Why video games are good for your soul Jaime rodriguez
Video games can be an inspiration Pursing a job can be easier Many career paths can be available Creativity can be found within playing video games
video games do not cause violence People play video games because they're fun Violence in real life isn’t cause by violence in video games Violence is exposed daily no matter if its through a video game Aggressive behavior is not gained by playing video games Playing video games can be a bonding and competitive experience
Why video games shouldn’t be viewed negatively Video games can improve learning skills Cognitive abilities can be strengthen Mood can be improved Some video games can improve reading and math skills
Why video games are a positive thing Video games have the ability to improve decision making Eyesight can actually improve Playing video games can make you socialize more often
Why for some gaming is an escape Playing video games can get rid of depression You have a low risk of being judged for who you are Making friends can be easy Video games can be a pain reliever
How video games are used in education Video games can be used to improve a persons learning abilities Some video games are used in schools to teach kids about certain ideas Many subjects that are taught in school are transformed into a video game to make learning easier for some Video games in classrooms can lead to a career path
What can gaming improve Coordination Problem-solving skills Memory Attention and concentration Social skills
Why gaming shouldn’t be viewed as an addiction Video games are used for education Video games for some can help with depression Playing video games can improve your health
Image sources https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8c/a6/ea/8ca6ea87f2a3ff85cc1c5786a4411152.jpg https://gamedesgining-lhmllc.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/video-game- benefits.jpg https://cdn-webimages.wimages.net/051431ec57b4cc677196a0b533d434897484bb-wm.jpg?v=3 https://blackgirlnerds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/wii-classroom.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mp5bPaZBCpc/hqdefault.jpg http://violentvgchaos.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/5/2/20523738/402879.jpg?332 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-R6Hw88CAVZ8/T1gCexCkQbI/AAAAAAAACBY/hmupi- GJuOI/s1600/brain%2Btraining%2Bgames%2Bgood%2B3.jpg http://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/6/44/1800117305-Video-games.jpg