CEE in partnership with USAID, ICMA, MCGM and AIILSG Developing A Communication Strategy For Solid Waste Management In Mumbai CEE in partnership with USAID, ICMA, MCGM and AIILSG
About The Project.. Project Team: Ms. Shyamala Mani , Ms. Madhavi Joshi, Ms. Sanskriti Menon, Ms. Saroj Badgujar, Mr. Kiran Desai, Mr. Laxmikant Deshpande Project Duration: December 2005-March 2006
Current Situation in Mumbai 8,500 metric tones solid waste per day by over 14 million population Only 40% population covered by ‘door to door’ collection method 60% population in slum areas not covered adequately by current swm system New ‘Greater Mumbai Cleanliness & Sanitation Byelaws 2006’ proposed since August, 2006 Efforts by MCGM to involve citizens for effective SWM through new rules, schemes and drives
Genesis of The Project Common goals of MCGM and AIILSG for effective city management Continuous discussions on ‘Mumbai Transformation Project’ by AIILSG at various levels Common issue of priority - communication about SWM Interest shown by USAID to support the project Sub-contract given to CEE based on its philosophy, previous work and expertise in swm, education and communication tools Interactions among MCGM, AIILSG, USAID, ICMA, CEE initiated since December 2005 regularly to commence the project
Project Tasks Develop communication strategy with focus On : Assistance with refining Mumbai’s SWM plan Identify all important stakeholders in swm and develop communication strategy for each stakeholder (Slums, Entitled citizens, Corporates) Develop communication tools for identified stakeholders Promote waste management strategy with importance and support to 3R principle Technology options for waste management
Expected Outcomes Documents in standard formats pertaining to Report/CEE input on comprehensive SWM plan Compilation of SWM best practices, as available Communication strategy for the cleanliness campaign with implementation plan Prototypes of communication tools Monthly progress reports with achievements, challenges and plans
Job accomplished so far.. NETWORKING - Identification of ‘key players’ in swm scenario Regular interactions among partners and and other stakeholders through different media Site visits to MCGM promoted schemes to understand the process, achievements, constraints and possible solutions Site visits to industries, landfills, technologists, citizens forums to understands successful local swm models and requirements to adopt them to city level
Job accomplished so far.. Developing Communication Strategy – Document current swm situation for every stakeholder Summarise socio-economic-ecological problems in the current system Develop target group-message-communication tool strategy after discussions with representatives from each group Approval being sought by project partners to make necessary changes in the draft
Job accomplished so far.. Developing Awareness Material – Drafts of 10 posters on cleanliness and sanitation Draft of Citizens’ Resources Handbook – Booklet Draft of brochure on legal aspects pertaining to housing complexes and colonies Draft of posters for class IV MCGM staff that is involved in everyday waste collection, segregation and disposal Drafts of PowerPoint presentations on Slum Adoption Scheme for MCGM and corporates for possible funding, LACG for citizens’ groups, Household Waste management for schools, colleges and citizens, strategy for waste management in schools, GMCS Byelaw 2006 (English & Marathi)
Job accomplished so far.. Assistance to MCGM in SWM Technology – Study of proposed Greater Mumbai Cleanliness & Sanitation Byelaws 2006 and offer comments with CEE expertise vis-à-vis technology and communication Compilation of best local swm practices from each stakeholder Compilation of best swm practices at national and international level
Campaign for proposed Byelaw August 14 – September 14 2006 earmarked for citizens’ comments and objections Complete campaign planned for MCGM with identification of stakeholders and communication tools Awareness material and feedback form designed for stakeholders and approved by MCGM Compilation of contact details of 58 Govt dept, 70 Corporates, 28 Associations, 8 NGOs, 17 ALMs, 14 Hotels, 200 Education institutes, 10,368 individuals to enhance outreach Facilitate MCGM interaction with mass media Compilation of feedbacks and assistance to MCGM for their analysis
Immediate Future Plans Finalize drafts of awareness material developed so far with expertise from CEE design studio Develop prototype of each communication tool identified in the communication strategy Try to test each prototype in the field to increase its utility potential Maximise compilation of SWM practices for refining MCGM strategies
Challenges.. Transfer of key MCGM officials and change in responsibilities Complexity of swm scenario in Mumbai due to its vastness and uncontrolled factors Natural and social emergencies leading to diversion of MCGM staff to other tasks Financial resources required for replication of prototypes developed under the project
Your guidance is most essential and welcome. Thank You !!