District #2 Downtown Commercial Core April 30, 2015
Lodging Overlay Confirm Council direction from April 16 on changes to boundary of LO North Glenwood, 5-way, East Broadway, etc. Explain staff’s approach to allow existing lodging uses taken out of LO (e.g., Golden Eagle, Huff House, Cache Creek Motel) to continue as conforming lodging uses By reducing the overall LO back to existing size TC addressed issues related to Lodging and Commercial growth not supported by Comp Plan and focus lodging where we want it PDR
TN-1 Downtown Core FAR of Existing Zones UC UC-2 AC All non-res. 1.3 Lodging 0.80 Other non-res. 0.64 Office 0.40 Other non-res. 0.25
TN-1 Downtown Core Are Base and Bonus FARs correct? Are uses for Bonus FAR correct? Additional uses? Should any uses be added or deleted to Base FAR? Are the proposed building heights for Base and Bonus correct?
TN-2 Office Mixed-use FAR of Existing Zones OP AR NC-SF RB Non-res. 0.46 Non-res. 0.35 All uses 0.40 All uses 0.32
TN-2 Office Mixed-use Are Base and Bonus FARs correct? Are uses for Bonus FAR correct? Additional uses? Should any uses be added or deleted to Base FAR? Are the proposed building heights for Base and Bonus correct?
TN-3 Resort Connector FAR of Existing Zones OP OP-2 UC-2 AR BC Non-res. 0.46 Non-res. 0.65 Lodging 0.80 Non-res. 0.35 Non-res. 0.30
TN-3 Resort Connector Are Base and Bonus FARs correct? Are uses for Bonus FAR correct? Additional uses? Should any uses be added or deleted to Base FAR? Restaurant removed from South Cache Are the proposed building heights for Base and Bonus correct?
TN-4 Residential Mixed-use FAR of Existing Zones UC-2 AC AR Lodging 0.80 Non-res. 0.35 Non-res. 0.65 Office .40 Non-res. 0.25
TN-4 Residential Mixed-use Are Base and Bonus FARs correct? Are uses for Bonus FAR correct? Additional uses? Should any uses be added or deleted to Base FAR? Are the proposed building heights for Base and Bonus correct?
TN-5 Downtown Residential FAR of Existing Zones UR P/SP Residential PUD 0.65 N/A
TN-5 Downtown Residential Are Base and Bonus FARs correct? Are uses for Bonus FAR correct? Additional uses? Should any uses be added or deleted to Base FAR? Single family detached Are the proposed building heights for Base and Bonus correct?
Updated Zoning Map Proposed Changes: The TN-1 and TN-4 Zones adjusted to reflect updated FARs with two zones of varying intensity Staff rationale Balance existing FARs with Comp Plan vibrancy and revitalization goals Address overall build out concerns
Build out Summary April 30 District 2 Proposed Additional Potential April 30 District 2 Proposed Additional Potential Comp Plan Vision for Additional Potential in All of Town Residential 700 ≤ 2,600 Lodging/STR 1,500 360 – 1,200 Nonresidential 700,000 1,200,000 – 3,000,000 Numbers informative ¼ potential residential – all good Rough Doubling 3.1.a Floating Cap Lodging FAR , base or bonus Adjust assumptions to be more realistic Reduce Lodging Overlay Monitor and Adjust Lodging in Bonus Two Different Ways to Address Growth Management from Comp Plan Based on Zoning Potential - Assign build out based upon realistic assumptions Project the location, amount and type of growth, through zoning assign proportional amount by parcel Based upon Actual Construction - Floating Cap Set maximum limits of location, amount and type of growth Monitor allocation in real time but no allocation upfront through zoning
List of D2 Modifications Council provides input regarding any remaining issues contained in the List of D2 Modifications (e.g., 3rd story stepback, review thresholds, pedestrian frontages, etc.) If no council direction, staff will assume Council supports the Planning Commission’s recommendation.
List of D2 Modifications
Public Review Schedule - Upcoming April 30, 2015 —public hearing (advertised) May 1 -15 2015 — additional hearings if necessary May 1 – June 1 - 15, 2015 — Staff and consultant create final adoption draft of Downtown LDRs that includes all of Council’s direction June 15 – July 7 — Public review period for adoption draft Mid /late July, 2015 — Public hearing(s) to vote for final adoption of Downtown LDRs Early August– Mid Sept, 2015 — Three ordinance readings for Downtown LDRs
Public Comment