Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
It is reasonable to believe the Bible is God’s revelation & is true It claims to be so by men of integrity It is accurate on all it speaks on – history & the physical world It’s prophecies are 100% accurate
God is the creator of all things & does what He says. God created man in His own image & gave him specific responsibilities Man is rational, emotional & volitional & also reflects God’s moral attributes Man was to be God’s regent on earth Only restricted from eating from tree of knowledge of good & evil
Man did not obey God resulting in sin and being cursed Serpent lost legs & prestige Woman gained pain The earth would grow weeds The man would toil & sweat Death entered the world Hope in a future redeemer
The Bible is God’s revelation – believe & trust it. God is Creator & does what He says God made man in His image & gave him responsibilities Man disobeyed God & brought the curse of sin upon himself
The Spread of Sin Genesis 4 & 5 Cain & Abel – 4:1-8 Cain – “gotten” – hope of God’s promise Abel – “breath” / “vanity” Abel – a keeper of flocks Cain – a tiller of ground
The Spread of Sin Genesis 4 & 5 Cain & Abel – Their offerings – 3-5 God regarded Abel’s firstling of the flock, He did not regard Cain’s fruit Cain’s attitude was not right Hebrews 11:4 – Abel offered by faith
The Spread of Sin God Warns Cain – Genesis 4:6-7 God had not rejected Cain God prodded Cain to think about his attitude God encouraged him to do well God warned him about sin – and that he must master it.
The Spread of Sin Sin desires to control- but we must resist it & master it We yield to sin because we are enticed by our own desires. We want it. Obedience to God protects from sin
The Spread of Sin Humans are volitional – they can make choices – we do or don’t do what we choose We sin because we choose what we desire instead of what God desires - We choose sin because it agrees with what we want.
The Spread of Sin Cain murdered Abel – vs. 8 God cursed Cain – vs. 9-12 God confronted Cain Cain lied People don’t believe He is omniscient Cain denied responsibility God curses him to wander
The Spread of Sin God’s Mercy to Cain – 13-15 Cain complained it was too severe God allows Cain to live giving the opportunity for future repentance God does not hide – He invites – Hebrews 11:6; Matt. 11:28; John 7:37 Men hide & will not seek – Rom. 3:10-12
Cain’s Descendants The First City – Genesis 4:16-18 Nod = “wandering” Cain’s wife? A sister or niece No other possibility No command against it No genetic mutations / load Cain started the city, it grew under his descendants
Cain’s Offspring: The City Builders 4:17-26 Title Page Cain and Abel BACK Cain’s Offspring: The City Builders 4:17-26
Cain’s Descendants Lamech – Genesis 4:19-22 An expanding economy & technology Jabal – keepers of livestock Jubal – musical arts Tubal-Cain – bronze & iron tools
Cain’s Descendants Lamech – Genesis 4:23-24 The first polygamist A killer, not adverse to murder Arrogant, boasting to get his own revenge & be 11 times worse than God’s vengence
Seth Genesis 4:25-26 This is the godly line that calls upon the name of the Lord
The Descendants of Adam Genesis 5 A genealogical record of line of promise from Adam to Noah Summary statement about creation of man, then repetitious pattern for each generation.
Father Son Birth After Total Adam Seth 130 800 930 Seth Enosh 105 807 912 Enosh Kenan 90 815 905 Kenan Mahalalel 70 840 910 Mahalalel Jared 65 830 895 Jared Enoch 162 800 962 Enoch Methuselah 65 300 365↑ Methuselah Lamech 187 782 969 Lamech Noah 182 595 777
Adam to Noah Enoch walks with God. A prophet – quoted in Jude 11 He is taken and does not experience death because of his faith. (Heb. 11:5)
The Spread of Sin Genesis 4 & 5 Noah – 5:29 – the hope of the godly line With the exception of Enoch – each ends: “and he died” Sin spread to all – but God preserves a remnant - hope Methuselah – “When he dies, it shall be sent”
Adam to Noah ADAM (930) SETH (912) ENOSH (905) KENAN (910) The Fall (Age at death) ADAM (930) SETH (912) ENOSH (905) KENAN (910) MAHALALEL (895) JARED (962) ENOCH (365–God took him) METHUSELAH (969) LAMECH (777) NOAH The Flood
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ