Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability Anna Lea Cothron Aging Commission Liaison
Mission is to bring together and leverage programs, resources, and organizations to protect and ensure the quality of life and independence of older Tennesseans and adults with disabilities.
Local Area Agency on Aging and Disability
Aging and Disability Services Options for Community Living Public Guardianship Ombudsman Nutrition Services Elder Abuse Prevention Caregiver Support TN SHIP Senior Centers TennCare Choices
TN Seniors by Housing Type 43% of 65+ TN Householders either have a mortgage or rent. ACS, 5 Year Estimate 2010- 2014
% of Very Low Income Owner & Renter Households in TN with an Older Adult (62+)
Senior Income & Ability to Pay Income after Taxes & Average Annual Expenditures by Age, Southeast Source: THDA tabulations of 2013-2014 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey
Senior Income and Ability to Pay Household Expenses by Age Group, Southeast Region Source: THDA tabulations of 2013-2014 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey
Contact Jim Shulman Executive Director 615-532-4543 jim.shulman@tn.gov Kathy Zamata Deputy Director 615-253-4315 kathy.zamata@tn.gov Ryan Ellis Director of Communications & Legislative Affairs 615-253-4083 ryan.j.ellis@tn.gov Anna Lea Cothron Aging Commission Liaison 615-770-3901 annalea.cothron@tn.gov Website http://www.tn.gov/aging Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TNAging/