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Infant Baptism To understand what happens at a baptism service To understand why a baby is baptised Why baptism is important
Infant Baptism To Christians, belonging to a church is like belonging to a family- God’s family. When a new baby is born, they want him or her to welcomed into that family. This service is sometimes known as a christening. Before the service the parents choose the God parents. God parents are expected to help the child learn about God and to support their faith.
Infant Baptism Originally, in the New Testament times, it would have been converts who were baptised. In the Book of Acts it mentions that whole households were baptised. There is some debate as to whether or not this would have included children who were incapable of understanding its meaning. However, it appears that over time as each generation of Christians gave way to the next it became common practice for Christians to have their babies baptised. Augustine of Hippo's writings in the 5th century helped to endorse the practice of infant baptism. Augustine outlined what he saw as being the true nature of humanity. He argued that people were born in a state of Original Sin which they had inherited from our first parents, Adam and Eve. Stress was placed on the need for Baptism to wash away the stain of Original Sin. Some believed that a baby dying in Original Sin risked the possibility of spending eternity in limbo. Many parents, afraid of the high level of infant mortality, asked that their babies be baptised so that their eternal well being could be guaranteed.
The Baptism service - important points The parents and godparents (or the person being baptised) have to make three declarations: That they turn to Christ That they repent of their sins That they renounce evil They must answer each of these "I turn to Christ / repent of my sins / renounce evil" They are then asked three questions Do you believe and trust in God the Father who made Heaven and Earth ? Do you believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ who redeemed mankind ? Do you believe and trust in his Holy Spirit who gives life to the people of God ? They must answer each of these "I believe and trust in Him" The baby has water poured over his / her head - this is the moment of Baptism and the priest / minister says "I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit" The person being baptised, or if it is a baby the parents and godparents are given a lighted candle to represent Jesus as the light of the world. The priest or minister says "Shine as a light in the world to fight against sin and the devil" When a baby is baptised it is a full member of the church. However, in the Anglican tradition the child will not normally receive communion until confirmation and in the Roman Catholic until after the first communion service usually at the age of seven / eight.
Baptism Complete this for homework Design an instruction booklet to explain what happens at a baptism service for a visitor to the church who has never been to a baptism before It should have an attractive front cover It must explain why people get baptised It must explain some of what happens in a baptism service It must include pictures It must explain the role of the parents and God parents 4 developed reasons detailing why Baptism is so important for Christians. Complete this for homework
Task Make an instruction booklet about Baptism Include: A brief history of the origins of Baptism what happens in a baptism service. 4 developed reasons detailing why Baptism is so important for Christians.