Economic, Social Problems English Revolution Ch 14 sec 2 Economic, Social Problems English Revolution
Economic Crisis Inflation – A dramatic rise in the prices of goods/services. A population boom in the 1600’s increased the demand for food and land. 1500 – 60 million 1600 – 85 million
Spain’s economic downturn Silver mines in America were producing less Pirate attacks on the ships that were bringing the silver back from the Americas. Loss of Muslim and Jewish merchants and bankers.
Social Crisis in the 1600’s The hysteria over witchcraft affected the lives of many Europeans. Common people, the poor, single or widowed women over 50 were commonly accused. Under torture the accused confessed to: Swearing allegiance to the devil Attending sabots –feasts and dancing Evil spells to harm neighbors
End of the trials A stronger government was not willing to disrupt their societies with trials. People started to doubt that the world was made up of evil spirits.
30 years War A war between the Catholics and protestants (Calvinists) in Germany. Calvinism was not recognized by the Peace of Augsburg. Spain & Hapsburg empire(Italy, southern Germany) VS. France, Sweden, and Denmark.
30 years War Very destructive. Germany was plundered, entire towns wiped out. The war ends with the Peace of Westphalia ( all German princes could chose their own religion).
30 years War Winners of the war: France became the dominate country in Europe. Calvinism allowed to worship freely. Losers: Hapsburg Empire, and Germany. Germany would not be united again for 200 years. Divided into 300 states.
English Revolution After Queen Elizabeth, James I becomes the king of England. Believed in the Divine Right of Kings – He was given the kingdom by God. He believed that Parliament had too much power and vice versa. Parliament (made up of Puritans) did not like that James also backed the Church of England.
Puritans Make up the House of Commons. Wealthy land owners. They were protestants that were inspired by Calvinist ideas. They wanted the church to be more protestant. Wanted to purify the church of its Catholic leanings.
King Charles I Son of James. Also believes in the Divine right of Kings. Denies Parliaments powers. He wanted the church to return to it’s Catholic ways.
Civil war 1642(Revolution) Two sides: Cavaliers – Kings supporters. Long hair Roundheads – parliaments forces. Short haired. Lead by Oliver Cromwell and his New Model Army. Cromwell wins the war and Charles is executed (be-headed)
Oliver Cromwell Once Oliver wins he takes control of England and names himself leader. He abolishes the Monarchy as well as the House of Lords. He stated that Parliament was to hard to work with. After his death parliament places Charles II as the new King.
King James II Openly Catholic Parliament didn’t object because he was older and had no heir. Once his wife became pregnant and had a son, parliament made plans to remove James.
Glorious Revolution Parliament asked William of Orange and Mary(rulers of the Netherlands) to invade England to remove James. James was made aware of the plan and escapes to France with his wife and son. William & Mary became the new rulers all without a shot fired.
Bill of Rights William and Mary did agree to some stipulations. In order to have the throne they needed to sign the English Bill of Rights. Parliament had the right to make laws and levy taxes The king could not have a standing army. Right for people to keep arms and ajury trial.
Outcome of the Glorious Revolution Parliament gained control of the government This led the way for England to become a Constitutional monarchy. The king or queen are just figure heads – no say in politics.