IT/demo proposal submission. Once an IT/demo is selected for participation, assist submitter and CWID JMO to ensure successful CWID execution.
U.S. CWID Path to Transition (continued) Sponsor Responsibilities (continued) Identify requirements related to each trial sponsor. These requirements should outline what the sponsor expects the IT to demonstrate during CWID execution. The requirements should also identify any PORs to which the IT should interface and the types of data that should be exchanged. ID potential partners/PORs. In conjunction with the T2IWG, assist the IT/demo submitter in identifying potential paths for future acquisition or association with an existing JCTD, POR, or other limited fielding initiatives. Engage respective acquisition and requirements development communities to promote successful ITs.
Primary Demonstration Sites USJFCOM * JSIC, Suffolk, VA NATO Lillehammer, Norway ESC, Hanscom AFB CRC, Shirleys Bay, Ottawa, Canada USNORTHCOM, Peterson AFB JFHQ, New Zealand SPAWAR, San Diego NSWC-DD, Dahlgren DSTL, United Kingdom DSTO Fern Hill, Australia ** * Host COCOM ** Observer 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 18 18
U.S. CWID Sites US Network sites at: Suffolk, VA (USJFCOM/Joint Systems Integration Command) Dahlgren, VA (NSWC) San Diego, CA (SPAWAR) Peterson AFB, CO (NORTHCOM, HS/HD) Hanscom AFB, MA (ESC) 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 19 19
Coalition/Alliance Partners Coalition partners include: Canada United Kingdom Australia (Observer for 2009) New Zealand NATO (representing 26 countries) 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 20 20
CWID Multi-Year Cycle CWID 2008 CWID 2009 CWID 2010 CWID 2011 FPC FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB CWID 2008 FPC Execution Final Report CWID 2009 FBO Published Concept Dev Conf Initial Planning Conf Mid Planning Conf Final Planning Conf Execution Final Report CWID 2010 CCEB and NATO Invitations Objective Dev FBO Published Concept Dev Conf Initial Planning Conf Mid Planning Conf CWID 2011 CCEB and NATO Invitations Objective Dev 2010 FBO Release 21
CWID 2009 Milestones 25 Apr 08 Federal Business Opportunities Announcement 8 - 10 Sep 08 U.S. Concept Development Conference 5 Oct 08 CWID 2008 Trial Proposals Due 17 - 21 Nov 08 U.S. / Coalition Initial Planning Conference 9 - 12 Dec 08 IT Prioritization Conference 9 - 13 Feb 09 U.S. / Coalition Mid-Planning Conference 30 Mar – 3 Apr 09 U.S. / Coalition Final Planning Conference 1 – 5 June 09 Execution Preliminary Set-Up / Testing 8 - 12 Jun 09 Execution Set-up & Training 15- 25 Jun 09 Execution 26 Jun 09 Execution Hot Wash Oct 09 Final Report 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 22 22
Questions ??? 23
U.S. CWID Funding Funding contributions per CJCSI 6260.01C Joint Staff $2.4 M DISA $1.9 M US Army $1.7 M US Navy $1.7 M US Air Force $1.7 M US Marine Corps $600 K OUSD (AT&L) $1.0M TOTAL $11.0M The following organizations each provide $500K ($3.5M total) in CWID support as services-in-kind. USJFCOM, USNORTHCOM, NGA, NSA, DHS, NGB, USCG Total Program: $14.5M 5/3/2018 10:01 PM 24 24