Grammar Review Parts of Speech
This part of speech can be a person, place, thing, or idea NOUN
This part of speech can describe a verb, adjective, or adverb
This part of speech is an exclamatory word that shows emotion INTERJECTION
This part of speech shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence PREPOSITION
This part of speech connects words or phrases CONJUNCTION
This part of speech describes a noun or pronoun ADJECTIVE
This part of speech replaces actual names of people, places, things, or ideas PRONOUN
This part of speech can show action and state of being VERB
A. Preposition Example Question #1 1. Sea holly grows on the beach B. Verb C. Conjunction D. Interjection A. Preposition
B. Noun Example Question #2 2. Dave’s curls lay around the barber’s chair. A. Pronoun B. Noun C. Adverb D. Adjective B. Noun
C. Interjection Example Question #3 3. Well! Did you see that? A. Preposition B. Noun C. Interjection D. Adjective C. Interjection
A. Verb Example Question #4 4. Flip the coin again. A. Verb B. Noun C. Adverb D. Preposition A. Verb
D. Adjective Example Question #5 5. Molly borrowed my skate key. A. Preposition B. Noun C. Adverb D. Adjective D. Adjective
C. Adverb Example Question #6 6. The students waved wildly at the oncoming train. A. Adjective B. Noun C. Adverb D. Interjection C. Adverb
D. Conjunction Example Question #7 7. Workers here pay city, state, and federal income taxes. A. Preposition B. Interjection C. Adverb D. Conjunction D. Conjunction
B. Pronoun Example Question #8 8. She asked me if I would accompany you. A. Verb B. Pronoun C. Adverb D. Noun B. Pronoun